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Invisibles movie [from Darkhorizons]


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The Strobe
08:08 / 08.06.02

Save us all.
Tom Coates
09:09 / 08.06.02
If she was a little younger, I think I'd suggest Elizabeth Corday from ER as prime Robin material. She's got that down-to-earth practicality with a bit of fire...
Saint Keggers
20:58 / 08.06.02
Here's what I think so far...
King Mob: Sean Bean
Robin: Laura Prepon
Mr.6: Robert Carlyle

more when I think of 'em.
04:22 / 09.06.02
Ewan McGregor should be King Mob just so that I can drop acid and think to myself over and over again, "If Ewan can be Renton, James Joyce, King Mob and Obi-Wan KenFuckingObi, then why can't I at least be Ewan McGregor?"
Saint Keggers
20:11 / 09.06.02
Ah, if only Billy Idol were younger...or Spike older and british (or scottish or whatever the hell KM is)

Vondie Curtis-Hall as King Mob (has to bulk up a bit but the face is perfect)
10:12 / 10.06.02
Robin: Christina Ricci? Angelina Jolie? Clea Duval? Natasha Lyonne?
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
18:13 / 10.06.02
Ohhh, I think it's such a bad idea. Even if it does get made (and right now I'm standing outside the Roxy with Rizla looking skeptical) it won't be even one little smidgen as good as the comic. Have you learnt nothing from From Hell? A piece of crap that infuriates fans of the source material by skimming over all of the ideas that made it interesting and in no way succeeds in "spreading the word" (the reaction of most ordinary punters being "Oh really? Is there a comic version of that?"). And why the hell does a great comic need to be validated by being adapted for the cinema anyway?

I think it's a bit unfair to assume that Grant Morrisson hasn't already thought of this.
Saint Keggers
00:37 / 11.06.02

and check out the 5th pic of her...
Stone Mirror
05:10 / 11.06.02
I took another look at Trainspotting and I was right: Robert Carlyle's too damned short to play King Mob.

So there.
07:04 / 11.06.02
I think it's a bit naive to think that he hasn't already thought of this, discussed it at length, and thought of it some more.
H3ct0r L1m4
13:56 / 02.12.05

linked at Dark Horizons.
lord nuneaton savage
14:13 / 02.12.05
Then it is as I always suspected; Robbie Williams was put on earth purely to make me miserable.
Benny the Ball
14:49 / 02.12.05
hmmm, Robbie and GM are friendly though, no? Maybe RW would be a little respectful of the whole venture?
15:59 / 02.12.05
He did have Grant and Frank Quitely do the art for his most recent album cover. I'd certainly be more interested in seeing RW do the project than one of the American studios. I don't think he bought the rights for the money potential, but rather because it's something he wants to do, and considering the fact that he's close with Grant, I assume GM could be as involved as he wants.
16:20 / 02.12.05
Which story do you think they'll do?
17:00 / 02.12.05
Well, there is a precident for ex members of british boy bands who also saw success with their own solo careers going on to finance British films... Is there any reason why Robbiw Williams couldn't do George Harrison?
17:02 / 02.12.05
Well, he's dead, for starters.
18:05 / 02.12.05
Well, he's dead, for starters.

You definitely get the One-Liner Of The Day Lollipop Award for that one.

Actually, this is shockingly like the way I always wanted the INVISIBLES movie to get made, which would be to kidnap someone phenomenally wealthy and "initiate" them into the Invisibles Patti Hearst-style until they came to believe that spending approx. $350 million on a trilogy of metaphysical action films was a good idea. Brutal? Perhaps. Inventive? Certainly!
All Acting Regiment
00:17 / 03.12.05
So does that mean RW'd be directing the film, then?
H3ct0r L1m4
02:19 / 03.12.05
if the rumour is true, it's highly unlikely Robbie will have that much to do with the movie, creatively-wise. for Morrison it'd great as it's dealing with someone he already knows, more or less "guarding" the material from [more] stupid showbizz producers. and probably being signed as a creative consultant or something.
08:57 / 03.12.05
Alternatively, Robbie as Dane, Grant as King Mob. W00T!
09:43 / 03.12.05
No, Robbie is Fanny, surely?
10:37 / 03.12.05
This is good news indeed. The rights are owned by someone who (probably) loves the material and wants to do right by it.

Now I'd say that there needs to be several layers placed between Morrison and his baby. I cringe when I read back a lot of the final third of the last volume, as he let his attachment to King Mob get the better of the story. Who else thinks that Dane and KM's places should have been switched in the final story, but that Morrison wanted to claim Dane's final moments for himself? It reads like he was too invested in it as an act of self change, and wanted to grasp all the cool moments for himself.

So yeah, it could do with a substantial rewrite. That needs to be done by a decent screenwriter working hand-in-hand with a director who knows how to manipulate the medium as skillfully as Morrison knows how to manipulate a comic. I'm specifically thinking of the panel in which KM grabs the edge of the page and pulls it in towards him... there needs to be a director attached who can make that work only using film technqiue.

A lot of the reference points could probably do with updating now, too. They've become pretty ubiquitous. There's been a lot of movement since the Nineties and filming a straight adaptation would seem immediately dated. Removing all reference to Kula Shaker goes without saying.

I'd love to see this done as a three movie deal with people like Kaufman rewriting and Jonze/Gondry directing. It's in with a serious chance of being better than the original text.

If this is going to happen they probably need our help, boys and girls. It'll become apparent pretty quick that the more help we give George the more he'll need... X
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
20:54 / 03.12.05
No, Robbie is a fanny.
Evil Scientist
22:03 / 03.12.05
If this is going to happen they probably need our help, boys and girls.

Time for another hypersigil wankathon then. Just remember everyone, don't think about crippling infections this time round. Even if, like me, it's the only thing that gets you going.

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