Today, I was offered a job working for a weekly magazine that sells an unfeasible amount of copies in moi native land, cobber. And I've taken it. So, for the first time in about three months, something goes my way. I just wanted to share it with y'all, because the people here have been more than good to me over the past times of trouble and woe. Things still aren't perfect for me by a long chalk - I desperately miss someone in particular, as well as a whole stack in general - but this employment is a Good Thing, and I'm hoping that as such, it'll provide means for me to see you all sometime in the near(er) future. As I said before, y'welcome to visit when you hit my neck of the woods. Beer will probably be involved, if not witty banter.
And yes, there was beer involved at lunch.
Please add textual dances of joy, Duncan-stylee to this post. I miss you bastards all.
And no, I can't wait for christmas visitations, either. 
(Dear christ. That was my first ever smiley. Cherish it, folks.) |