I collect fun-sounding (and fun-to-say) words. These are from the World Book dictionary on my iBook:
absquatulate, intransitive verb, -lated, -lating.
(U.S. Slang.) to run away; flee; abscond.
Ex. Anybody who has read a thriller by Ian Fleming is bloody well aware why the Russians have absquatulated with so many of Britain's state secrets. It's that blinking British Agent 007 (Time).
noun absquatulation.
bafflegab, noun.
(Informal.) very involved or confusing language; gobbledygook.
Ex. financial bafflegab.
boondoggle, verb, -gled, -gling, noun.
(U.S. Informal.)
v.i. to do useless work.
noun a worthless work or product.
noun boondoggler.
callithumpian, adjective, noun.
(U.S. Dialect.)
adj. denoting or having to do with a noisy concert, characterized by beating of tin pans, blowing of horns, shouts, groans, and catcalls, usually given as a mock serenade.
noun 1. a callithumpian concert; charivari.
2. a person who takes part in a callithumpian concert. |