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These Marvel Movies Are Gettin' Me Down...


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uncle retrospective
15:55 / 21.04.02

Well Utopia, Hellboy just got Green lit. Hope that might make you a bit happer.
16:08 / 21.04.02
yeah, i caught that yesterday. i hope, nay, i pray that this is good. hellboy isn't yet a franchise, so maybe...
uncle retrospective
16:35 / 21.04.02

I have to say I'm a bit worried how bad this may look. I'm not sure I can handle HB yelling "BOOM" as he punches nazi raised snake things.
A wait and pray if ever I saw one.
Mystery Gypt
18:37 / 21.04.02
don't forget the imminent League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, starring shawn connery... wild, wild west anyone?

as far as intelligent and action -- The Terminator and Aliens were both film no one didn't like, they were exciting as hell, had incredible characters on every level, had endless theoretical ink spilled over them, and completely kicked ass.

similarly, crouching tiger was an action movie everyone liked, and it wasn't even in english. which maybe will be why Hulk turns out ok.

it is possible to make action movies that kick ass are of interest to more than just 9 year olds and people who don't care. but it's too difficult for most people to achieve films of that quality. our action movies are like our government -- we accept them and give them money even though they are stupid, cynical, and rape us every time.
18:53 / 21.04.02
i like those examples, mg, though i have to say that i'm not too fond of alien 3 (for reasons that have nothing to do with this thread).

and... nice gov't analogy. analogies are fun!
19:00 / 21.04.02
Not to be contrary, but I'm the guy who really doesn't like Aliens very much. I loved it to death when it came out - I was 13 - but I like it less and less every time I see it. Same for Terminator - it's a Cameron thing, I suppose. I just can't stand the guy, and there's a real 80's military current to what he did then that I can't stomach. I'll take the first Alien any time, but I don't even like that once it becomes an action movie at the end. I'll take Die Hard as the action movie that does it for me, though I'll give Aliens props as one of a few action-movie templates. I'd like it more if I could get through all the 80's politics text/subtext. And Paul Reiser. Man, I can't stand that guy...

Oh, and the guy that's directing LoEG is supposedly doing a live-action remake of Akira afterwards. sigh.
The Strobe
21:37 / 21.04.02
Live-action Akira is possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Aliens is a pretty good action movie, but Alien is the far better film, in that Alien is pretty fantastic, and Aliens is pretty amusing. Yes, Cameron is very 80s in his militaryness, but Terminator's better simply because it's pretty simple, like the Terminator itself. Bar now-standard Time-Travel stuff, it's just straightforward, gripping, tight, and there's that great cut between the tank and bulldozer treads.

Videodrome's right about Die Hard though; alongside it, I'd stick Speed. Die Hard's witty and fun; Speed just doesn't give you a CHANCE to question it. Three main situations, that's the plot. Want more plot? OK, Keanu's male, Sandra's female, Dennis is nuts. Watch stuff blow up if Keanu doesn't save the day! It's just a stunning piece of pacing. Die Hard wins at the end of the day, but I'd easily rate Speed alongside it.

That said, my favourite action flick ever is Where Eagles Dare. Nuff said.
The Strobe
22:08 / 21.04.02

videodrome - what else was Paul Reiser in? I quite liked him in Diner, but that's because I really like Diner.
01:26 / 22.04.02
Paul Reiser? Not much. The only things I really know him from (besides the above) are the show Mad About You - he and Helen Hunt are two of my least favorite actors, so I was done there, and then Beverly Hills Cop.
Mystery Gypt
08:06 / 22.04.02
so for the people who LOVE (one, any, or all non-inclusively) Die Hard / Speed / Aliens but DON'T like the comic movies discussed, what is it that makes the one work and the other fail? the broad "comics don't translate well" is often used, but let's defend that claim a bit more. there's also the "the costume's don't translate" but Heroic Trio was a total comic book design and was incredible.

Oh, i'd also submit The Professional the openning sequence alone really felt like reading a graphic novel.

anyway -- who's got the mind bending concept on what works and what doesn't in action movies, and what that has to do specifically with comic adaptions.

and let's also think about how Ghost World II could be an asswhupin' action sequel to rival Rambo II...
11:57 / 22.04.02
ah where eagles dare, not only a great movie, but a pretty cool misfitssong as well...i'm going to reply to that mystery gypt, but it's 9am and my brain is shooting blanks.
gentleman loser
19:10 / 22.04.02
I'm just glad to see I wasn't the only person who hated X-Men. One dimensional characters in a two dimensional and utterly predictable script. I think Bryan Singer's blunder was that he was more interested in pleasing the fanboys instead of making a good movie. Big mistake.

To be fair, I know lots of people who believe that Keanu crapfest The Matrix is the greatest film ever made. Different strokes and all that.

Am I the only one who has a hard time taking the Wolverine character seriously? Maybe it's just the fact that I know little to nothing about superhero comics, but I couldn't keep myself from thinking what a royal dork Wolverine is (i.e. "I'm a total loner badass, but that won't keep me from running all over the screen to protect some teenage girl I barely know").

I kinda like Tobey Mcguire as Spiderman though. I would have expected the Hollywood bean counters to go with some muscle bound dimwit.

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