BARBELITH underground

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Narrative Corpse


Page: (1)234

23:42 / 18.06.01
Just wanted to get this thread running again...
Because i'm impatient...

When's it my go!!
13:09 / 19.06.01
Can't say where you are on the line, but the ball is in Patricky's court now....
Mr Tricks
06:23 / 20.06.01
Yeah I got it . . I'm Dribbling all over it!!!

14:27 / 20.06.01
I'm next i think
If moriaty's about can he post up 'the rules' again. I didn't have a chance to read them last time.
16:00 / 20.06.01
The Rules.

Each panel must be square (I measured mine at 5 inches by 5 inches, but choose whatever is comfortable), and easily reproducible in black and white. The finished panels will be presented as 3 inches by 3 inches, or 250 pixels by 250 pixels. Keep this in mind when making little details or type. Each participant will be given the entire story before his panels, and can take the story in any direction in which he/she feels. However, I ask that you respect the work previous to yours and try and play off of it in some way, as opposed to going off on an entirely different direction. This is only a suggestion, and whatever you choose to draw will be accepted. While I would prefer there to be a common element to the comic, namely Barbelith (the big glowing sphere, not the website), and have included it in my panels to start, it is not a necessity. However, if you think it is a good idea, feel free to reintroduce Barbelith in whatever form you desire back into the narrative.

I'm also going to draw another 3 panels to start up a different story line. The main reason for doing this is so that if one story line gets stalled, the other one will hopefully still be chugging along. I am feeling incredibly guilty about all the people who are patiently waiting for a crack at this and hoping to give it a go sometime before 2012. As a side note, there will be separate waiting lists for each project, but, if you have already worked on one, than you'll have to wait until everyone else has had at least one shot on either before you can do the other.

Please don’t dally. Each person will have 3 weeks to draw up their panels and get them sent to me, by computer or by post. If this seems like too little time, please keep in mind that I am not asking for professional work. This is meant to be a fun, dopey, international comic jam. Draw stick figures. If it's good for Matt Feazell, it's good for you. Now, some of the people on here have lives. If your name comes up, and you're in a sticky wicket at that time, it's OK to temporarily decline. We'll fit you right back in the roster when things sort out for you. But please, when you make the commitment, make it concrete. If you fail to make the 3 week deadline the next person will take your spot. Whether or not you're almost finished.

Make sure the email address in your profile is accurate. If you don't have your current address listed, either change it or email me your new one.
The order of the participants will be determined by the first list placed on the previous incarnation of this board. No shoving. If your name is not on the list, and you are interested, put your name in now.

When we have enough material then the entire kaboodle will be packaged in a print zine, and also put online for all to enjoy. If we run out of contributors we'll simply start the cycle anew, or end the saga and start a new story. Every person involved will receive a copy of the zine and will be allowed to reproduce it for their own amusement.

Please don't show anyone else your work or the work of the person previous to you. They'll all see it eventually.

And lastly, any questions can be directed to me at, or on this thread. If you are sending your work to me, please send it to

Most of all, go poptastic!

The List.

Moriarty, Hui Neng, Fool, Grant, Patricky, Clive, Rizla, Zenith, Biologic K-9, krew.

New contributors always welcome.

[ 24-06-2001: Message edited by: moriarty ]
Mr Tricks
09:55 / 28.06.01
just wanted to let U all know the Illos are done.

All that's left 2 do is scan them & do some post production!!!

12:01 / 29.06.01
Calling all Barbelithers!

We're at the halfway point on our current list and the comic is looking fine. Make that fine. But we need YOUR help!

Soon we'll have to start the cycle again, but before we do that we'd like to add an even larger variety of voices to our mix. Newbie or oldbie, whether you believe you can pull it off or not, we'd like your contribution in this Poptastic Drama Bomb!

Sign up now!
12:28 / 29.06.01
I'm sure you will all be pleased to know that Patricky has completed a wonderful piece, and the ball is now in Clive's court. Clive, if you didn't receive my email, please let me know as soon as possible.

A few things to discuss. If we're going to show this thing off, at what point should we do it? And in which format?

Personally, I'd like to see the Corpse posted as a weekly comic, with 4 panels per episode. I originally envisioned 4 panels a page so that no one artist would dominate, and so there would be a kind of flow from one art style to another, as opposed to having each artist have their own page to themselves. And I'd like to start posting it when we have gone through the list once. That way artists later on in the list won't get a preview before their time and start to second guess where the story is going. This also gives us enough material to have a go for a couple of months before we run out of comic. Any other thoughts?
bio k9
13:18 / 29.06.01
Showing it off four panels at a time sounds good to me...

week 1. person A 3 panels/person B 1 panel.
week 2. person B 2 panels/person C 2 panels.
week 3. person C 2 panels/person D 2 panels.

...but whoever goes last only gets 2 panels to wrap it up. You could post it 6 panels at a time...

week 1. panels A,B,C, and D,E,F
week 2. panels D,E,F, and G,H,I

and so on. That way it would be like "previously on Narrative Corpse..." with some new material afterwards. Whatever.
Mr Tricks
20:32 / 29.06.01
...but whoever goes last only gets 2 panels to wrap it up. You could post it 6 panels at a time...

Not sure what you mean by that . . .could you clarify.

On the topic of Begining's and ends . . . is this going to be an ongoing epic with no end in sight?

Might I suggest something to the effect of 3 rounds for the story.
The first round (to which we are now at the halfway point) would establish the story and scene.

The second round could be seen as th middle point where everyone could be oriented towards the "conflict"

Then the third round could be oriented towards resolution. This doen't mean that new people can't jump on at any point, but once the NC makes a full circle to contributer #1 then we all sort of agree to progress with those themes in mind.

We could even create a sort of countdown where readers & contributer alike can view how close the story is towards resolution. Sort of like those x% loaded bars we all view while downloading etc.

I think this may keep the quality higher as compared to say the Story of the Barbelith Underground games where disinterest can cause it to drop or sort of fizzle out . . . rather than climax!!!

just some thoughts . . .

PS: thanks for the compliment, glad you liked the work.
13:02 / 01.07.01
I'm on it.
And you're right it's all looking very good so far...
22:21 / 05.07.01
Version 2.0 is ready to ship out to the next person. I have the first three panels done for the second storyline. Just to remind everyone, the reason we'll have two storylines is so that no one has to wait half a year for their turn. Besides, I'm having fun with this. All the same rules apply to this corpse. I only have two points I'd like to throw out to you all. First, feel free to involve yourself as much or as little as you'd like. If you see the second storyline and find yourself disinterested, say so and back out. No problems. Second, and here's where your opinion comes in, since we're so far along in the first corpse, I thought we'd just go through the list in the same order we already have. It's about at the halfway mark so I figured this way we would each be waiting half a list for each of our turns. Am I making sense? In 24 hours, unless I hear different from you guys, I will be giving the first three panels to Hui (or the Fool, if Hui isn't interested). OK?

Alright, here's how I'm thinking we should present this monster. The panels will be presented in threes or fours (6 panels doesn't drag it on long enough), and any extra space at the end of a cycle will be taken up by a small message along the lines of "You have just read Phase I of the Barbelith Corpse. Stay tuned for Phase II," or something along those lines. Each set of panels will be shown weekly until we run out, where there will be a short break before the next Phase. Once we finish the first storyline a majority of the second should be in the can, with a potential third already started. Kind of like singing "Row Your Boat." Round Robin. I like the idea of capping the storylines at three turns at bat for each person. We'll run with that for now.

Again, if anyone has any objections to the above, shout it out. Me, I'm off to eat sugar cookies and boogie down.
12:17 / 06.07.01
This rocks.
15:09 / 06.07.01
I want in. When is my turn?
Mr Tricks
16:57 / 06.07.01
Yeah . . this is cool.

I think the 4 panel formula works great . . . easy to build such a page & that whole transition of 3 panels by one artist & the last by the next is cool.

So who's where on which corpse???

perhaps we should cross-post this in the conversation?
17:55 / 06.07.01
Well, we're about halfway through the list. The first storyline still has Clive, Rizla, Zenith, Biologic K-9, krew, and THX to go. The second storyline, if no one objects in the next 8 hours, will go Moriarty, Hui Neng, The Fool, Patricky, Grant, Rizla, Clive, Biologic K-9, Zenith, THX and krew. Notice that this is in a somewhat jumbled order from before, just to keep things interesting.

By the time the first Act of the first storyline is done I should have a pseudo website set up to showcase it.

One other point. If someone would like to start a third corpse, feel free. I won't because I want a turn that isn't right at the beginning.

[ 07-07-2001: Message edited by: moriarty ]
Mr Tricks
18:33 / 06.07.01
Hmmmm . . I just might do that . . .

are we still keeping with the theme of the BarbiBall???
04:31 / 07.07.01
The call has gone out.
Sorry, I mean, The Call has gone out!

Both Hui and the Fool have been notified via the email. If either of you are reading this but have not received this magic email, then that is because you have incorrect addresses in your profiles. Contact me tout suite if that's the case.

Patricky, in regards to the Barbiball, I think we're covering all the ground we can with that concept in the first Corpse. My initial panels in this second Corpse have only a cameo appearance by the Ball, and that is on a person's clothing. Also, the feel of these panels are very, very far removed from the first Corpse. A little less dire, a bit more fun. If that helps.
15:58 / 08.07.01
I love comics. And I love drawing comics. And I am really enjoying this exercise. It's a nice break from the usual stuff I work on. So if I come off as a complete madman with this next post, please excuse me.

Right now we have one storyline on the go, and another just started, and another on bouncing around Patricky's skull. We have a nice, managable amount of people to work with, and at least a few contributors who have expressed a fair amount of glee over these projects. I fear we may already be taking on too much, but that won't prevent me from knocking around just a few more potential projects for us to cobble together.

One thing I'd like to try is a super quick Corpse, one that is similar to the One Word Post thread. Each person contributes only one panel, and they must complete it in 48 hours. This excludes people without scanners, unfortunately, but maybe they could provide the cover or pinups.

Another thing I was hoping to try came up back in the day when we first started this up. Someone mentioned the idea of doing a Barbelith comic about people on the Underground. A script was mentioned, artists were sought, but I don't think anyone has the time to really give there all to such a huge undertaking. What I thought might be interesting would be if various people created small vignettes based around the personalities of various members of the board. If you had 10 people doing stories that were an average of 2 pages each, you'd have a 20 page comic in just a few months time easy. The only stipulations I would suggest would be that you could not do a story on yourself, no subject should be covered twice, and you should get the permission of the subject beforehand. Personally, I would rather find some other topic, but I can think of nothing else that we all have in common, that would be as freewheeling, and most of all, would be as much fun.

Anyways, if this all seems like too much for our little band to put together, no worries.

[ 09-07-2001: Message edited by: moriarty ]
the Fool
23:45 / 08.07.01
hand up for round 2.
rizla mission
13:44 / 09.07.01
bring 'em on.
Mr Tricks
17:42 / 10.07.01
A while back there was the Story of US. Where "we" would write in aspect of a story we were all making up as we went along. Super simlar to the narrative corpse . . . with pictures.

I actually was inspired to ad pictures to the story, and began doing so here.

Perhaps this is something we can persue. Each participant can script the equivilant of 1-3 pages, aiming for aproximately 23 pages (let's say). Then we can ramdomly determine who would do the artwork for a given # of pages. Persons/charactors can design how THEY would appear.

OR . . . if we can agree on a consistant "breakdown" of the story, individuals can choose to "draw themselves" where ever they appear in the story.

Does anyone do 3d-CGI? that could be used as the backgrounds/settings.

This leads into SO many possibilities . . . including a sort of create your own adventures sort of game/story machine.

more on that later I guess . . .

what U Think?
rizla mission
21:33 / 10.07.01
quote:Originally posted by PATricky:

I actually was inspired to ad pictures to the story, and began doing so here.

Wow, PAtricky, that's really neat..

'Miss Mojo' and 'Grantus Von Balfour'
13:10 / 11.07.01
Heheh. Nice shorts.

I do think it's important to focus energies on the Corpse already in progress, and then work on other stuff after that's further along.

I totally lost the URL, so I'm gonna wait until it's "done" before reading it.

- gab
the Fool
01:24 / 12.07.01
quote:Originally posted by PATricky:

Does anyone do 3d-CGI? that could be used as the backgrounds/settings.

I'm just getting back into 3D, now that I finally have a computer up to the task...
03:25 / 12.07.01
quote:Originally posted by grant:
I do think it's important to focus energies on the Corpse already in progress, and then work on other stuff after that's further along.

I totally lost the URL, so I'm gonna wait until it's "done" before reading it.

- gab

With every new submission I have changed the address, so the old address you had wouldn't work anyway. However, if anyone who has already participated would like to see the current storyline thus far, please email me.

The only reason I brought up more comic projects is because with approx. 12 people working on two storylines with an average of 2 weeks for every submission to be finished, we will all only get 4 stabs per year. This is probably more than enough for most people involved, but I wouldn't mind starting something else with that core group of cartoonists who don't mind the extra workload, and want to practice their comic chops. I've even considered starting something somewhere else (WEF, comicon) if there's no interest here. I know, I'm insatiable.

Patricky, your idea has been knocked around before, and I'll join up if you want to start it up, but it always seemed kind of unwieldly. Will one person submit a script? If multiple people will be writing, will we have to take turns so we know what happened previous? 1-3 pages is a little more time consuming than 3 panels. I'm not sure if I understand fully what you're suggesting. But I'm dense.

Dense and Insatiable.
05:17 / 12.07.01
Patricky, I just received the panels from the Fool for Phase II. You're next, but I can't find your email address. Write me.
03:43 / 19.07.01
Patricky has produced a piece that can only be summed up using the word "Boner".

Grant, check your mail for further instructions.

Clive, where are you at? We don't want the second Corpse to lap the first, dig?

16:35 / 19.07.01
Grant, Fastest Man in Comics, has submitted his panels. Corpse 1 and 2 are now at the same stage.

For those who have already participated, I will be keeping the address the same for the each phase of the Corpses. So if you want to see what the people who come after you are doing, just go to the address I've given you. We've reached the limits of the Geocities pages, so i'll provide a link to anything that comes after the first page.

Rizla, it is finally your turn. Sorry about the wait. I'll email the address to you tout suite.
16:42 / 26.07.01

My life has just become a landslide and 1001 things to do have jumped out at me....

I'm going to have to give this a miss for now...and the next one...(tut! after all the fuss i made as well)...REALLY SORRY!


and i'll hopefully re-surface and join in after the summer...
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:09 / 03.08.01
So... where are we now with this?
rizla mission
11:46 / 03.08.01
Um .. they're both in my hands at the moment. I've finshed one and I'm starting on the other one soon so I can send them both to moriaty in the same package.
Mr Tricks
20:02 / 14.08.01

what-up with this project???
03:16 / 15.08.01
Funny you should ask.

I received today a package from the land of no scanners. The Rizla has landed.

Both Corpses are on the go, and the next people in line have been notified.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:57 / 15.08.01
I'm more than vaguely intimidated by the level of talent so far. Quick question: moriarty, is the plan still to reproduce this in black and white in the final version?

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