Well, I don't think anyone is saying "Yay entrance control!"...Tom is proposing a set of possible solutions to the simple fact that, for the first time in a long time (RRM, for example, actually managed to keep hirself pretty much to hirself compared with the Knodge) a single user has demonstrated how much they can fuck up the process of Barbelith if they put their minds to it.
One of these methods was simply farting out offensive, attention-seeking posts. Another was moving the arena - from physical threats to email campaigns - showing how vulnerable people on the board can be to intrusions outwith it.
So, one possible way to make things more secure might be to remove email addresses, website addresses, personal details, and make, for example, the Gathering an invitation-only area - Tom nominates the people he trusts, who nominate the people they trust, and so on. But that could lead to a "gated community" feel - where the trolls rampage outside the city walls, in effect.
Of course, it could be that this is bad luck and that the incidence of trolls over time is so small that such countermeasures are unnecessary. Then again, I think we can be fairly sure that Mr. Knodge is going to keep throwing himself at the palisade, and will no doubt drum up whatever friends he can find to provide some more warm bodies.
Sooo....what to do? I'm unsure. Perhaps a weekyl ostracism? Which would be democratic and fun?
SFD - When I began referrring to reidy as a new fictionsuit of the Knowledge, it was not entirely in jest. He is rather a good example of a Knodge who has not reached critical mass. Not very bright, with a conviction that people are annoyed at him because his retorts are far too clever for them, and a not dissimilar air of unexamined saloon-bar bigotry justified to self and others as a stand for free speech against the foul armies of Political Correctness Gone Mad. What exactly his "project for Barbelith" is I am unsure, but I am quite happy to be considered damaging to it. However, he is in general able to coexist with others on the board, and even find chums with whom to assault those threatening castles in the sky where Political Correctness Gone Mad lurks. No biggie. Could be quite entertaining to chat about it, mind...
On the Warren Ellis forum - the WEF is very tightly moderated. As I understand it, disagreeing with Warren Ellis is usually enough to receive banning orders, so presuambly a concerted spoiling campaign would not go unremarked for long. Giving Tom carte blanche to expel people according to personal fiat would certainly be one way to resolve this issue.
And yes - anyone care to fill in the history of the Technoccult? Or indeed the night of a Thousand Elois? |