I shot at him, but my hands were shaking so badly that the best I could do was put a hole in the windscreen - I charged after him on foot, pumping the back of the truck full of hot, good old American lead.
That wailin' turned out to be the caterwauling of a Highway Patrol car, and while I can't say that Law Enforcement in this country is always excessive, (Some of these Cops are my True Brothers in Arms) I do truly regret the fact that I had to pick splinters of gravel and crusehd auto glass out of my right cheek and arm during my 72 hours in the Pokey.
Well, that pokey was on the harbourfont, and my bonny lads and lasses may not be bright nor overly wise, but they know a deal of the business of breaking and entering - and exiting - right enough; at the hour named, the westermost wall of the clink blew like a whale's flatulence, and I were a free reaver and sea's man once again, ready to sail with my bright boys and wicked girls.
As the parrot settled on my shoulder and the eyepatch slid back over my socket, I felt home again; a swig of rotgut and a deep-bellied "ARRRRRRRRRRR!" made me realise how long it'd been since I'd been a-plunderin' - and about the love I was missin'!
But 'ere I even got settled to take the caulk, three of me bonny boys approached me on the focsle and tipped the block spot my way, suggestin' I'd given their names to the harbormaster while I was in the clink, and the only fit response would be to keel haul me and fast!
"Arggh! Get that nasty sword outta me mouth, Cap'n! It's cold and it makes my teeth feel funny!" cried my former first mate, but I kept on, unrelenting, telling 'im, "That's right, taste it, you naughty boy, taste it all!"
"Avast, ye scurvy dog, I wager you enjoy the taste of my belaying pin much more," I said, removed my sword from his mouth, and handed the now subdued mate a bottle of rum to wash his mouth out with.
"Oh, damn! Now that I'm out of that prison, there's no need for this disguise," I whispered, tearing open my shirt, letting breasts and buttons fly free.
His rough, hirsute hands rolled over my ever-dampening chest like sandpaper; the huge fingers, prime pork sausages each and every one, tweaked my erect nipples; his alcohol-sodden breath on my cheek brought me to the verge of submission; how could I refuse the advances of this beast of a man?
A cockleshell-shaped dome of energy closed around the open deck of the ship while we fucked obliviously, and the ship began to rise sluggishly from the water, hovering in mid-air for a moment before the interstellar drives burst into life, plunging us into outer space.