1. The point of the May Day protests is to be visible. A bunch of subversive stuff does indeed go on on wet wednesdays without all the publicity.
2. It appears that 'anarchists' are *only* visible if they are dressed as Mr D Grace says they are, since a whole load of people on the protests didn't look anything like this. Similarly, Mr D Grace's premises are illogical:
a) I can spot an anarchist who conforms to a stereotype, when they are on a large, well-publicized and annual gathering.
b) Therefore, I know what the anarchists are up to - and that is dressing according to a stereotype and gathering at a well-publicized venue once a year.
c) Therefore, there are no anarchists doing anything else ever.
Politics is happening in fragmented and crazy ways these days: it doesn't have to be in a format Mr D Grace can recognize to be effective. In fact, when it *is* in a format he can recognize, it is not effective in the way he seems to think we want it to be (I don't think *anyone* thinks that the May Day protests *themselves* are going to bring down capitalism).
And finally, not everyone who goes out and protests against capitalism is an anarchist. I'm not, for one.
(Apologies for dropping the listing, but I'm pissed off and in a hurry and can't fanny about with my prose style like some kind of bourgeois, two-colour-fanzine printing, capitalist. [Joke.]) |