ok here's my first pass at a suggested schedule, using all 7 weeks to read. let's see where this gets us...
week one: chapters 1, 2 ,3
this chunk is about 40 pages, and a complete section. It's a good bit for us to rev up on. And if anyone finds it easy enough, it would be a good time to adjust our schedule and tackle another chapter or two, since we'll probably fall behind later.
week two: chapters 4,5,6,7
This chunk is about 80 pages, it'll be at least twice as difficult as the first week. chapter 7 (Aeolus) is quite fun, it's the first chapter with a dramatically different narrative style.
week three: chapters 8, 9,10
This'll be the toughest run yet; approx 85-90 pages, and chapter 10 (Wandering Rocks) is very difficult, linguistically representing a "labyrinth"
week four: chapters 11+12
we'll ease up a bit here; chapter 11 (Sirens) is immensely enjoyable from shear language, and we should both enjoy it an have a chance to catch up if anyone's fallen behind.
week five: chapter 13,14
week six: chapter 15+16.
Now then. chapter 15 is 150 pages and insane, hallucinatory, mystical, hilarious, bizarre. 16 is the dullest part of the book, i swear he is daring you to skip it. be warned! This will be by far the largest page count and some of the most treacherous going. luckily, its towards the end of our time, so we can either read ahead in advance or push the schedule back, depending on how we're all feeling.
week seven: 17+18
these are the two most triumphant sections of the book; 17 is written as a question and answer set of catechisms which resolve the entire story around the meeting of leo and stephen. 18 is the epilogue to the book, the female monologue. both should have their own weeks! but we're out of time...
i think the most important thing is that we not lose people who are interested, so let's be sure to test the waters and see how everyone is doing as we go. |