I happen to agree with Nick about the Creation, but not because I see it as some kind of nursery for genius, but rather that it is supposed to be about inclusion, play and enjoying being imaginative without needing to make quality judgements on what is produced.
I could certainly be accused of "artist-bashing" at times on this board, however, and would uphold those views here.
I hate the idea of the 'artist' as a being qualitatively different (and by implication better) than someone who is merely 'human'. Without wanting to be a hippy - to be human is to be creative, all human activity contains an element of creativity. Take sex - the actual act is so mundane as to be ridiculous, even insects do it, but between humans it is certainly creative (and lots of other things. It isn't something that can be exhibited or judged, but is still creative.
The 'artist' is no different from anyone else, it's just that for whatever reason s/he gets to devote far more time to the things s/he enjoys creating (whether that's because they are a trustafarian, or because what they create is commercially viable).
But this incredibly precious and superficial 'cult of creativity' has grown up around the artist which appears to place all sorts of demands and limitations on creativity - it must be 'self-expression', it must be 'original', it should be 'respected' by others, just for being art.
To which I say, fuck that.
If people commenting on your work upsets you then that is a comment on your self-esteem and commitment, not on your creativity. You are taking up their time with your creation and can therefore reciprocate and accept their criticism. If you truly have something you want to create, criticism won't stop you (cue endless cheesy examples of writers under totalitarian regimes...) |