At the risk of sounding like a Star Trek episode, I think what defines "humanity" is the attempt to define ourselves as something "other" than what the physiological and genetic data that assembles us. That is simply the nature of the social process. Underlying the sarcasm is an intellectual interest in the process of collective-formation...but this thread is in the conversation rather than the head shop/magick/laboratory, so I ain't going to flog myself over being silly rather than profound.
And I mock everybody, including myself...there was an intended irony to defining myself as a monkey, then pisstaking everyone else for being elves. Perhaps I should have used capital letters of flaming neon plasma twenty feet high to make sure everybody noticed.
And if I sound a little irritable maybe I am just a bit tired because I believe that specialness comes out of effort, kindness, generosity, and one's actions rather than sollipsistic self-definitions of how different we all are. If there's one thing that I would qualify as a "decadent Western phenomenon," it would be this belief that the worth and significance is intrinsic rather than earned. |