Hey Baz, do you know what a Manichean is? The Manicheans were a heretical Christian sect in the Middle Ages who believed that the world was divided equally between Good and Evil, and all creation either fell in with one camp or the other.
The Manicheans got stomped eventually, but their name lives on as a term for a point of view that sees the world only in terms of black and white with no shades of grey in between. Cases in point: Osama bin Laden has a Manichean worldview, as does George W. Bush. Both men adopt a "those who are not with us are against us" attitude.
But the thing is, the world doesn't operate according to the Manichean worldview. Opposing the bombing in Afghanistan does not mean support for the Taliban. All we're really accomplishing is further destruction in one of the world's poorest nations, bombing a people who have been ground almost to paste already by a Soviet invasion, followed by a bloody civil war, and then followed by an almost equally bloody "peace" under the Taliban's oppressive rule.
The Taliban and anyone with the means already hared it out of Kabul long before the bombs started dropping. Our bombs aren't hitting them. The only ones left in the city are those too poor, too sick, too old, or too young to leave.
Bombing these people will not avenge 9/11.
Given the tone of your post, I rather doubt that you're considering a well thought-out, reasonable retort defending your position with logic or, hell, even proper grammar. No doubt the words "faggot" and "Euro-trash" will figure prominently in said retort, and probably even worse for me, since I'm an American.
But, as I've pointed out to another of your trollish ilk, I am also an American who signed up to become an Infantryman during the Gulf War, and I served my country faithfully for six years. My question to you is: Are you willing to do the same? You talk a good fight, but then most trolls do. Why bother with one lousy Internet message board out of thousands when you could be actually putting your money where your mouth is?
Get thee to a recruiter. |