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Jack Fear: he's in all the papers...


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Regrettable Juvenilia
13:00 / 16.12.01
Not sure if this should go in here or in Books, but anyway: just wanted to congratulate Jack Fear on having his story in the Paul Auster-edited True Tales Of American Life picked out by two separate reviewers - in last Saturday's Guardian and today's Observer - the latter of which deems it worthy of a whole paragraph (about 15% of the review) and calls it "a moment which seems to have found its form". Pretty darn impressive when you consider that there are 179 pieces in the book. Oh, and that everyone seems to agree that the book as a whole is something of a must-have... Both reviews also singled out the same line from Mr Fear's story to illustrate a wider truth about the collection:

"There's no punchline here. This is just something that happened."

Nice one, Jack.

Edited to include link to the
Observer review.

[ 16-12-2001: Message edited by: Flyboy ]
13:36 / 16.12.01
Big congratulations, Jack. I'll keep an eye out for the book. Well done.

Edited to include link to other Guardian review.

[ 16-12-2001: Message edited by: CameronStewart ]
Naked Flame
13:50 / 16.12.01
Congrats, Jack... nice work!
Jack Fear
11:28 / 17.12.01



What a thing to see, first thing at work on a Monday morning.


I need a cup of coffee.

I mean...

The Natural Way
11:34 / 17.12.01

11:35 / 17.12.01
great review!

congratulations, jack.
Kit-Cat Club
11:37 / 17.12.01
Jolly good show, old chap. Congrats.
11:39 / 17.12.01
Well done! I want to get hold of it now, so I can wave it about and say "I know him. Kind of."
We're The Great Old Ones Now
11:58 / 17.12.01
Waaah! My first 'congrats' post has disappeared! Waaah!

Congrats, Jack.
rizla mission
12:08 / 17.12.01
Crikey. Good going!
Whisky Priestess
14:43 / 17.12.01
I stew in the bile of envy. Watch me bubble and seethe.

Well done.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
15:02 / 17.12.01
Congratulations I look forward to reading it.
Foxxy Feminist Fury
15:04 / 17.12.01
I am proud o fyou and happy for you as well.

Congrats, You SmartyPantsWriter You!
15:13 / 17.12.01
It's all cocaine and handjobs in the back of the limousine from here on out, Mister ROCK STAR!
Jack Fear
15:27 / 17.12.01


20 years


Regrettable Juvenilia
15:31 / 17.12.01
Jesus, that's a scary photo. A warning against drugs if ever I saw one.

No, not Keef, the other one.

Go back to the y****w j****r photo, Jack...

[ 17-12-2001: Message edited by: Flyboy ]
Jack Fear
15:35 / 17.12.01
I was casting about for something even more staggeringly unattractive, Fly.

Guess it worked.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:39 / 17.12.01
It's just that look in the eyes that scares me... actually, it's remarkably similar to the one in Keef's... eeeevil.
16:00 / 17.12.01
I'm glad I don't know you in person, Jack, otherwise I'd bloody hate you right now. Well done, you talented sod!

The book sounds really good. What do you make of the other contributors, Jack, or haven't you had a chance to read it yet?
Jack Fear
16:13 / 17.12.01
The book came out in the USA in September, under the title I THOUGHT MY FATHER WAS GOD, and I think it's really an amazing undertaking.

I actually got a chance to meet some of the other contributors, as well as Paul Auster, at a reading in early October (Barbelite Ria came out to support me, which was sweet) and a dinner afterwards.

I wouldn't think of it as a literary event, though--it's more like an oral history project, you know? All the contributors I met were, as advertised, just regular folks: a marine biologist, a marketing guy, various young professionals. Regular people with stories to tell, most with no aspirations to write professionally.

The book is uneven, of course--varying wildly in tone and sensibility--but that's part of the charm.

[ 17-12-2001: Message edited by: Jack Fear ]
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:56 / 17.12.01
Nice one!
Gypsy Christ
23:12 / 17.12.01
Rock on Jack
Lothar Tuppan
01:25 / 18.12.01

Great way to start the holidays eh Jack?
Disco is My Class War
04:48 / 18.12.01
Ah, well done well done well done. That's so ace.
yawn - thing's buddy
06:19 / 18.12.01
jack, you made that story up, you did!
The Return Of Rothkoid
07:59 / 18.12.01
Excellent stuff. Saw a stack of the books while out Christmas shopping, and noted they were gettin' lots of customer attention, too...
mondo a-go-go
08:02 / 18.12.01
quote:Originally posted by Jack Fear:
I was casting about for something even more staggeringly unattractive, Fly.

Guess it worked.

it kinda makes you looka bit like greg rucka, actually.

foyles has a big window display of the book.
08:02 / 18.12.01
Wow. Congatulations, Jack.
Haus about we all give each other a big lovely huggle?
10:53 / 18.12.01
Yes, congratulations on looking a bit like Greg Rucka. No, hang on, sorry, got turned around there.

Congrats, Jack. I tracked down a copy in the ICA bookshop and read your piece in the shop. I hope you'll forgive me if I wait until the paperback comes out to buy it, but it does sound liek an interesting project. Reminded me of the exhibition of travelling American portrait painter at the Met a few years ago, for some reason. What's the backstory on its creation?
11:05 / 18.12.01

I'd been dropping Xmas pressie hints about the book to people before i read about your contribution...Its such an interesting idea and Paul Austers' name on something usually makes me pick it up...

Now i've another reason to point it out to people in shops whilst wearing my best pleading cow eyes
11:11 / 18.12.01
Nice one, Jack. Wish I'd come to the Forum sooner, so I could've looked for it while shopping yesterday.

Grow your beard back, though.

12:26 / 18.12.01
Congratulations, Jack! All the best to you!
(Do you know of any chances of this book being published here in Brazil?)

[ 18-12-2001: Message edited by: Marquis de Jade ]
12:36 / 18.12.01
Fist Fun
13:35 / 18.12.01
That would be a life highlight if ever there was one. Well done.
Jack Fear
14:22 / 18.12.01
quote:Originally posted by The Haus of a sudden chill:
What's the backstory on its creation?
Backstory hither, and also yon.

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