I would say that showmanship is a part of shamanic work, in particular the more messy aspects such as soul retrieval, extractions, etc. This is particularly on my mind as I've just completed a series of healings for a friend.
Some of the tasks were quite difficult, and were tiring. However, I was struck tonight, after finishing the final part, how much of the external bits are there for the comfort of the person being healed. It's psychologically useful for them to hear the strange noises, and hear a bit of rattling, and perhaps see a bit of dancing around. Having them receptive and in a "Gee, that looks rather impressive, s/he must be doing something" frame of mind certainly doesn't hinder the process. So, that kind of ritual drama, or external dramatisation of internal subtle work, is part of the package.
However, if you're not doing the internal work, then nothing is going to change (unless it's all in their heads and then the ritual stuff will satisify them anyway).
I don't do much healing work as it happens, but in general the tack I take totally depends on the person being healed. My methods are tailored to each one. I rarely know exactly what I'm doing to do before I start, I just trust in my instincts to guide me fill in the rough outline I'm given at the beginning. |