Really not sure if this should be here, and really don't give a fuck.
A few questions.
1) Is Film, Theatre and TV the right place for a discussion of Role-Playing systems?
2) If not, are the gamers justified, having been "denied a homeland", to annex Film, Theatre and TV for conversations unrelated to film, theatre and TV?
3) Is there any strength in Trijhaos' opinion that Role-Playing Games are theatre? Or Zoom's that they are books (which makes more sense, since they kind of are, but less because they kind of aren't...).
4) If we don't give the gamers a forum soon, will their heads explode from the sheer pressure of desire to talk about gaming? Will there be an invasion? Civil strife?
5) What's wrong with the Conversation, anyway? One complaint was that it meant non-gamers (or "mundanes", as I believe they are charmingly known) would drop in on threads and take the piss, but..well...the Film, Theatre and TV bods seem not exactly to be creating a safe space for Elves.
I think this is a subject apart from Zoom's "spamming" of the fora, where the questions were relevant *to* the forum... |