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Six Feet Under UK: no spoilers, please


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Tryphena Absent
19:22 / 03.09.02
Just like to take this opportunity to encourage your hatred - I have E4 and will be watching the new series on the 9th - not that I've finished the first series yet.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:15 / 21.05.03
Season 2 starts on Channel 4 this Sunday!

Remember, those who've seen it already, no spoilers in this thread: I don't want to see even the vaguest of "hmmm, you'll like what they do to ________ this seasom" or "ahhh, it's all up/downhill from this episode" mutterings. The adverts that 4 are showing have already told me more than I wanted to know at this stage...

Give me a B.
Give me an I.
Give me an L.
Give me another L.
Give me a Y.
The Strobe
11:34 / 21.05.03
Cannot wait. Cannot wait. Though I have no TV at University

Give me more Brenda, damnit.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:32 / 27.05.03
Great, great season opener.

Nate's accidental ecstasy-eating rocked my world. Now *that's* clever use of continuity. And also pretty tragic, considering where Nate's head is at right now when not drug-fucked, and the direction in which his relationship with Brenda is heading (hint: the dumper).

Nate really is the perfect white heterosexual man in crisis.

Speaking of the heterosexual man, and also the bisexual and lesbian woman, I'm sure that for a lot of people nothing will beat Brenda dancing madly to PJ Harvey... I'll be interested to see how people here react if and when she needs to find other ways to let that tension out. (Just how awkward and painful to watch was that opening Nate/Brenda sex-not-working scene, by the way? Aieeee...)

Not much David this episode, relatively speaking, but I did like his little head-to-head with Ruth - "And I don't need [your permission] either", a good point, well-made. I loved Ruth this episode. Jane Fonda!

And druggy Nate is right about Nikolai - beautiful!

I'm suddenly starting to doubt whether we'll see Billy this season.
Matthew Fluxington
14:45 / 27.05.03
I've had a massive change of heart about this show, and it's now probably my favorite show (after the Sopranos). Of course, due to the time lag, I'm waiting for the final episode of the brilliant third season (which you won't see for quite some time) while you all watch the second season, which I desperately want to see and reevaluate, because all the bits I did see seemed to be very much lacking in context (hence my awful reaction).
Mr Messy
15:20 / 27.05.03
Saw this episode a while back on E4 - but only caught the first 3 eps of this series, coz split with partner and moved to a terrestial only house.
Missed it this weekend, but I have really vivid memories of a loved up Nate on E. That man is such a stud.

Regrettable Juvenilia
14:46 / 14.07.03

Saint Keith saying grace!

Hobbled Nikolai!

Nate finally telling Brenda!

Brenda slowly alienating the viewers who have sympathised with her thus far!*

Flashback Nate Sr making me choke with all that father/child emotional wall stuff!

Rico and Flashback Nate Sr doing that little "chkk-chkk!" hand thing!

Rico getting probably worse than he deserved for his homophobia!**

Nate gets his motor running and heads out on a highway! With no helmet!

And did I mention, Billy?!!

A stunning episode.

*Open to debate, I guess, but the sleazy near-infidelities are becoming ever sleazier. And more... infidelious.

**Again, debatable, but as horrible as Rico's views are, he *did* catch the guy having sex in his house when he was supposed to be 'on the job' in a more literal sense. There's a case to be made that that's out of order whoever you were fucking. Besides, Rico is such a little guy, and Ramon is huge, and those were mean punches. Ouch.
The Strobe
16:32 / 14.07.03
You know, the moment I saw it, I knew there'd be a post saying "Billy!" in here.

But Flyboy has a point.

Saint Keith was fucking great. I'm kind-of enjoying the way this is going, though I do wish Nate and Brenda wouldn't be going quite so fucking loopy, as it were. But yes: it's lovely. And I think Rico's reactino is fair: homophobia or not, he caught the guy fucking in his house in a lunch break.

(I also really liked the line "what the fucking fuck?". It's the kind of dumb thing you say when you don't quite have the words.)
21:26 / 14.07.03
Actually, isn't it mostly fair because his cousin IS MARRIED?

I particularly like the way that Billy was actually introduced last episode, but no one knew, and no one really seemed to care it was Christmas at all.
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
08:10 / 17.07.03
I liked the reintroduction of the Clare/BILLY! storyline again - I'd thought that it would've tailed off after he'd been institutionalised, but to find out that they've been emailing each from across mental hospital walls - ooooohhh....

And and and - seeing that BILLY!'s IM name is BillyBatty was another perky highlight.
08:47 / 17.07.03
I wish I'd been watching this. I saw it last week for the second time ever, and it really does seem good...or interesting, at least. I have something approaching commitment-phobia when it comes to watching almost any show regularly...and it's kind of too late now, because I have no idea who anyone is, etc. Drat.
06:26 / 21.07.03
Somneone tell me what Nate sees in Brenda?! Whining bint!
Okay okay, so he got Lili whatsername pregnant (oops!) but he's not whoring it up like she is! Maybe that's a bit harsh, but oh well.

Billy scared me, and I felt oddly protective of Claire at the end when she got the email (like he'd evily lured her back into his clutches after she'd decided to leave him alone!)

The best bit in last night's episode was when Keith had a go at David all like:
"Hey, what the hell is all this shit?!"
and David replies meekly, "oh I'm not moving in - don't worry"
and Keith says, "I'm only joking, you *should* move in"

He looked as happy as larry. Bless him.
Mr Messy
13:03 / 21.07.03
I love the way Brenda seemed so self assured when we first met her, but that she's really a mess. There was a moment last night - the 'be here now' line, where I felt we got a glimpse of old self assured Bren. I don't see her as whining, but lost. I get the sense that she's reaching out frantically for anything just to feel something. I mean, Billy just told her to go jump, and that was a seriously co-dependent relationship they had going on there.
Aw, I'll stop attempting to analyse and just enjoy it. Keith, Rico (its none of your fucking business), Keith's sister, all stunning moments last night. The characters are so three dimensional.

I know a good dermatologist. Hee hee.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:58 / 18.08.03
Season 2 finale: like having someone alterNate between stroking your head reassuringly and punching you in the stomache. The scene between Nate and David where they're planning Nate's funeral was amazing - starting off emotional, then sliding into comedy, and then back with "I wish you could come with me", awwww - and it was just one of many. I also loved Brenda saying that she was reluctant to have therapy/deal with her shit because she didn't want to hate her parents any more than she already does OR forgive them...

Don't get on the bus, Nate!
12:17 / 18.08.03
I've started watching this religiously and I think it's great. Though I'm still confused from not having seen the first series. I can't bring myself to buy it on DVD though - anyone know if they're showing it again any time soon?

As per the topic abstract - I love David. He's just lovely.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:27 / 18.08.03
Oh, and because Nate seemed to have come to terms with a lot of things in his life in preparation for his death, my prediction for Season 3 will be him dealing with the fact that his life goes on, and he does have to keep taking responsibility for things which are awkward or problematic. I'm sure a lot of his zen-like enlightenment and lack of shouting "fuck!" the whole time in the latter half of this episode was because he's under the impression that his problems and stresses and worries are about to end. Even though he'll admit to his mother how scared he is of death, I think there's also a part of him that's almost relieved. So if he *doesn't* get on the bus (and who really thinks he will?), then he's going to be shouting "fuck!" a lot next season and not being that grateful to still be around. It'll be like Season 6 of Buffy only hopefully, y'know, good.
Tryphena Absent
12:35 / 18.08.03
I suspect the Nate storyline's going to be annoying.

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with David and Keith, Claire, Ruth but mostly Brenda. I love Ruth's irrational anger and the contrast to her relationship with Nate's baby. It really just shows how upset she gets when people don't tell her things and then there's her relationship with Lisa who does listen to her... such a good comparison and just subtle enough. I think she's the best thing about the end of season 2, well alongside the scene where David gets stoned in Claire's bedroom and looks under the bed- it gets me everytime.
Matthew Fluxington
14:02 / 18.08.03
my prediction for Season 3 will be him dealing with the fact that his life goes on, and he does have to keep taking responsibility for things which are awkward or problematic.

(shakes head)

You can interpret my head shaking any way you like.

When are you going to start getting season 3? I think you're going to be really surprised by that season. It's all gonna zig where yr probably thinking it will zag, if you get me. The tone of season 3 is very, very different from season 2.
Tryphena Absent
14:12 / 18.08.03
It starts on Thursday on digital! I'm having a Six Feet Under season 3 party... that will consist of me, sitting on the sofa with a pile of party sausage rolls and a can of lager. So not really a party at all. Hooray!

And be quiet Flux, we don't want your dirty, dirty know it all, borecore spoilers here. Even incredibly obscure one's that only hint at things being unexpected!
10:40 / 19.08.03
Didn't you see the "next episode" taster at the end of the last one. I wish I hadn't watched it to be honest.

I really liked the final episode; very good mix of pathos and bathos - and once again I have to congratulate the casting. At the end when Clare (and David) went to tmeet their mum, they looked so alike!
Tryphena Absent
10:52 / 19.08.03
Hell no, I walked out of the room.

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