quote: 1 Dummy by Portishead You think this is great. Or at least you did in 1997 when This Life was on BBC2 and Egg played it
all the time and it seemed like the last word in cool.
Never watched This Life. I bought it because it was good music you pretentious muso-snob.
quote: 7 Play by Moby Everybody was buying You've Come a Long Way Baby by Fatboy Slim and you thought you ought to get some dance music. It sounded great on the Peugeot ads, too.
You assumed this was his first album because you'd never heard of him before.
I knew this wasn't his first album, though I've got no inclination to buy his others, even that weird one where he seemed to be getting into thrash metal. Flyboy's going to kill me now...
quote: 10 Urban Hymns by The Verve You got this because you liked the video of Bittersweet Symphony, because it reminded you of the video for Massive Attack's Unfinished Sympathy, you know, with Shara Nelson walking down the street. "Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown." You haven't played this one for a bit. Too gloomy.
LOL. Played it last week. Everyone's got to have a Dadrock album in their collection and at least The Verve are much better than Oasis, as admitted by... Oasis.
quote: 11 OK Computer by Radiohead You got this because Paranoid Android reminded you of Bohemian Rhapsody. You haven't got The Bends but feel as though you ought to have it.
You've never heard of Pablo Honey. You know about Amnesiac and Kid A but they scare you.
I bought OK Computer because I had The Bends and hadn't heard any of OK before I bought it. I haven't bothered with Pablo Honey because I've never heard any of the songs from it except 'Creep' which is dull except for the crunching guitar and that one about anyone can be a rock star which I think they disprove themselves. I do have Kid A and Amnesiac and they bore me slightly.
quote: 17 Different Class by Pulp You're very proud of this - it is, quite literally, a must-have album and is very good to boot.
Though His'n'Hers is a better album.
quote: 20 Protection by Masssive Attack Yes, you know that Blue Lines is really the one to have, but you got this because you've
heard of Tracey Thorn. You wanted something edgy and hip hop but with the reassuring Marks and Spenceryness that was Everything But The Girl. And you got it!
Got all the albums, and Mezzanine is much better than Blue Lines. Mmmm, Liz Cocteau...
The rest of the article for the albums I don't have is much funnier though. 
[ 16-02-2002: Message edited by: Loz' Sweet Exile ] |