* I think it's really lame to put a dramatic cover of Phoenix/Jean Grey on an issue in which the character doesn't even appear. It's misleading, and really, hasn't Jean been on enough covers? This issue really should've had the students on the cover, since this was their issue. Why not a cover of a solo Quentin Quire? Or the Cuckoos? I'm sure someone could have worked up a striking cover with the five of them on it, maybe with Emma. It could've been great. Don't get me wrong, Ethan's drawing is nice, but it's just all wrong for this issue.
* Can someone explain to me the "Crazy Now" thing on Quentin's head, and why no one seems to notice it? I'm supremely confused about this - I thought earlier in the issue that Tattoo was expressing her feelings with words on her face (which is kind of lame, but whatever), but then what is the explanation for Quentin doing the same thing?
* The art was extremely shaky, most likely due to it being rushed. The opening two pages were really well illustrated, I think, but it mostly looked like a Mark Bagely/Ultimate Spider-Man pastiche and that's just so wrong for this story. Based on Frank Quitely's version, this just looks like Bagely's Peter Parker standing in for Quire. There's very little resemblence to Quitely's design beyond being a skinny white kid with glasses and a taste for retro-nerd fashion. Why did Keron Grant decide to not draw Quentin's eyes in the scene in which Charles and Henry confront him? That's just laziness and bad panel-to-panel continuity. There's no effect to not drawing the eyes. Weak. It's bad enough he didn't bother with backgrounds and drew most of the scene with tight expressionless close-ups. All in all, this is very amateurish work; with weak panel-to-panel continuity/storytelling, and some very questionable staging and perspective angles.
* I like that Quentin is constantly eating chocolate, it's so Niles Caulder of him.
* I loved the bit about Charles' old water paintings. |