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Jack Fear: he's in all the papers...


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Captain Zoom
14:51 / 18.12.01
My two cents.
Really really well done Jack. Lots of people want to be published. Only a few get to be. It takes courage and smarts, which I guess you have. Congrats on your story and the excellent review.

Sadly, the Bastard Book Conglomerate of Canada (BBCC?) does not appear to currently stock it. I will look for it elsewhere, and look forward to reading it.

Not Here Still
16:31 / 18.12.01
Yes, congratulations old son.

Do you own the copyright to your story? And if so - how about putting it on the 'Zine?

Well done, anyway. I know another author now!
Jack Fear
16:35 / 18.12.01
quote:Originally posted by Not Me Again:
Do you own the copyright to your story?
Yes. quote:And if so - how about putting it on the 'Zine?Y'know, I was thinking that very thing, but I didn't want to come off as an egomaniacal publicity whore...

It's up to Tom, of course, but I wouldn't be averse.

Mr. Coates--watch yr inbox.
Not Here Still
17:15 / 18.12.01
Fuckin' A! I look forward to seeing it (without having to pay for it, of course)
Jack Fear
14:55 / 22.12.01
Just a quick bump: I was too slow on the trigger to get the story in for a timely 'zine update. Instead, I've posted it to my blog.

Hope you likes it.
Spatula Clarke
15:32 / 22.12.01
I like it. Well done, that man.

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