Quick, top-of-the-head, very partial, trans theory-bitch reading list.
Sandy Stone, 'The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttransexual manifesto.' Classic critique both of radical feminist attacks on transsexuals and the assumptions of transsexuals themselves. Published in a collection called Body Guards, among other places.
Kate Bornstein, 'Gender Outlaw' and 'My Gender Workbook'. Pop trans theory.
Anything by C. Jacob Hale. 'Suggested Rules for Non-Transsexuals Writing about Transsexuals, Transsexuality, Transsexualism, or Trans___' might be especially good for a doctor to read - it's at http://sandystone.com/hale.rules.html There's also a piece of his in a collection called, I think, 'Men Do Feminism' which is really, really good.
Judith 'Jack' Halberstam, the chapter in 'Female Masculinity' called (I think) 'F2M' or something like that. Also, Halberstam's work generally.
Patrick Califia-Rice, 'Public Sex' - the reissue from a year or two back with extra pieces. Possibly released under the name Pat Califia. A couple of well thought out bio pieces about his transition.
Jay Prosser, 'Second Skins'. Readings of trans autobiographies, a different perspective to many on this list.
Bernice Haussman, 'Changing Sex'. Bad book, bad politics, bad theory, included for the sake of completeness. Wields bowdlerised Foucault-isms to re-stigmatise transfolk. The postmodern version of The Transexual Empire.
I'm sure there's a ton of stuff I'm forgetting. There's a collection of UK trans theory you might want to dig up, but I forget the details. Depending on how theory-hungry you are, you might want to look at Judith Butler's work, or even Foucault's (History of Sexuality, vol one). |