Ok. Some of the comments... Firstly - fighting the barbelith power. This thread is not about expressing a viewpoint, it's about describing a form of behaviour on the board. It's simply not ok for people to just wander around the place trying to fuck up other people's conversations with no objective in mind. And not only is it not ok, it's also really really not subversive or interesting. The point I was making is that the person concerned thought they were being all cool and interesting, and actually they're not - when they behave in that way, they're just annoying. Nothing more than that. And it's boring. It's really really boring. And those of us who've been around a while know it's boring, because it's happened loads of times before. And every time, we've been bored by it. And every time nothing interesting has come from it except a general raising of the grumpy level around the board.
Perhaps I'm being overly savage on that thread. Actually I almost certainly am. I'm sorry, everyone. Really. But I think my point remains intact nonetheless - there's behaviour on the board (and advocating behaviour on the board) and there's content ON the board. Really dumb behaviour should be encouraged not to happen - and what that rough code of conduct should be is something that we work out between us.
Perhaps content is a more difficult arena...
The thing with the posts that you make is that every post that anyone writes on the board is one extra post that EVERYONE else has to plough through when looking for the stuff that they individually are interested in... And it can be time consuming - particularly when (like me) your exposure to the board might be limited to two or three relatively short-occasions during the day.
So if there are nine hundred people on the board, then for each piece of posting effort YOU are making, there is nine hundred individual reading or filtering efforts that have to be made by other people on the board. And if each of THOSE post once, then you'll be exposed to nine hundred new posts over the day. It's a hell of a lot of content to sift through. And if you're not going to read everything then you have to have mechanisms in place which help direct you to where you want to go...
For example - we have the title of the thread. It would be considerably easier for people to not get annoyed by threads about subjects that didn't interest them if they could see immediately what they were and could remember exactly what they were between visits to the board. If you saw a thread in Film called 'Ominous Electric Breathing' you probably wouldn't immediately guess that it was about Star Wars. And if you hated Star Wars then you'd have to open that page up. And then you'd be frustrated. And then you'd get narked. And worse, two hundred threads later you might return to that page. And see 'Ominous Electric Breathing' and have forgotten what was in it. And then have to click on it. And then get narked again.
In addition we have the forums and their names. These didn't arrive by accident. We've had years of changes and adaptations - the latest one being the subsumation of the help forum into the policy. But there have been many other organisational structures... The ones we've got at the moment seem to most adequately reflect the range of interests and fascinations on Barbelith. For the most part they work. But there are inevitably discussions which cause problems. Would the person who is interested in film and only really spends time in the film forum be interested in the graphic design of Metropolis. Probably yes! But would one of the devotees of Art and Design be? Yes. Very definitely. So the process of which forum things go into has a direct relationship to which audience is going to be most interested in it.
And there's a corollary to that. There's a type of person that makes Barbelith a particularly good place to hang out. This type may be intellectual, they may not be intellectual - but it's a type that's engaged and fascinated and excited by stuff. They'll get involved in debates and they'll allow themselves to be challenged. This type of people are what make barbelith so interesting and so different from so many other web communities. And if that type leaves, then Barbelith will be substantially the poorer. And should they leave then everyone else will leave shortly afterwards, because it will no longer be an interesting place to hang out...
So what I'm saying is basically:
1) IN THE MAIN FORA: Every post you make, every thread you start, is an invitation to conversation but it's also a burden of time on everyone else who uses that fora. If it doesn't interest or engage with a decent amount of people then it's more burden than boon. So try and keep on topic when you can. Try not to spam the boards. If you don't agree with a point of view, say so - but try not to waste your post. You're not only wasting your time, you're wasting everyone elses...
2) IN THE CONVERSATION: We made a place which can be treated like a chatroom - fast and fluid - spontaneous and wilful - precisely because people need a place to vent, express themselves, get to know each other and crack bad jokes. All communities need a space like it. But it's precisely designed to make sure that when people post on the rest of the board they do so because they feel they have something to contribute or they want to disagree.
3) THREAD TITLES & ABSTRACTS: If everyone on the board was careful about writing clear titles to their threads (or just a little bit clearer than they are at the moment) then these frustrations would be less obvious. We can't institute a library categorisation scheme of course, but summarising what you actually want to talk about in your title will help people skip things that they're not interested in, help you figure out if it's in the right forum and brings the people who want to talk about that stuff directly to your thread....
And abstracts, although they might not seem crucial at the moment WILL BECOME MORE SO. Use them. They're important!
If you have a question you want answering or a topic that you think should be addressed, then it can't do any harm to check the search facility first! I know it's not brilliant, but we ARE going to be working on that. Bring an old thread back to life if you want to add something. It's not hard. And it might save people getting frustrated with you for doing it...
I hope that's answered your questions. I think people get frustrated and snappy when they're asked to do more intellectual work finding what they want to talk about than talking about it, when they spend more time explaining why something shouldn't be in the forum it's in than talking about the subject itself.
Think about your own topics! ARE they stupid?! Do you REALLY expect people to be interested in them? Are you honestly looking for a conversation, or are you looking to make a point? Post well and this problem shouldn't arise.
In return I think you'll find that people take EVERYTHING that one posts more seriously. Or at least they'll listen carefully. And yes, we'll have topics repeating. But let's let them be actual topics and not another conversation started about the way this place is run... |