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Six Feet Under UK: no spoilers, please


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Regrettable Juvenilia
23:05 / 04.08.02
Disclaimer: we've had a couple of threads about this already (my own earlier thoughts here, but I figured we needed a specifically UK one cos this is one series I want to stay spoiler-free for, and the yanks are a season and a bit ahead...

Nate: (goofily) "C'mon David, I've seen Will & Grace, I've got gaydar!"
David: (deadpan) "OK, please don't say 'gaydar'..."

Six Feet Under is currently my favourite show on telly by a mile. No new Buffy or Angel here at present (still waiting for seasons 6 & 3 although I’ve seen some of ‘em on video), so there’s not all that much competition – Oz is probably a close second; 24 is a bit patchy although excellent when it hits the mark; ER and The West Wing are okay but have a tendency to slide into sentimentality and chest-beating faux-liberal patriotism respectively (actually a rant about the West Wing and the culture of American “liberals”/”doves” – they bomb the shit out of the towelheads, but feel a little bad about it afterwards – is yet another something I need to get written for Barbelith).

I love so many things about the show… the Nate/David relationship, the spot-on ‘Rage’-esque teenage angst of Claire, Mom Fisher generally, Brenda (I would drink R. Griffiths’ bathwater through a straw, a straw I tells you), all the supporting characters – Keith (I cheered when David pointed out how fucked his politics were, being all righteous about being out whilst seeing no problem in being, hello, a black LAPD cop… still hope they get back together though); Frederico (who starts off as a neglected ‘ethnic’ sidekick and then boom, the show goes all meta on you again and he’s complaining about this, as his wife says, the Fishers have treated him like a “migrant worker”, and up til that point so has the show); the utterly terrifying incestuous brother/psycho boy Billy (in the episode tonight, there’s an amazing scene where Nate’s sitting down and Billy’s head just looms into the frame, sideways on, cuasing you to jump out of your seat and go “arrgghh! BILLY!”. I also think I relate to Nate Fisher to a disturbing extent, which started out as a joke cos he seemed such a stud, but has taken a disturbing turn for the accurate...

Oh, and I'm so glad that my instincts were confirmed about the way the show keeps flipping the stereotypes that Nate and David appear to be on the surface around. Check the most recent episode especially - which one of them is the repressed guy, and which one is the stud, again? Very clever. Actually, the show is very good at pulling the rug from under you where characters are concerned - witness the way that Brenda starts out as one of the most sympathetic and 'normal' characters in the series and then slower becomes more and more weird and scary - and then we flip perspective again and start to see Nate being a bit, or a lot, of an asshole. And there's a whole essay to be written about Nate-Brenda-Billy, the id, and male hetero anxiety ("naked men! in my girlfriend's house!")...

So, anyone else hooked? Talk to me about the show I thought I'd hate but ended up loving so much I find myself humming the theme tune for pretty much all of Tuesdays and some of the rest of the week.

Talk to me about BILLY!
some guy
10:31 / 05.08.02
If you're humming the theme tune, download the Rae & Christian remix...
The Strobe
11:52 / 05.08.02
Oh, I love 6FU.

Mainly because I love Thomas Lynch's book The Undertaking, whose influence is stamped all over the pilot, but also because it's brilliant. And just, well, fucking nuts at times.

The most obvious thing I love is the title sequence and the Thomas Newman (another American Beauty hang-on, yes?) music; it's just so beautiful, and makes me smile everytime I watch it in anticipation. Oh, and I also love the really grisly corpses - Federico's reconstruction really did seem, well, pretty miraculous last week...

But yeah. It's witty and yet manages to convey its "message" without whacking it straight in your face, which my other favourite show on TV (The West Wing) unfortunately tends more towards. And it does like to upturn convention, such as with Claire's escapades at Sierra Crossroads.

There was a slightly weak episode one or two back - think it might have been the grumpy old black guy - but other than that, it's stayed on track through lots of writers. I particularly liked the one with the dead gang-kid giving David advice on what to do, and then the porn star. With tins under her tits.

Billy's really freaking me out. In fact, the whole Billy/Brenda thing is being neatly weird but without becoming in any way predictable; I'm wondering what's going to happen by the end of the series, but I feel Brenda may veer towards normality and Nate will move away from it.

I almost felt the Nate-getting-smashed sequence was going a bit far, but it redeemed itself by the end of it. And yeah, Billy looming into view made me jump.

I appear to be not being too lucid because I'm at work. But I can't wait for tonight's - and they've FINALLY put it on at a SENSIBLE time. Hoo bloody rah. So I'll probably post more at about 11:16pm on it.

Basically: I love it. I don't want it to end. And it has done absolutely nothing helpful for my (and, seemingly, everyone else's) Rachel Griffiths thing.
16:36 / 05.08.02
Nate/Brenda/Billy because its all so wonderfully fucked up, and if you pinned me down it would be Brenda. The scene where she's having to cope with Billy in full on 'off his medication' mode and nate's being indignent was brilliant.
And I keep missing episodes, arse, anyone in London videoing this I can bribe into to lending me them .
And they see dead people, in a non shoddy way, the bit with the Porn actress and the naked congregation was just so wonderfully surreal. Not to mention the Porn funeral 'She was such a professional' .
The episode where Nate finds his dads hideaway and starts talking to him to find out what was going on was the first episode I saw and that was it just there, I was hooked.
Oh yeah I'm with you on the title sequence and music, lovely and understated not in your face.
The Strobe
21:24 / 05.08.02
Oh my. I think overall, tonight's was really, REALLY good. "David drops an E" didn't really work for me, but his mother's trip was really well done - nicely handled and not too stupid. I also think that they needed to start sweeping the scythe closer towards the major characters, and it worked very well. Even if the first five minutes had me cowering. Not nice.

The series uses a lot of very similar camera angles, but they're relatively unique to it and they work really well. For a start, that tight, wide-depth-of-field, but very wideangle close shot that's used not only in the car sequences but for effect, such as the preliminary meeting with Nate in the foreground and David, monged, in the background. It's kept still, and cuts rather than pans for reaction, and crops up a lot. And it's really effective - thrusts the scene at you rather than holding it at a safe distance. Also, I like the low-down-looking-up shots they use in houses, especially to make them look empty - Claire walking into the house was just perfect.

Yeah. I liked it. Not sure the club-scenes worked as well as they might have, but nightclubs on telly NEVER LOOK GOOD.

I also really liked Claire's dead-on observation - "I think I prefer this side of you"(or whatever); there really IS a flipside to David. And he's only just letting it out.

Finally: prediction for the future - and I'm not being melodramatic but I fear they might, given they have to conclude the series somehow - are we going to end up burying Billy?
Tryphena Absent
22:34 / 05.08.02
When I saw this thread I thought, after Sunday, this has got to be Paleface. Imagine my shock when it wasn't you! You just gave me such a spoiler for when I actually watch it - telling me what happened like that!! It really is a fantastic show and it does flip perfectly but I've got to admit that the whole vision thing makes me squirm in my seat so badly and I can't quite get my head round whether I like it or not... especially the mother who seemed so very restrained at first seeing herself with that man an episode ago.
The Strobe
07:03 / 06.08.02
OK. Can we define "no spoilers please"?

I think what Flyboy meant was "no spoilers from people who've seen the US version" IE don't jump ahead of the UK scheduling. Which I didn't. I posted after it was on.

If he meant "no spoilers whatsoever", I'll edit the posts. But I'll also happily moderate the title if necessary...
Matthew Fluxington
18:36 / 06.08.02
As I've said in some private conversations about this show with some British Barbe-types, I'm dying to see what you will all think of the mind-numbingly awful trainwreck second season of this program. To get an honest, though slanted idea of what is to come, check this out. Of course, those are some heavy spoilers for you.
Tryphena Absent
21:56 / 06.08.02
Oh it was only a personal spoiler not an actual spoiler because the episode has actually viewed already!
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:07 / 07.08.02
Flux, get out of my thread with your talk of season 2! Since we probably won't get it here until sometime in late 2003, I'd rather not think about it...

Loved David's monged dancing this week. And we had yet another brilliant "scary Billy" moment. BILLY!
12:12 / 07.08.02
When is the weekly repeat shown, again? I missed Monday's episode...
Tryphena Absent
15:28 / 07.08.02
I don't know if they have a repeat on channel 4, there's a repeat Wednesday E4 at 9pm. I'll be videoing it tonight!
some guy
12:01 / 08.08.02
Inevitably, the lawsuits begin.
The Strobe
21:24 / 12.08.02
OK kiddies, spoilers agogo from this week...

I really liked tonight's. In fact, far more than the past few. It just worked on every level, rather than working on some and misfiring on others. Claire/Gabe is going very nicely, considering it's pretty impossible to judge that kind of thing - they're just on the right side of the line, though the ending was a bit "erk". Brenda's sanity is once again being hinted at - ie she's probably the sanest member of the dramatis personae, and that her relationship with Billy could well be prone to a lot of misunderstanding on his part - the body language and camerawork conveying this, especially the art gallery and under the sink was GREAT.

Ileana Fucking Douglas. Well, just the name in the credits made me go "ooh", but yeah - wonderfulwonderful. And she still manages to tap into the whole "supporting cast prononunce the subtext out loud at regular intervals" thing by the end. I really hoped she might become regular or at least cameo-regular (like the girl at Krone with Rico). David has of course now been busted; we'll see how that develops, though his fantastic sequenes were IMVHO great - especially the first one; damn, he can sing. There and again, Michael Hall's a stage actor first and no doubt has the experience.

Yeah. It's all hanging together quite nicely. The threads were all drawn together far better than normal, and it spread its focus wide without going to thin. I must admit, this episode had more really-guffawingly funny lines than most of the others for me. Mainly Ileana Douglas, but also stuff like David to Tracey (or no doubt Traci...): "I hear it's quite... progressive there?". "Yes. Yes. It. Is." And also, of course, the Panic-Attack guy...

It's going so well. Please, please don't fuck it up, HBO...
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:12 / 13.08.02
I knew we were going to get an episode that made us feel sympathy for Billy (BILLY!) soon, and was this ever it. With parents like that, he's actually turned out remarkably well-adjusted, hasn't he?
19:02 / 14.08.02
All I can say is that this is a great programme and it's certainly on my must-see list every week.
20:27 / 14.08.02
Well I'm slightly disappointed that Ileana Douglas left after only one episode, your right about the minor players being able to see right to the heart of things in the show, that guy who wouldn't leave his dead wife was the same 'Hell woman you need to get laid'.
David and Police guy, I love that fantasy scene, but the bit with David and the sex chatline had me in stiches.
And Billy, I am stunned by that guy's acting 'you don't get the childen mother' hope it stays this good.
The Strobe
21:06 / 14.08.02
"I'm just a bit gassy today"

04:12 / 15.08.02
I could watch Six Feet Under time and time again, and I do like the show, but I doubt they'll ever come up with a line as funny as:

"Six Feet Under is currently my favourite show on telly by a mile. No new Buffy or Angel here at present... so there’s not all that much competition"

Absolutely classic!

Still, it's difficult to prevent oneself from wondering, would it be quite so cool without the gratuitous willies and gore?
The Strobe
21:12 / 19.08.02
Ooh. That was interesting.

(Offering commentary before I shoot offline for a while).

Well, David seems to be split even more neatly down the middle now: excellent professional life, entirely broken personal one. He needs to bounce back sharpish. Ruth's vision of him was quite fun; next episode feels like it'll be coming out time. That'll be... interesting. Given she knows already.

I liked the fact the more minor characters got the "serious" plots and the major ones had fun away from home; Clare/Gabe handled again, remarkably sensitively, and Rico's story was pretty much perfect.

Vegas: one word (to quote Flyboy): BILLY! It's clear now that Billy's fucked and Brenda's relatively normal, and she's begun to realise how fucked Billy is. Confrontation is, worryingly, appearing to be the way forward.

Another fine episode, then. You E4 bastards getting the new series first - I HATE you. (But if it's as bad as Flux makes out, I don't care).
Bad Horse
21:16 / 19.08.02
Well that worked for me. Tears before bed just what I need. Fairly stock heartstring plucking material that played on my own personal fears and concerns with ease.

Is some of the origional 'style' wearing off or am I just becoming inured to it? I dont find the whole Billy and his bomb thing very compelling either.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:58 / 19.08.02

I can't get enough of how this show likes to pull the rug from under the viewer: last episode Billy's photo of Nate pissing against a wall was played pretty much for laughs; this episode the idea of him photographing people without their knowledge or consent becomes an altogether scarier prospect...

Found it very interesting as well to contrast two kinds of sibling relationship: Billy is so dependant on his sister to pick up the pieces that he'll basically stalk her, whereas when David gets in trouble and needs someone to (almost literally) bail him out, it's not Nate he calls. Very telling - Nate seems to think the two of them have bonded now, but they're not *that* close, and if the alternative is anything to go by, maybe they shouldn't be.
Bad Horse
23:34 / 19.08.02
True Flyboy, true. I think the late timeslot may be killing my ability to enjoy.
Tryphena Absent
23:10 / 21.08.02
I loved the flower arranging scene with the hammers. Poor old David's really having a harsh time - he just can't cope with anything!
21:42 / 26.08.02
22:28 / 26.08.02
Hmm. Billy. Does anyone else feel he's getting more then a tad floppy-haired-guy-in-Hollyoaks with his whole SEE HOW BIG ALL MY EVIL PLANS ARE!! And there's a touch of 24 in the whole Oooh... Billy's going a bit fucknut, let's get those pictuers he took of him and Claire ages ago back! That should be good! That'll make him look REALLLLY evil!- think this was always part of the master plan, or are they blowing it out of their asses?

Today's death was good tho, and I think goes against either Todd's or Flux's or whoevers belife that they should stop having the deaths mean something, and that it would be more daring for them to have death mean nothing at all. The death's have no meaning other then what the other characters bring to them. Just like real life.

The Rico / David thing will be interesting and I REALLY want to know what Brenda and Billy did... most notably what they did to Trevor. Was the bomb meant for him? There seemed to be implicature that it was, or am I just dumb?

Claire and Gabe are very nice at the moment- when do they become horrible and sick and vicious?! I'm not used to this...

And where the good fucking Lord is Hairdresser Man?! Come to think of it, there wasn't any Nikoli either? No, those characters don't merely exist as almost two-dimensional expresions of the mother's personality, God no...
08:45 / 27.08.02
I'm also slightly concerned at how Billy's being portrayed. If the intention is to illustrate his manic-depression, then it's very, very atypical of either a manic or depressive phase; the whole creepy stalker routine with the shrine-like photos and candle-filled bedroom - not to mention the self-mutilation - is somewhat lazy shorthand for a familiar but much less specific 'scary psycho' screen stereotype that's rarely encountered in real life. All that stuff is more indicative of his fucked-up personality and relationships - yet 'medication' is pitched as the cure-all. Hmmm.

Ruth was lovely in this episode, with her 'self-pleasuring' story - and Claire, as always, is completely adorable. I agree the Rico/David dynamic is interesting, but David's 'loneliness' bit at the end was alarming; I suspect it's not God but Big Black Cop who'll fill his aching hole...
10:27 / 27.08.02
God just pushed your stomach into your lungs....let's celebrate that!

Quality. David got all the best lines this week - "I may not be dressed like Jackie Kennedy, but I do have sex with men" was also a classic, and for some reason I was horribly disappointed with Rico - there's been nothing in the text to suggest even for a second that he *would* be cool with it, but he's just so lovely...

But yes - David and Keith need to get back together con gusto.

Meanwhile, Billy's "I've seen Memento" lunacy is...well, a bit pants. Unless they can slip us the wink that it is all completely media-driven, and that Billy has learned how to be a psycho entirely from television in the hope that it would make him appear more interesting and artistic.

I suspect that Milo and Claire will all go wrong when he decodes the keycard and realises that she is dirty. Hence all the showering...
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:27 / 27.08.02
I think Rico's homophobia was a brilliant touch, especially after an episode which left us pretty much thinking he was a saint (aptness of term intended). As Haus says, it's completely shocking and appalling, and yet utterly plausible and in character.

As far as Billy goes - I think it's kind of tragic the way his 'installation' simultaneously mirrored his actual exhibition (probably his high point so far, and just before his fall), and yet was actually better as a piece of art as far as I'm concerned - poetic terrorism? Maybe his latest act of madness wasn't realistic or 'helpful', but it does change the status quo completely without necessarily writing him out of the story - and as a symbolic gesture it's brutal. He's cut the bond between himself and Brenda now...
19:59 / 27.08.02
I'm sure Billy's escalating 'mania' is useful as a plot device. Psychiatric illness is rarely, if ever, portrayed realistically - dramatic potential takes precedence almost every time. Given the calibre of 'Six Feet Under' generally, however, I'd hoped it might prove the exception. I'll be a little disappointed if the whole hackneyed 'bug-eyed stalker' routine is now explained away entirely in terms of his illness and/or 'cured' by medication alone...
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:04 / 28.08.02
Well yes. As well as being a useful plot device, Billy's 'madness' (which as far as I can tell, is about as specific as you can be) is also becoming ever more aesthetically useful/pleasing...

eg the installation he creates provides an incredibly beautiful, affective tableau - the fact that he's an artist allows the show to produce these 'wham!bang!' moments of visual effect (and to tie this storyline into the gay-bashing via the roadside shrine and vigil)

Watching this episode with a friend who's a documentary maker, and she was pointing out how technically and visually assured SFU is, the use of space and light is incredibly subtle and nuanced...
Little Mother
15:40 / 28.08.02
Also want more of Nikolai and hairdresser man, actualy much more of nickolai and possinly less of hairdresser man as I think she should get together with nikolai, he'd do her good. Hairdresser boy scares me a little.
I like David and find his plotlines more fun than the Nate/Brenda thing, which is, I agree getting a little overblown. (plus I think he's cute)
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:12 / 28.08.02
Hairdresser boy scares me a little.

But Ruth just *loves* his cock!
The Strobe
07:46 / 03.09.02
Well, there you go. It's all over. (On terrestrial anyway).

I quite liked that finale. It wasn't as in-your-face, or possibly "good", as some of the former episodes - but I DID like the fact that Ball shied away from big-series-cliffhanger and just went for subdued ending. Bringing it all back to the father (which I feel is a device Ball really wanted to use lots and probably wishes the other writers would sometimes, even if he is only a Special Guest Star).

David's resolution is good and not too showy - and the kid outside, presented as normal for the first time - that works. Interesting to see Billy "working" for a change. Yes, he's on meds, but he works that way. Which is unfortunate. Nate's condition was quite well handled - Nate, being Nate, thinks the worst because he likes to overdramatize anything into a situation where he can wave his arms around and shout a lot, but in reality it's just a little time-bomb that might just fizzle out. Ball's saying to the S2 writers "here, do what you will with it. Which doesn't have to be anything".

I did think the writing of Brenda was a LITTLE sucky this episode. And I'm not so sure about this Ruth/Nikolai thing at all. Ah well. It's over, and I'm going to have to find something ELSE to watch in the wasteland that is terrestrial TV.

Oh, and I think the death at the beginning was probably my favourite of the whole series.
19:16 / 03.09.02
It was a teaser.

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