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Morrison Moore


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Nietzsch E. Coyote
02:14 / 07.03.02
The Sir Christopher Thompson-Thompson-Rhoydes's corpse looked eerily familiar as it lay on the grass doing nothing. Beside it sat the conductors face which the slightly less intoxicated Morrison Moore now recognized as a mask.

"Right you stay here I'll go get help", Moore quipped looking about desperatly for a pub or a post office.

[ 07-03-2002: Message edited by: fenris23 ]
Robot Man Reformed
06:39 / 07.03.02
He entered the first pub on his way. Much to his horror, it seemed to be a convention for mimes. And they were performing Cats in midair.
Captain Zoom
16:28 / 07.03.02
Moore prayed to all the deities he'd previously told to get fucked that he would wake up soon. While his life hadn't by any means followed any normal courses, this particular one was really messing with his head. Could he have slipped into a dimension where the surreal was mundane? Perhaps life had always been like this, only he'd been too drunk to notice or care. No, he thought, there were lucid periods in there somewhere. I'd have noticed things like this.

In the midst of his reverie, he realised that the mimes were now looking at him. None of them had eyes. And now that his eyes had adjusted to the dim interior of the pub he saw that the mimes weren't actually floating, but being hoisted around by noxious-looking tentacles. They were snaking up the stairs from the basement and Moore had the horrible suspicion that he was going to have to go down there if he wanted to get to the bottom of things.

He chuckled at the pun, downed a frothy glass of Canadian beer that was sitting conveniently on the bar, grimacing slightly, and started toward the source of the tentacles.

Captain Zoom
17:48 / 15.03.02
The mimes followed his movements, jerking about in ways that no human body should ever have. The tentacles, or whatever they were attached to seemed to have no interest in stopping Moore, a fact that chilled him more than the sightless eyes that watched him. Moore mused upon how his life had gone from surreal fantasy to Lovecraftian chiller in the space of a few lines. Though, he supposed, Lovecraft would never, ever, have written about mimes.

The basement door and the thick mass of tentacles loomed ahead. As he reached the threshold, the tentacles parted, flinging mime carcasses about the room. They ringed the doorway like and arch. A large tentacle crept up the stairs towards Moore and for a moment he thought it was going to snatch him up. The psuedopod wrapped gently around his torso, more like a lover than a slime-ridden thing, and pulled him forward. Guiding him down into the wet and total darkness. Eventually, halfway down the stairs, all the tentacles retracted, apart from his guide, and the basement door shut. Moore was left alone with the light pressure of the tentacle on his waist, and the sounds of what he could only assume was breathing.

00:45 / 16.03.02
"I've meet you, Mr. Moore," said a woman's voice. "You see, I'm your...biggest fan..."

Moore felt something fumble in the interior of his shellsuit. The voice trailed off, replaced by a slurping noise.

"'Ta for the jellybabies," said his cellmate.

[ 16-03-2002: Message edited by: Logos ]

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