Bit confused and disappointed by this issue. It's still the best one since the last one that was mainly about the school and the kids and the X-folks' personal lives though. But here are my complaints:
1)Seeing as how I really dug Quentin Quire in the preview of #135, there are loads of things about him here that don't seem to make sense. I'm not talking about the writing on his forehead (it seems to me clearly done by somebody else after the Slick incident), or even how he actually does that to Slick (he has some powers we don't know about exactly, we'll find out, presumably) - no, what I mean is, why does he already seem to be wearing clothes that later seem to be part of his 'mutant slavedriver' costume? Why does he claim that the outifit is based on Jumbo Carnation's designs next issue when here he doesn't seem to care all that much about the guy, and it seems the idea is all his own? Isn't "And the drugs can't hurt me... Can they?" the worst line of dialogue Grant Morrison has ever written? It could be we're being set-up for something else here: the drugs won't hurt Quentin... I hope so. My feeling right now is that Quire's 'origin' isn't that dissimilar to 'supervillains' we've seen in the past, and I really hope we get some twists and turns here.
On the plus side, the way Quire talks in general is actually pretty great (love the repeated "insane pop art masterpiece", Grant understands how geeks seize on phrases like that), and I really like the idea of him just having a crush on a specific individual member of one of the Cuckoos - this just about forgives that cringeworthy "Sophie... Sophie..." line.
2)I would have really liked the whole "Beast sort of pretending to be sort of gay" thing if as simple a change as using the word 'queer' instead of 'gay' had been made. Hank is a smart guy, he should know the generally agreed differences. It would be quite cool for him to be trying to educate the public about why mutant sexuality is inherently queer sexuality; that would rock my world. But Scott's right, really: Hank's not gay, so what is he on about? Hmmm...
Nevermind, I'm sure once Quitely's back it'll all fall into place: that seems to be how this title works. |