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Ariel Sharon: you evil little fuck


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Naked Flame
06:48 / 08.12.01
quote: Of course Sharon and a good lot of Israelis do not want to see Palestinians to get any power as this threatens their power and pseudo-Zionist dreams.

Well, that's the hardline viewpoint... but I can't help feeling that a great deal of the resistance to Palestinian integration is simply down to the recent history of violence.

Edit- interesting article, Enamon. The irony of Jews making a case for the exclusivity and purity of their genetic inheritance is somewhat cutting, isn't it? Mind you, it's worth bearing in mind that there's a greater genetic difference between men and women than between humans and orangutans... genes ain't all they're cracked up to be.

[ 08-12-2001: Message edited by: Flame On ]
18:43 / 10.12.01
If Nelson Mandela can get voted president of South Africa, then the Israelis and the Palestinians can learn to share.
20:17 / 10.12.01
Of course A large portion of the western world was Audibly against apartide, and were actively persuing a policy of trade sanctions against Apartide South Africa, as opposed to actively proping up the regieme...
Cherry Bomb
16:21 / 27.12.01
The holidays. A wonderful time to be tried in a human rights violation court.

quote:BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- Lawyers representing Palestinian survivors of a 1982 massacre in Lebanon presented their complaints on Wednesday to a Belgian court.

The court must decide whether legal proceedings should continue against Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for his alleged role in the killings.

Nicely timed!

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