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Over-rated movies


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Haus of Mystery
19:18 / 16.06.05
Jason takes Manhattan

Man, with a title that good I expected the best. How wrong I was.
20:48 / 16.06.05
Don't listen to the hate about 2046, it's brilliant. I've seen in three times, and last night, I saw it for the first time in the theater. It's so atmospheric, every frame is just gorgeous and it's emotionally wrenching too. Maybe it's a bit too convoluted for its own good, but with multiple viewings, it all clears up. I'd say it's his second best, behind Fallen Angels.
eddie thirteen
22:28 / 16.06.05
Memento. Memento. Memento. Everything Christopher Nolan directed ever, including Batman Begins, which I haven't seen yet, but will suck because Christopher Nolan made it. I can't believe that the same people who look down their noses at M. Night Shyamalan movies will sing the praises of this one-note gimmick movie piece of boring, trite, soulless, oh-so-trendy bullshit. Not to mention the reviews of the "dark, edgy" Insomnia, which was nothing less than the total smarmy Hollywoodification of a genuinely nihilistic, bitter film; when Pacino's inevitable eleventh-hour redemption lurched into the last reel, as I knew -- knew -- it would, I wanted to reach into the screen and bitchsmack Nolan bloody. I still find it amazing that someone could appreciate a film enough to spend a year of his life remaking it while evidently not having the first clue what the original film was about.

Plus, Hilary Swank was in it. God, I hate Hilary Swank. I hate her and I hate her lantern jaw.

Other films that leap immediately to mind are Dark City, The Matrix, and Pirates of the fucking Caribbean. Two and a half hours of sound and fury signifying nothing, and left me a vegetable. I questioned the very existence of God. Even the zombie monkey could only do so much.

Anyone for an underrated movies thread?
00:05 / 17.06.05
Se7en There's only one thing reedeeming about this awful movie, which is the gruesome and schlocky deaths. Other than that it is one of the most cliched and obnoxiously pretentious films with a premise that was already done better with Vincent Price's The Abomninable Dr. Phibes. In essense, It embodies everything wrong in cinema in the 90's.

You have your typical off-the-handle rookie with anger management problems played by a sub-par Brad Pitt along with Morgan Freeman playing both the grizzled veteren and wise old negroe who must tackle one final case before he's about to retire. Both these walking thriller cliches must take on the devious serial killer who taunts and leads the police on chase that tests their knowledge of books the director had to read in high school and is name dropping in the movie to emphasize that this serial killer is smart and devious! (Can't Hollywood for once make a serial killer who isn't some pastiche of Hannibal Lector or Ed Gein)

As for the killer (John Doe, yeah that's real clever), played by Keven Spacey, we don't get a single explanation of why he kills other than that, you know, society is like corrupt and evil and stuff, we're like a modern day version of that Sodomy city in the bible and things and did you hear the new NIN CD man. And this silly attempt at social criticim is emphased by the dark and grimy look of film, which would later influence Korn and Drowning Pool videos.

Fight Club, while much better than Se7en (I can't belive somebody thought that spelling would be clever) is pretty damn obnoxius with the Hot Topic philosphy they shove down your throat.
Tryphena Absent
00:34 / 17.06.05
I'd say it's his second best, behind Fallen Angels.

That gives me a lot of hope because it's my favourite. I'll make sure to watch 2046 again this weekend.
02:33 / 17.06.05
Lord of the Rings: Yeah, it’s okay, but I just don’t see what the B.F.D. is. And too many white people. Even Star Wars had Lando. Yeah, I realize it’s prehistoric Europe, but do all the elves and dwarves have to be white? (Well, maybe the dwarves would be pale from all that time underground, but still.)
Forrest Gump: Now that I come back to it a few years later that feather really pisses me off.
Indiana Jones: One of those films you should never watch after you turn ten.
Speaking of Ralph Fines, has anyone seen “Spider?” I read reviews saying that it had the best acting in a decade, was one of the most well shot films ever, and it was shite. It wasn’t just because I got my hopes up; by any standard. Is this what constitutes great acting? Looking at your shoes and mumbling for an hour and a half? Too bad he wasn’t comatose, he could’ve won an Oscar.
Am I the only one who thinks Twelve Monkeys was tragically flawed? It seemed like it tried too much to be a sci-fi mindfuck and ended up forgoing a coherent story, likable characters, etc. I’ll admit that the twist at the end was interesting, but it was interesting in the abstract way a museum piece is interesting, it didn’t move me at all.
Everybody I talk to hated A.I., but I like it. I’ve never seen a movie change a character so seamlessly. I went from seeing David as nothing more than a robot to the most human character in the film. And that moment when Jude Law said “I am! I was!” Call me an old softie, but it moved me. I thought it provided a great look at, of all things, human consciousness.
I am so glad someone mentioned Donny Darko. Never have I felt like a film wasted ninety minutes of my life moreso than that. And the thing that’s so tragic is it has so many good lines. (see: gangbang smurfette) But the ending just nullifies the entirety of the film and makes me want to bitch slap the director.
Lost in Translation: Yes it seems racist to the uninitiated, but then you study contemporary Japan and realize: Holy shit, it really is like that!
Seven: Yes, it has good atmosphere. But anything that makes you think “Well, that was pointless.” as you walk out of the theatre has issues.
On a final note: Yes, it is easier to criticize than create and if criticizing is the only thing you do you are a douche, but DAMN it feels good to just bitch once in a while.
02:48 / 17.06.05
Hey, man, I like Donnie Darko. It's fun and interesting.

I did think, however, that I was the only person on Earth who hated Lord of the Rings. I think they're just abysmal... I couldn't possible care about any of it, at all. Harrumph.
paranoidwriter waves hello
03:53 / 17.06.05
Jason takes Manhattan

Man, with a title that good I expected the best. How wrong I was.

I felt like that when I saw 'Herbie Goes Bananas'. Not a monkey in sight, and how was I supposed to know the cinema was non-smoking? My mate went ape when I got us thrown out for throwing peanuts at the screen and trying to warn everyone "the car's alive, it's f**kin alive, I tell ya!"
nyarlathotep's shoe horn
16:16 / 18.06.05

Bet you didn't see that one coming (groan).

and it won Best Picture (amongst another landslide of awards for... their budget?) beating out The Sweet Hereafter

mind you - Titanic is far more reflective of the American idiom: bombastic and melodramatic.


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