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Gives me a happy


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08:57 / 28.09.04
Indeed. Go Disco!
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:30 / 29.09.04
Woooooooh Disco!

That makes me happy.

As does some stuff that I don't want to go into details on, execpt to say that I did something totally unexpected and new tonight, and it was *great*.

15:51 / 29.09.04
Kissing you again makes me feel very happy.
Touchng you again makes me feel very happy.
Laughing with you again makes me feel very happy.

It's been awhile...
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:55 / 01.10.04
Just finished a review. Written fast but still, I think, pretty good. Now I can go to bed. (Sax, is this normal working practice? *g*)

And had a fantastic conv with the person I interviewed for it and discovered we had a mutual friend-type who I'd totally lost touch with - wheeeeeeeeeee

And the interviewee wants to see my review/carry on our convseration. Which as she's involved in a performance/theatre group I've loved for *years*= wheeeeeeeeeeeeex2
19:50 / 01.10.04
Donating to charity gives me a happy lately. (Perhaps I secretly have a guily conscience about all the financial aid I got for school)

It's especially fun to donate in your ficsuit's name. Soon there will be a board in a Habitat for Humanity house with 'Charrellz" written on it, among other people's names. It made me smile.
20:47 / 03.10.04
A cool front cam through and it rained and it feels like fall finally.

And I just painted my dining room yellow. Sunshine colored sunflower colored happiness colored cheerful yellowgold-ness. It's energizing and uplifting just to be in the room.

Benny the Ball
21:01 / 03.10.04
I'm off to LA to see my love, you have no idea how happy this makes me!
21:36 / 03.10.04
I'm home. Travelling by air is all well and good, but then you remember that at home you don't need to recline your seat to get a bed, and you have a selection of actually decent films if you feel like sitting down for 6 hours.

Space. Space, and movement, and the clocks not needing to be changed. And soon, lovely big non-reclining bed.
Cat Chant
09:51 / 04.10.04
finished thesis, regained sex drive, went to three-day slash con, yayy!
Disco is My Class War
04:47 / 05.10.04
congrats Deva! Or should that be Dr Deva? Yay for thesis completion. And the rest.
07:26 / 05.10.04
W00T for Dr. Deva indeed.

Gosh, all this academic success... it almost tempts me to pick up my abandoned thesis on the vegetative deity (with spec. ref. to Attis), "Drop and give me plenty".
Grey Area
08:54 / 07.10.04
So...yeah...I'm sitting in my office around a quarter past nine, and suddenly Siobhan bursts in, slightly panicky. I'm thinking there's something wrong with her car, or she needs someone to cover for a lecture. But no. What I am asked to do, right away, is help her find a movie file of bees dancing. Not a cartoon, real bees, in a hive, doing their "pollen's that way!" dance. And she needed it in twenty minutes for a lecture (Siobhan's a syntactician/phonologist, I guess she was comparing our speech to bee dances).

...just another day in the School of Communication folks, just a day like any other. I did find the file, by the way. It's here. 5.6Mb of bees getting their dance on.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:50 / 07.10.04
Dragged my protesting hormonal body to bipub after nightmare journey from London.

And thus getting wonderful and interesting conversations that leave me re-energised. Talking/sharing stuff with people who are going through similar changes/learning curves. *Great*
Baz Auckland
01:24 / 10.10.04
A night spent with friends, whisky and a screening of Psycho Beach Party....
Mourne Kransky
02:16 / 10.10.04
Hey, I'm queer. Thank you God.
02:23 / 10.10.04
Amen to that. Thank God it's not Adam and Eve, but Ben and Steve.
Mourne Kransky
02:36 / 10.10.04
You've been shagging Steve on the side? Well, I can't blame you, really. He is a fox, perhaps a foxy mox. Is he up for threesome, d'you think? Mmmmm. Stevie baby, come to Daddy...
Pappa Cass
14:58 / 10.10.04
Happy things.

Renewing my interest in jungle(listening to it now).

Looking forward to talking with Bliss again.

Finding a good rock wall very close.

Moving out of the rat pit in less than a week.

Maybe getting a better work schedule.


Beating people senseless with foam weapons in just under a month.

Renewing my daily Dharma practice.

My darling, precious hookah.
Goodness Gracious Meme
21:29 / 10.10.04
Hey, I'm queer. Thank you God

A-fucking-men to that.
Cat Chant
10:32 / 11.10.04
Disco! Congratulations! Sorry, too knackered to have looked upthread when I posted... anyway, yayy.
10:54 / 11.10.04
I saw the Magnetic Fields last night! I have *such* a crush on Claudia Gonson! And Stephin Merritt is so *tiny*, he might almost fit in my pocket!

Happiest moment of all when CG asked the audience for a bar of chocolate to help with SM's nic fit and somebody threw a Double Decker on stage with too much force, bouncing it off her hand and to the back of the stage.

CG: That seemed to be the action of somebody who does... sports.

SM: (as the cellist retrieves the Double Decker) We have heard of such people... but never encountered one before.


Hmmm... this appears to combine... chocolate... and salt-water taffy.

Goodness Gracious Meme
23:28 / 11.10.04
Today's been rather draining, in all sorts of ways.

But, on the upside, email from my editor has him asking me if *I want to cover the Turner Prize*

Basically this means:

"Ed to GGM: do you want to cover the highest profile contemporary art story of the year?

GGM to Ed: Yes please, I appreciate the offer very much. (aka: woweeeeeee. you think I'm *that* good?)"

I'm not sure if it's going to happen, wheels within wheels etc, but just having the offer has *made my day*
09:06 / 12.10.04
Congratulations, GGM.

And, moving from the sublime to the ridiculous, somebody (who shall remain nameless to protect them from reprisals) has found me a copy of Avon: A Terrible Aspect, Paul Darrow's take on the studly stud that is Avon.

A book that begins "In the fourth season after the wars for Uranus, he walked into the sanctuary", and appears to go downhill from there.

I am so happy.
18:55 / 12.10.04
Jack Fear's given me a flagpole happy: I've just received his lovely lovely lovely package in my slot, and I'm all of a melty.

*rereads the last paragraph and turns the Innuendometer down*
Cat Chant
10:03 / 14.10.04
Oh my God, Haus, you are rightly happy, for behold! You get to inhabit the scary scariness of Paul Darrow's psyche... actually, that is more scary than happy. You should start a new thread when you have finished it, for the scary.

Incidentally, when Emma Peel was still in B7 fandom (before she fucked off to the A-Team), she instituted a game in which you have to identify the most romantic sentence in A Terrible Novel (aka A Terrible Waste of an Afternoon, etc etc ad infinitum). So you should play. (And you should know that there is a right answer. I'll give you a hint - it's from the scene where Avon first meets Anna Grant)
Whisky Priestess
10:40 / 14.10.04
I discovered last night that drinking red wine and smoking fags cures a sore throat! (Well, temporarily, anyway ...) Happiness and a Nobel for Medicine can surely not be far away!

GGM - where might your review appear? Can we read it online? Will you post it if you decide to do it?
10:44 / 14.10.04
Bollocks - you mean it's not the pantingly leaden virginal confession: "I had never been loved before, and I would never again be loved so well"?

In case anyone's confused by the clumsy shorthand euphemism, then two paragraphs later they go back indoors and the narrator gets 'loved' all over again.
What really made me happy (lest I be accused of threadrot) was giving up on page 97.
10:46 / 14.10.04
Sorry, crossed posts with the Priestess.

Electronic library resources are also making me happy at the moment.
Hattie's Kitchen
11:03 / 14.10.04
Not so much a happy, more of a surreal bemused moment in Leicester Square last night, when a scarily vociferous "Are you a Winner or a Sinner?" evangelist type was interrupted in mid-rant by one of the dossers, who had crawled out behind a nearby bin to say: "Oi mate, can you keep it down a bit, I'm trying to have a kip here.."
11:08 / 14.10.04
Odd. The Winner/Sinner man usually confines his limited repertoire of ranting to Oxford Street.
Hattie's Kitchen
11:42 / 14.10.04
It wasn't the Oxford Street bloke, the Leicester Square bloke was Italian and had on a very panache tiger print suit and looked a bit like Sylvester McCoy. Do you think street evangelists have gang-like rivalries going on - "that Episcopalian prick had better not move in on my patch" kind of thing...
11:46 / 14.10.04
Possibly. I'm more worried that the Winner/Sinner thing's becoming a meme...
Bed Head
22:16 / 17.10.04
Got a new paintbrush. Bought it yesterday, and started using it this evening, and wow. I’ve suddenly realised what a hindrance it’s been, to have struggled on too long with a manky old brush. Like wearing heavy boots for a year and a day, and then changing into trainers: that lighter-than-air, faster-than-God feeling as you dance around. Yay for new paintbrushes that feel like they can do anything you ask of them.
01:21 / 18.10.04
I had a great night tonight. I made a roast leg of lamb, just for my four year old and myself, which turned out FANTASTIC! I made a fresh red-wine mint sauce to go wth it and some gravy for my son, (he's not too keen on the mint sauce). Of course we had mashed potatoes because my boy could eat them 3x a day, and damn, they go great with gravy! We ate together and then watched the Simpons and now we are watching his new Pokemon video. Before he goes to bed we are going to play a little on the CBeebies website and then I am going to read him books till he falls asleep.

This gives me a happy because I hardly ever get to do this. I work at night and I am usually rushed around dinner time and I hardly ever get to read him a story and tuck him in. Since I work six nights a week, when my day off comes I am usually exhausted, but I have taken the past few days off and I am rested, my house is clean, we at a good meal and played together.

This is happiness. I wish I could do it a lot more.
18:31 / 22.10.04
I was walking to work, thinking what a lovely morning it was, when I met a man walking a puppy. Awwwww.... It chewed my fingers ineffectively and tried to climb into my bag. Made my day.

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