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I am Jack's...


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Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:48 / 08.07.02
I am Jack's moment of stunned disbelief as his foot slips and he tumbles backward into--
19:54 / 08.07.02
I am Jack's rather than Fleetwood Mac.
Billy Corgan
20:12 / 08.07.02
I am Jack's meatball sandwich.

I am Jack's creepy obsession with bukkake films.

I am Jack's tattoo of a Chinese character on the back of his neck.
22:26 / 06.08.02
I am Jack's whetstone.

I am Jack's oil.

I am Jack's purposeful, rhythmical motion.

I am Jack's meditation... gleaming and sharp.
the Fool
00:03 / 07.08.02
I am Jack's ball of extracted compacted earwax
07:43 / 07.08.02
I am Jack's inability to speel.
The Apple-Picker
12:05 / 07.08.02
I am Jack's notebook of haiku.

I am Jack's copper-based beehive Waring blender with a toggle switch to two speeds, a clover-leaf glass beaker, and a five year warranty on the blender (one year warranty on the appliance).

I am Jack's beaded curtain.

I am Jack's eternal, requited love.
The Apple-Picker
12:11 / 07.08.02
I am Jack's severely incliment weather.

I am Jack's marriage of cheese and wine.

I am Jack's introduction to cheese.

I am Jack's curried zucchini chutney.

I am Jack's perpetual motion.
13:11 / 07.08.02
I am Jack's baffled bride.
13:39 / 07.08.02
I am Jack's. Jack's I am. I do not like green eggs and ham.
14:27 / 07.08.02
i am Jack's stereo cable
i am Jack's dancing feets without a drink
i am Jack's skinny bubble
i am Jack - who else, what did you think ?
16:42 / 07.08.02
I am Jack's mother and you all should be at school now, not picking on my boy!
09:17 / 08.08.02
I am Jack's endearing awkwardness after sharing a smile with a stranger on the tube.
22:53 / 11.08.02
I am Jack's father.
the Fool
06:12 / 13.08.02
I am Jack's recuring sickness recuring
I am Jack's lack of internal happiness
I am Jack's inability to make or maintain relationships of any kind
20:06 / 16.08.02
I am Jack's girlfriend's mother phoning from a bus terminal to tell me that my girlfriend will kill herself if I don't marry her.
pointless and uncalled for
20:20 / 16.08.02
I am Jack's need to be understood as I really think I am.

I am Jack's inexplicable desire to buy porn at 08:30 on a Sunday morning.

I am Jack's feeling that It'll be a good idea to hit on my roomies girlfriend.

I am Jack's final good idea at the age of 33 before it all goes down hill and he doesn't even realise it.
22:18 / 04.04.04
i am jack's inability to use upper case

i am jack's urge to hedonism

i am jack's clawing unrequited love

i am jack's insistance on grammar

i am jack's hamburger, with beetroot of course!

i am jack's last reserve of dopamine

i am jack's howling in the bitter dark of realisation

i am jack's leftover chicken with rice for lunch in an office by a lake with trees and blue skies and an afternoon filled with pleasant toil and creative freedom

i am jack's second cousin, once removed on his father's side

i am jack's fondness for fresh baked bread, butter and ripe tomatoes with sea salt

i am jack's battered copy of 'on the road'

i am jack's frustration with inefficient mail servers!

i am jack's eyelashes fluttering into a day's final hues
09:22 / 05.04.04
I am Jack`s girlfriend, all beaten up yet strangely satisfied
I am Jack`s toothbrush and I think I`ve said enough already
I am Jack`s inability to use a freakin bicycle
I am Jack`s Golf Handicap
11:49 / 05.04.04
I am Jack's urge to hurl his morning cup of coffee into the face of a random colleague
11:49 / 05.04.04
I am Jack's last pair of shoes.
10:42 / 08.04.04
I am Jack's two year old resurrected thread.
13:34 / 08.04.04
I am Jack's concern that the grass is getting long

I am Jack's love of the postman
21:16 / 08.04.04
I am Jack's crippling introvertedness.
I am Jack's fear of plastic bowls.
I am Jack's sense of misplaced responsibility.
I am Jack's deflated sense of self.
I am Jack's penis envy.
I am Jack's love of partially-hydrogenated fats.
I am Jack's insistance on real maple syrup.
I am Jack's inability to pay credit card bills.
I am Jack's loathing of bus stations.
I am Jack's nagging fear that everybody gets it but him.
I am Jack's fascination with the destructive power of fire.
I am Jack's tendency to leave things unfinis
18:40 / 09.04.04
I am Jack's molesting older father figure who just happens to be visiting his favorite cousin after recently escaping from the Conneticut state pennitentiary.
I am Jack's swollen pancreas, who, ignored by the doctors, could rupture at any moment.
I am Jack's long-lost lover, who since being abandoned by her parents in the sewers of calcutta over 20 years ago has mutated into a half-woman, half-crap superhero and hence has been employed by the KGB.
I am Jack's future self, who after inventing a time machine is attempting to go back into the past and kill himself, thus creating a paradox that will cause the universe to cease to be.
I am Jack's frustrating computer error, at which he screams and shouts, but to no avail
10:11 / 10.04.04
I'm Jack's best friend Dave, hello.

I am Jack's fading feeling of alchol-induced invulnerability

I am Jack's happy-go-lucky attitude as it plummits from a great height into a gas-fired power-station.

I am jack's fourth margarita, coming back for revenge.

I am Jack's 3rd ex-girlfriend, enjoying her show-biz career on UK Gold
10:12 / 10.04.04
I am Jack's debt collector's: when did you last see your father?
12:24 / 10.04.04
I am Jack's horrible sense that the world is telling him something.

I am Jack's friend's funeral, at which Jack will try to ignore the irony of said friend's manner of death.
23:17 / 11.04.04
I am Jack's seething bloodlust.
13:41 / 12.04.04
I am jack's biting satire on modern culture.
flufeemunk effluvia
15:14 / 12.04.04
I am Jack's used incontinence products.

I am Jack's boot that was left out in the rain.

I am Jack's pile of old high school assignments.
Char Aina
20:23 / 12.04.04
i am jack's curiosity, and i am feeling piqued.
i am jack's independent thought.
i am jack's bewildered incomprehension.
i am jack's compassion, and i grow weary.
i am jack's atavistic solipsism.

i am jack's evil twin.
22:23 / 12.04.04
i am jack's fungal-ridden toe nail

i am jack's oasis

i am jack's mobile phone ring tone option he'll never use

i am jack's saliva
Whisky Priestess
19:12 / 13.04.04
I am Jack's unacknowledged, unsuspected and illegitimate child.
11:26 / 15.07.04
I am Jack's half burned Lucky Strike as he falls asleep ouside the train station

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