quote:Originally posted by Lothar Tuppan:
All right. It wasn't really funny. But I still bet Grant would like to dress up as Clint. 
I already am dressed up like Clint.
For the record, I worked really close to Bob and wind up with most of the schizophrenic letters that come into the Sun (as some of my mix tape recipients may have learned). I never saw the one for Jennifer Lopez. It may not exist.
The intern didn't work for the Sun either (although, since we all work basically in a single, huge room, it doesn't make that much of a difference), and, according to the Palm Beach Post (who interviewed the kid's professors) was BASQUE, and not from any Middle Eastern country. Unless they've changed the geography of Spain.
And, since I'm not at work today, I thought I'd write an essay.
Sort of.
This is an abridgement of the note I sent out to fellow employees, with links:
By Grant Balfour, Sun Writer.
On my day off, I looked up information on the antibiotics I am now taking.
The short version:
It’s used as an AIDS drug and a prostatitis remedy.
It’s a good idea to eat acidophilus supplements (to replenish intestinal bacteria) and to drink, get this, APPLE CIDER VINEGAR.
(this is a former staple of the Sun's "folk remedies" covers. Garlic, honey, olive oil and apple cider vinegar were major stars of the paper until a few months ago.)
The range of side effects is pretty broad and somewhat bizarre – from sore tendons and sunburn to some vaguely stimulant-like effects. Only, you know, without the fun “stimulant” part.
It potentiates caffeine and methadone – so if you wanna get jittery or mellow on a fraction of the dose, use Cipro!
Here’s the detailed stuff.
VERY USEFUL OVERVIEW: http://www.aidsinfonet.org/531-cipro.html
THE SIDE EFFECTS STUFF: http://www.prostatitis.org/ciproeffects.html
highlights :
- erosion of cartilage in weight-bearing joints.
- convulsions.
- increases intracranial pressure.
- toxic psychosis.
- CNS stimulation (i.e.nervousness, lightheadedness, confusion, hallucinations).
- anaphylactic shock and cardiovascular collapse.
- tingling, itching, facial swelling, and difficult breathing.
(these are all symptoms of anthrax, by the way)Rash.
Pseudomembranous colitis & diarrhea.
Achilles and other tendon ruptures requiring surgical repair.
Crystaluria (particles out of solution in urine), particularly if the urine is alkaline.
Photosensitivity (sunburn).
and from: http://ibscrohns.about.com/library/sideeffects/blcipro.htm
- Change in sense of taste.
- Visual changes.
- Unusual tiredness.
- Difficulty breathing or swallowing.
- Hives.
- Yellowing of skin or eyes.
and: http://www.aidsinfonyc.org/network/access/drugs/cipr.html
says to stay well hydrated on lots of juice, and to avoid overstraining yourself.
AND, OF COURSE… How you can buy Cipro for the low, low price of $369 for 60 100 mg doses…. :
(No survivalist bunker is complete without a good supply!)
[ 09-10-2001: Message edited by: grant ] |