"Contrary to what David Attenborough says, penguins are not the only bird capable of unassisted pan-dimensional travel"
Funnily enough I was in the BBC canteen the other day and I got talking to the bloke who did all the camera work on 'Life on Earth', and he was full of funny stories about Attenborough. I wouldn't tell anyone else this, but apparently David got a bit frisky with a panda while filming one day, and was fined 2000 yen and bound over to not hump pandas for 12 months. He was so annoyed about it he went straight out and punched a meerkat in the face. Got him 14 days community service, that did. That was all in the same week that Raymond Baxter got let off with a warning for wanking off over a barrage balloon.
Anyway this cameraman works with the new crop of wildlife presenters, knows all their secrets. Apparently, Bill Oddie is a really nice bloke, he goes around fields marking all the juiciest insects with a yellow highlighter pen as an aid to kestrels. Stinks of sparrows, though. And that Simon King will nick anything off a washing line. Reeks of shrew, he does. |