Not sure if this is Head Shop or Conversation...
Kit-cat in the 'gender and intelligence' thread:
"I'm also very lucky in that I've moved among people who are pretty similar to me in terms of educational background, etc"
This got me to thinking about this. And this is a quote taken out of context, so is not a point aimed at K-C, or anyone, but an explanation of my jumping off point.
In what ways is it good to be among people who are pretty similar to you, whether this is in terms of educational background, class, race, culture, age etc. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Eg I think I've benefitted massively from meeting people whose life experiences have been pretty different and the mixtures that arise from working with diverse groups. (eg the counselling study setting I'm in is very deliberately like this, the group was picked, amongst other reasons, for its diversity in the various areas above, and can a be challenging and quite explosive space for it..) I think it's taught me alot about what is 'natural' and what is based in custom, culture... I hope that at times, because of this, I've been open to letting down my borders and mixing with other people.. Think, although it may sound arrogant, I'm good at mixing with people, eg am aware that some of my friends would hate each other!
Definitely aware that I still 'type' some people, generally people I'm intimidated by...
*But* I've rarely (and am aware how morrisey this sounds, but bear with me) really felt that I've been around people/communities who *are*
similar to me, and that this can be a very lonely feeling... And can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy situation...
eg at school stuck between middle-class parents speaking queen's english and givng me extra music lesson and classmates that my parents didn't like because, basically, they were 'common' (from going to school in a very working class area) and so hanging round with people whose take on the education we were getting was very different, and picking up attitudes that jarred with the ones I was being fed at home.
And this isn't meant to be a thread of angst, I'm interested in the effects that arise from being in the centre a group, or on the fringes/borders of scenes, looking in/commenting... |