Re: Jack Sprat's hatey thing #1:
I hate to buck tradition, but I don't really mind when ppl ask if my tattoo hurt. I've been asked this by all sorts of folk, from the most uninformed teenage girls to the most mightily inked of veterans. (It's on my scalp, y'see-- supposedly a very hurty place).
When I was planning it, I went around asking my tattooed mates all kinds of crap: how much did it hurt, is it likely to go septic, do the inks ever trigger allergies, how much will I have to spend, where's a good place to get it done, ect, ect, chiz chiz moan drone. I'm sure some people got weary of my sleevetugging, but a proper understanding of the process is the duty of anyone who gets a tatt or other bod-mod.
However, if it's just somebody trying to make you look either stupid (for getting a tatt) or weak (because it didn't hurt "enough") then fudgem. Sideways. |