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A Year of DMK?


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10:30 / 14.05.02
Magick lurkers... decloaking now!

Reckon I could be up for this. Can anybody recommend a good occult bookshop in London? Preferably the one Sir Miles bought "The Ry'leh Text" and the "Pseudonomicon" from.

I don't think I'll be able to start on June 21st, as I'll probably be on holiday, but a few days after that I'll have time to get stuck in
rizla mission
16:02 / 14.05.02
Reckon I could be up for this. Can anybody recommend a good occult bookshop in London? Preferably the one Sir Miles bought "The Ry'leh Text" and the "Pseudonomicon" from.

Well that would be Atlantis books which is .. down one of those streets opposite the British Museum .. don't remember which one. It's painted bright blue if that's any help. And it's a pretty good shop.

I too should be able to get stuck in a few days after the 21st. Like, the 25th or something. Hope there isn't a definite timeframe where we have to do things on a specific day rather than within a week or whatever..
16:08 / 14.05.02
I was thinking of it being like the Ulysses threads. Post as you work through the rituals. People are going to go through this at their own pace and I don't want anybody to feel like they're being rushed or held back.
19:30 / 14.05.02
how about a paralell program of Liber KKK at the same time, i.e. June 25? (you can find that online, BTW.) it has twentyfive stages or lessons... how long for each? a week?
19:40 / 14.05.02
Sure. Why not? I've been meaning to work through it for awhile now anyway.
rizla mission
14:17 / 15.05.02
I just looked Modern Magick up on Amazon, and, er, well .. to be entirely honest, I don't know if I really like the look of it..
14:24 / 15.05.02
Rizla : Could you go into more detail about what it is about the book that isn't giving you a comfort level? I'd certainly like to know, and the folks participating in the thread would most likely find your feedback useful.
14:25 / 15.05.02
I remember you saying you were more receptive to the chaos side of things, and a parallel program of Liber KKK has been suggested

Take a look here and see if it's more to your liking.
rizla mission
15:48 / 16.05.02
Ierne: I'd hate to come off all wanky, making my new entry into the magic forum by holding forth about things I don't like, but the Amazon reviews (yeah, I know they're hardly reliable, but they give a general impression) of 'Modern Magick' largely suggested that the author was taking something of an old fashioned, absolutist, 'these specific thunderous incantations or nothing' approach to magick, which I just .. don't dig, basically (that and it has a really uncool cover).

Oh, and, yeah, Liber KKK looks like a lot more fun. So long as Carroll refrains from bringing his more .. frightening .. 'philosophies' into play. (Um, by which I mean, having read Liber Null, I find he's pretty sound on the practical side of things, but his more abstract ramblings vary betweeen silly and plain distasteful).

I'll quit whining now, and maybe even consider saying something positive one day..
16:20 / 16.05.02
Hey Riz – nothing wanky about it at all. It's really important, if someone is going to devote a certain amount of time & energy into studying Magick (not to mention spending the dosh on materials! ), to be comfortable with what's being studied – it's got to feel right. If a group of people are going to study Magick together, they all need to have the same interest level in the project. If one (or more) of the group isn't feeling it, it's good to have that expressed openly so the others can take stock and make sure they're comfortable with what they're doing. I've been in group situations where one or two people just weren't happy with the direction the group was taking, but never said anything; it took major drama to find out that those folks just didn't want to practice Magick that way, they wanted to do things differently.
Communication is key.

Good to see you in the Magick, Rizla.
16:32 / 16.05.02
An uncool cover? I want you to point to one, just one, book stuck in the new age/occult section of a bookstore that actually has a decent cover.

Blech. I just read the reviews on Amazon. Ick. I couldn't understand what half of them were trying to say. From what I could understood, they were basically saying "After I read this book, I had REAL ULTIMATE power".

Liber KKK doesn't have any of Carroll's philosophy in it. It's basically a guide of sorts for 25 rituals. You're only told what to do in a vague sense. Carroll leaves it up to you to decide how you want to go with each.
solid~liquid onwards
17:07 / 16.05.02
I've generally not been to interested in the whole incantations and props side of magic, but after my exams i have 13 weeks before i go to uni...but, what the hell, im in...i'll msg manga tell him to read through this, he'll probably be game to (plus we live quite near eachother)
17:42 / 16.05.02
incantations and props? you don't need any of those in CM.

anyhow I wonder if anybody locally (Cambridge MA) would like to contact me and talk about meeting in person while Liber KKK goes on so that we can encourage each other to finish this.
rizla mission
11:25 / 17.05.02
An uncool cover? I want you to point to one, just one, book stuck in the new age/occult section of a bookstore that actually has a decent cover.

Prime Chaos? That's got a decent cover .. it's by Burroughs I think.
Oresa delta 20
15:35 / 18.05.02
yeah, sttab was right. this certainly has got my attention, and i'll go order the book now. i've been trying to get more into magick for a while now, but i just have no idea where to start.

anyways, i'm off to now.................
Boy in a Suitcase
08:51 / 07.06.02
I am definetely in if people actually start working with Modern Magick.

This is the first serious book I got on magick and the first one I tried stuff out from (I never got past the LBRP). It has a stupid fucking cover, the author is some granola-eating UCLA grad who writes like he's coming on to 14-year-old girls, and its got that uber-distasteful JudeoChristian edge behind all the airbrushed "New Age" pictures.


This is the best guide to Golden Dawn-style ceremonial magick on the market, and after three years of chaos I seriously get the feeling that you really need to know the rules before you can break them. And, really, wouldn't you rather know than not?? If we all work through it together, which I would love, we can have a great time pissing our pants laughing and not taking ourselves seriously. Which is a great approach, and I know I'd never dig that far into it if I didn't have that kind of support network.

I'm down, yo, I'm down.
14:59 / 07.06.02
As previously stated, I too am down. We're... three weeks from starting, right?
23:03 / 07.06.02
o.k so i'm gonna get the book, have about two weeks to the solistice. Trij. are you the daddy/ dictator of this operation? obviously we'll need homework givers to motivate the lazy like me. but then again i could be wrong. suggestions?
23:09 / 07.06.02
Yeah, it seems that way. From now on, I will only answer to Big Daddy Trijhaos.

Homework? Ick. I suppose, if anybody finds it necessary, I could work up a little syllabus type deal this weekend.
01:21 / 08.06.02
Count me in as well, Big Daddy... I have my copy of Modern Magick 2nd Ed.(courtesy of the nearby independent bookstore), my journal book, and plenty of pens and pencils and candles. As well as a deck not on the "approved" list that should work just fine anyway...

01:39 / 08.06.02
yeah ,i was wondering about the tarot cards, are we still planning to use them?
Boy in a Suitcase
05:27 / 08.06.02
Might as well use the tarot cards, they really are integral to understanding the Kabbalah, which this system is based on. I recommend the Rider-Waite pack–can't go wrong with the McDonald's of tarot.

My question, is there any difference between 1st and 2nd edition? I've got the first, everyone else seems to have the 2nd
12:14 / 08.06.02
There's no major differences betweent the first and second editions of the book. The only difference between the editions is the inclusion of a faq at the end of the 2nd edition.

As for the tarot cards, I figure if you've got them; use them.
Mr Ed
13:25 / 08.06.02
The tarot card really need to worked into seperate, non=threaded pages somewhere, hostred and the works surrounding them edited. If anyone with html has a spare few days, ic an supply a host.

Totally up for the book class. June 21st we start yeh? and it's this book:

Looks pretty basic, but then the basics always need revisiting in my opinion.
15:18 / 08.06.02
anyone know the cheapest place online to purchase the Rider-Waite pack?
15:38 / 08.06.02
Do you want the full-sized cards?

If not go here .

It's a miniature deck, but everything's the same as the full sized deck.
17:14 / 09.06.02
Um, I'm in too, if that's cool.
betty woo
13:48 / 11.06.02
Just to make sure I'm on the right page: Modern Magick, starting June 21/02? Sounds good to me.

Like Rizla, I'm more comfortable with the Chaos end of the magick spectrum, which is oddly why this appeals to me - having a solid grounding in the basics of the western hermetic system seems like a very useful thing, but I generally get annoyed with structured systems partway through and move on to more freeform stuff. I've always thought that working with a group would be the best way to get around that problem. So, provided I can snag a copy of the text in time, I'm in.
captain piss
15:32 / 11.06.02
I'm in too- have just sent away for the book
Stone Mirror
16:14 / 11.06.02
OK, count me in, too...
17:06 / 11.06.02
Im with you as well.

Modern Magick correct?

Blow the dust off my copy, let's get bizzy!
Perfect Tommy
00:55 / 12.06.02
I know I said I was in, but can someone give me a rough estimate of how long per day the exercises will probably take? Summer session calculus is taking me about 10 hours per day in instruction, homework, and transport--I might just have to lag everyone by 2 weeks.
01:12 / 12.06.02
The exercises at the beginning shouldn't take you any more than 30 minutes at the most. Towards the end of the book, it'll probably be about an hour.
14:53 / 14.06.02
It was in stock at the local Border’s – and, if their computers are to be believed, at adjacent stores too. So it ain't hard to find.

One of my first posts to this board was about DMK. I got a copy of his Sex Magick book for free, and it seemed odd, goofy, but strangely on the money. His writing style is very simple, but I think that’s a good thing, especially with stuff this, uh, esoteric.

I also think it’d be good idea to run threads on this like the Rune Library or Tarot library, each lesson in its own thread. That way, slackers can play catch-up.

Oh, and for those who haven’t snuck a peek, the first chapter involves keeping two journals: a magick journal and a dream journal. I’ve never actually done this before, and always meant to – so maybe this will prop up my discipline.
Perfect Tommy
15:02 / 15.06.02
I picked it up yesterday.

Best. Cover. EVER.

And just to chime in with another couple of me-too's if anyone's on the fence--yes, the white/black/grey concept is wonky, but it's really only in the first few pages then it appears to go away.

I am very excited. I'll be getting kicked out of my apartment soon, and all sorts of bizarre violent events have been whizzing by my head and just failing to kill me, so the timing seems to be right.

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