While researching for a study project on pornography (long story)
Wa ha hah.
You can tell because they have strangely long wrists...
Which is a factor. To what extent is our idea of the body artificially mediated. And, for that matter, how much of our idea of the body is conditioned by what we want to have sex with, and where does that conditioning come from?
This is worth going into to a great extent. To me, anyway, and here's why:
I have, at all times of my life, been slight of frame. Not neccessarily skinny, as years of exercising have left me with a wiry musculature that I enjoy. My dad and my brother, who were the same way until reaching their late teens, all said "yeah, you'll grow out of it." Which was reasonable to assume, as my father did in fact grow out of it, and my brother as well. I, however, remain thin, and am running out of time. I have the weird elongated wrists. My fingers and toes are pretty damn long, and were even noted as such when I was born. I have reason to think that I will remain this way until I die. See, at first I thought it was just my incredibly fast metabolism, but I remained the same shape when I was on medication and my eating habits changed dramatically, slowing my metabolism.
So here's the deal: this is how I prefer my mates. They've almost always been lithe, skinny girls; dancers and the like. I'm not sure why this is, but that's the deal anyway. It's not that I don't find other body shapes attractive. I do. I just seem to prefer body shapes similar to my own. I'd like to hear some reasons why this may be, as I can't figure it out, and most of you are smarter than I am.
Thaizi: Not to fan any potential flames, but I believe any comments directed at your post was more for the "Our Tribal History" comment. Frankly speaking, there's no such thing, and it's not a good idea to lump thousands of years of development, both physical and cultural, all into one grand history that everyone shares. To broad a view. I'm sure someone has explained that to you...I just wanted to clear that up.
Of course, there's the "simpleton" bit, but that's just Haus being Haus. |