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I am Jack's...


Page: 12(3)

11:29 / 15.07.04
I am Jack's thirtieth birthday
19:43 / 15.07.04
I am Jack's quilted pocket protecter. (anyone who names the reference for that gets double kudos)
I am Jack's computer speakers, which although shitty in quality, look very pretty and hence he leaves them there.
I am Jack's mole, above his left eye brow, which isn't cancerous, but because it looks funny, should be removed regardless.
23:18 / 15.07.04
I am Jack's immovable object.

I am Jack's irresistable force.
05:51 / 16.07.04
i am jack's serious delusion that he is considered a friend by a certain girl he watches whenever he can...

i am jack's least prefered posting on the 'i am jack's...' thread on this site

i am jack's rational fear of retaliation from a drug dealer he owes money
12:05 / 19.07.04
I am Jack's fear of HIV tests
12:10 / 19.07.04
I am Jack's fifth day on heroin.
20:45 / 19.07.04
I am Jack's constant craving for sugar and caffeine on his second day off heroin.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:54 / 20.07.04
I am Jack's slight inkling that Jack may not be as brilliant as he thinks he is.

I am Jack's intense wrath at any suggestion that Jack may not be as brilliant as he thinks he is.

I am Jack's ejection from the party.
18:03 / 21.07.04
I am Jack's road rage.

I am Jack's bottle, empty of gin, full of cigarette stubs.

I am Jack's doormat, askew.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:07 / 26.07.04
I am Jack's fatal curiosity as to what would happen if he stuck his head in a microwave on full power.
Goodness Gracious Meme
18:16 / 04.08.04
I am Jack's jack-off buddy.
I am Jack's Jackie O fantasies
I am Jack's crippling sense of his own genius.
20:41 / 05.12.04
i am jack's distended liver

i am jack's epiphany that this is not the life he should be leading

i am jack's sagacity, sadly failing when self-administered
23:03 / 05.12.04
I am jack's latest dole check converted into an equivelent value in magic beans

I am Jack's brother Frank, whom he hasn't talked to since the incident involving his niece and the family size tub of banana yoghurt.

I am Jack's copy of the rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, left in the back of a Hillman Hunter in 1978.

I am Jack's belif in god evaporating in the stultifying atmosphere of a Church of England building during a recording of 'Song's of Praise'
17:57 / 06.12.04
I am Jack's Christmas present that he forgot to buy. The one that he instantly remembered as soon as he'd just got on the bus home from town.

I am Jack's funny thought that makes him laugh as he's walking alone down a busy street.

I am Jack's last Rizla, screwed up in the bottom of his pocket.

I am Jack's Monday morning hangover.
04:58 / 21.12.04
I am Jack's insomnia.
10:24 / 21.12.04
I am Jack's unspecified loathing.

I am Jack's worrying feeling that stabbing someone might be really interesting.

I am Jack's desire to go get some pot.
13:18 / 21.12.04
I am Jack's apath....
We're The Great Old Ones Now
12:00 / 06.02.05
I am Jack's occasional chestpains.

I am Jack's lingering fear of economy class.

I am Jack's too-physical friend.

I am Jack's inability to wink.

I am Jack's promise to go to Church at Easter.
Alex's Grandma
21:22 / 07.02.05
I am the stains on Jack's weekend trousers that he can't really afford to explain, not even to his oldest and best friends.

I am Jack's view of the Thames, from the balcony.

I am Jack's discussions with the lawyers.

I am Jack's dodgy roman a clef. And the cookery book as well.

I am Jack's wedding, the very thought of which stings like a hive of angry bees in Jack's head, all the time.

I am Jack's entirely justifiable feelings of terror and alienation after what happened on One Man And His Dog that time.

I am Jack's mistaken belief that this time, that funny game of Russian Roulette that he's taken to playing with his grandfather's revolver when he's home from the office is, once again, going to work out ok.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
17:49 / 05.04.05
I am Jack 'sHit
19:14 / 05.04.05
I am Jack`s non-existent creative talent

I am Jack`s acid trip
13:35 / 07.05.05
I am Jack's growled extempore poem on immortality and heroin.

I am Jack's frightened neighbours.

I am Jack's fear of possession by immortal heroin addict bards.
14:11 / 07.05.05
I am Jack's lack of dental hygiene,
I am Jack's unattended dental appointment,
I am Jack's unused dental floss,
I am Jack's tooth decay,
I am Jack's gingivitis,
I am Jack's wormy biscuits,
I am Jack's mangy parrot,
I am Jack's unnesessary eyepatch,
I am Jack's alcoholism,
I am Jack's scurvy,
I am Jack's sense of adventure,
I am Jack's discovery,
Land ho Jack Land ho.
00:33 / 08.05.05
I am Jack's drunk ken ken ken ken


I am not, however, Jack's failiure to capitalise/capitalize "Jack". Ner.
03:14 / 26.05.05
i am jack's; and he is mine
04:01 / 26.05.05
I am Jack's irrisistable compulsion to do something creative and colorful with his hair...
I am also Jack's need to keep his job.
06:33 / 26.05.05
I am Jack's view of the roof, through a cracked window spattered with wasp shit.

I am Jack's victims.
02:14 / 07.12.08
I am Jack's delayed reaction

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