Sir Christopher Thompson-Thompson-Rhoydes was a specialist in the cryptographic analysis of Emmanuel Kant's abysmal grammar, and few men in England could claim rival for his infatuation for the German language, or his skill-except of course, for that fellow in Bristol with the lisp…but Moore had, in his time, hurt far more than his fair share of men with obnoxious speech impediments, and did not wish to descend back into the darker days of his career, two weeks ago.
Anyway, he has a hold over the the aged professor of German that he coincidentally was traveling to meet. Sir Christopher had been a rising star at Pembroke in the study of all things Teutonic, but his career fell apart following the revelation of his torrid affair with a wax dummy of Rikard Wagner on loan from Madame Tussaud's. The desperate academic had hired Moore to conceal the scandal from his wealthy parents, and the he had succeeded quite aptly. Sadly, the professor was caught in a compromising position at the Baudlian with an original score of Siegfriend only a month, and was cast by his family into exile in Scotland.
Like many academic failures, the doctor proceeded to crawl into a bottle: unlike most, he crawled out again, finding it cramped, and found a distillery instead.
Nonetheless, the memory of that last big score, largely paid in single malt Scotch, brought a brief, stiff smile to Moore's face, which the hangover batted away like a Rangers goalie. Through the thought-haze generated by the sensation that his frontal lobes were beating in time with his heart, Moore recalled that the Thompson-Thompson-Rhoydes case was, in fact, the last time he had allowed soccer yobs to scrawl obscenities on his face with a permanent felt tip, at least in the line of duty, Good, he thought, the professor will recognize me, then, and again attempted a smile. It went no better than the first, so he went off to find another drink,and possibly some company.
[ 25-01-2002: Message edited by: [infinite monkeys] ] |