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Over-rated movies


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16:29 / 14.01.02
[QUOTE]Originally posted by alas:

Romancing the Stone was sort of the cinematic equivalent of Juicyfruit Gum, as I recall it lo these many years ago--sweet for about 2 minutes, then the flavor's gone and you spit it out of your brain.

I don't really disagree with that assessment as much as you might think. However, I think that exact same description works perfectly for the much-touted Indy movies too(which, as I think I've mentioned before
, I enjoyed far less than Stone).

And good point about the pot, Knight. Another aspect of Stone that made me smile.
Lothar Tuppan
19:50 / 14.01.02
quote:Originally posted by Cherry Bomb:
The English Patient.

YES!! Finally someone else who feels the same way!

<Lothar does a little happy dance>

I also thought 'Kiss of the Spider Woman' was completely overrated.
20:08 / 14.01.02





Sixth sense
Eyes wide shut
English Patient
Matthew Fluxington
20:52 / 14.01.02
I was talking to my best friend about this just before, and she's a big Tim Burton fan, and I realized that I can't think of anything the man has ever done that wasn't painfully overrated. I'll say this: the man has style, and that's great. But with the possible exception of Edward Scissorhands or MAYBE Ed Wood, he's never done anything I would consider quite special..
22:39 / 14.01.02
Saussign, I've gotta disagree with you about Sixth Sense. I passed on it for a long time, but I kept hearing good things. I didn't really believe those good things, however, and I continued to stay away. But once I saw Unbreakable I knew I had to see it. And, for me, it actually lived up to the hype. What are your criticisms? Too slow? Didn't buy how he never, ever, in all that time realizes he's (BLEEEP)? Did you find it to be a good movie but not a great movie? Or what? Just curious.

And I'm going to add Disney's Beauty and the Beast to the list. Let me say up front that I'm not a Disney fan AT ALL. Beauty and the Beast was passable Disney fare, I guess, but Oscar-worthy? No way in hell.

And though Shrek (I know, it ain't Disney) was better than Beauty and the Beast by far, it wasn't as good as the critics thought.
22:45 / 14.01.02
Flux, I agree with you about Tim Burton. I really like his style, but most of his movies are disappointing. His Batman movies are fatally flawed in all kinds of ways (though they look like works of genius compared to the Batshit that followed). Mars Attacks has a few cool bits, but is crap overall. Beetlejuice is deadly boring when Keaton's not on the screen. And Sleepy Hollow is just another overrated movie that I'm sure a few people will vigorously defend. Ed Wood's his best in my opinion.

By the by, I've never seen Nightmare Before Christmas. Should I bother?
08:17 / 15.01.02
Troy: 'Nightmare Before Christmas' is absolutely fantastic, easily the best thing Burton has done, I reckon. If some of Burton's films have disappointed, it's because he's not been able to (or chosen not to) give his imagination full reign. He bloody has on 'Nightmare', and it rocks massively. Probably because it's ostensibly a kids film, and kids books and films are always better than adult ones.
Rev. Wright
15:38 / 15.01.02
The Sixth Sense,
a film written just after you've read some books on spooks and automatic writing. Could have been done with in 45 mins, too much posturing, without any of the goods. Unbreakable works better, and only manages a couple of dead sloww points.
15:38 / 15.01.02
Thanks, Saveloy. Maybe I'll check Nightmare out then.
Jack Denfeld
18:30 / 15.06.05
Tim Burton's Batman. It was cool as fuck when I was a little kid because I was like "Yeah! A big screen superhero movie!". Now it bores the shit out of me.
paranoidwriter waves hello
18:36 / 15.06.05
Far too many to mention, but how about......


Bet you didn't see that one coming (groan).
18:50 / 15.06.05
2046 ,while I concede that both the overall cinematography and the train sequences worked well, it was mainly a dull trite hotchpotch of the worst type of soap opera laiden down with largely unlikeable characters.
21:36 / 15.06.05
"Blue Velvet".

Pretntious muck. I can't abide Lynch. At all.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:47 / 15.06.05
Remember when people used to write entire paragraphs?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
22:30 / 15.06.05

That shit's not just OVERrated, it's HOVArated. Allow me to reintroduce yourself...TO CRAPPINESS.

But seriously. I don't understand why people, comic book fan or no, can stomach this film. Super Heroes...they can exist! And have from the beginning of time! Sixth Sense, well, that was just a bad movie. This was a STUPID bad movie. But thank god they sticked the Fast Times At Ridgemont High landing, huh?


I think I would've liked it better if it was JOE Glass the whole time. "There's something strange about this wire framed gentleman...but I'll TRUST him."
Benny the Ball
22:39 / 15.06.05
Lost in Translation - I sat watching, waiting for something to happen, waiting to be won over by Bill's charm or the woman's charm or the films charm, I left thinking what a waste of time, what a load of racist crap and why did I bother. It felt like a really boring anicdote told by someone you don't like about something you don't care about.
Keith, like a scientist
23:42 / 15.06.05
2001....yaaaaaaaaawn. what was that about?

Lost Highway. Made me ill. Physically i wanted to collapse.
Tryphena Absent
23:53 / 15.06.05
Lost in Translation disappointed me because I knew a lot of people who liked it and recommended it. I really felt like it was missing out on fundamental points about the characters, she seemed too young to really fill the personality of this lonely woman. I didn't get any sense of someone who had been through the educational process that she had. It wasn't as sultry as I expected it to be. I felt alienated by the movie.

2046 also disappointed me a little but I think it might grow on me if I watch it again. I felt like I was missing pieces of it that I might catch if I view it again but it felt unfinished.
00:33 / 16.06.05
I hated Unbreakable, but I really liked Lost in Translation!
01:43 / 16.06.05
Withnail and Fucking I.

Partly because it stars Richard E Cunting Grant as himself (which is the only role he's ever been able to play) being a cunt, and acting cuntishly. That's a biiig turd in the metaphorical piano.

There's the hilaaarious homo/pederasty humour.

There's the fact that it's quoted by pretty much every fucking student in the history of studentdom. It's the celluloid equivalent of a traffic cone or Dali poster.

There's... oh, just go fuck yourself, W & I.
Benny the Ball
06:29 / 16.06.05
Ah yes, Withnail and I - unfunny bunch of of actor's being actors acting as actor cunts
09:27 / 16.06.05
If some of Burton's films have disappointed, it's because he's not been able to (or chosen not to) give his imagination full reign. He bloody has on 'Nightmare', and it rocks massively.

umm, you know that Burton barely had anything to do with The Nightmare Before Christmas, right? he outlined the story and characters, and handed it over to other people, and took an executive producer credit. he did not direct the film, and the finished product is really the work of others (Henry Selick, who directed, Elfman, who wrote the songs, the animators, etc). it's only got Tim Burton's name on it because Tim Burton's name sells tickets.

it does rock massively, as you say, it's just not a Tim Burton film.

i would agree that Burton is overrated, though Edward Scissorhands and especially Ed Wood really are as brilliant as they're said to be. also, Mars Attacks! is underrated. for fuck's sake, people, it has Tom Jones fighting the Martians. but Beetlejuice, Batman, and Sleepy Hollow are really not very good.

as for my list of overrated movies:

Forrest Gump: pretty much as mentioned before.

Schindler's List: just plain awful. cheap, manipulative, sentimental, and heavy-handed. one of the worst films i've ever seen.

Memento: good thriller. even very good thriller, if a bit gimmicky. not a work of genius by any stretch of the imagination.

Donnie Darko: Frank the Bunny is creepy as fuck. other than that, not very interesting on any level and not even close to as intelligent as it thinks it is.

Equilibrium: derivative pile of cliches with absurb fight scenes.

Waking Life: beautiful animation, but it's like being locked in a dorm room late on a Thursday night with a bunch of college stoners having "profound epiphanies" about the nature of reality. made me want to put out my eyes with hot pokers when i saw it in theaters.

Ghost World: just kind of crappy and cliched overall. Steve Buscemi is pretty good, but can't save the whole film. calling it a generic teen angst movie is far too kind: it's subpar. christ, Mean Girls was better than this.

Requiem For A Dream: Aronofsky takes a few strong performances and a strong beginning and goes so far over the top with it into the realm of melodrama that it all falls apart. it's impossible to believe he made this movie with a straight face. i couldn't stop laughing (at it, not with it) towards the end. it's so bizarre and irrationally overblown. terrible movie.

i'm sure there are a few others out there that i've forgotten.
unheimlich manoeuvre
09:41 / 16.06.05
Star Wars, ALL of them. Overarted shit, it's a western (well which kurosawa plot was it again?) in space. No I'm not excited by the new films. Perhaps if I was still nine.

*Takes deep breath*

Unbreakable, Sixth sense and Signs... actually no-one rates Signs. Formulaic tosh and piffle, thoroughly unexciting and overhyped. Has Shyamalan made any good movies?

Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive and Twin Peaks. David Lynch tries to hard to be obscure. Twin Peaks especially, what the plot is going nowhere? hell lets put in a dwarf... Rorschach of the mind my ass.

*Takes valium*
Evil Scientist
09:56 / 16.06.05
Over-rated? Well, how about The Exorcist?

Not scary, not disturbing, some good dialogue but really nowhere near the best horror film of all time.

The themes of possession in Evil Dead made me far more uncomfortable.

Braveheart's massively over-rated, it's an average historical action flick at best.

Regarding earlier comments about American Beauty (which I like, but agree it is a touch over-rated). I don't think the moral is "It's okay to screw teenage girls if they aren't virgins.". I see that whole scene as the point where Lester realises how absurd his obsession with this young girl is, how huge the difference is between his ideal of her and reality.

He imagines her to be some kind of sexually-experienced goddess. She's a kid. It's only at this point that he realises this.
Cat Chant
11:56 / 16.06.05
Ganesh on Withnail & I mentioned the hilaaarious homo/pederasty humour - can you expand on that, 'Nesh? I always like Withnail & I, if for nothing else, for the fact that it's an explicitly gay romantic comedy which is a huge cult film/has had a huge cultural following in a way that never goes on about the fact that, you know, it's a romance. And, whereas most of those "Oh, I had to ditch the dark, gay version of myself" films (cf Me Without You, a load of misogynistic claptrap about how if you attach any value to same-sex friendship after the age of ten you will be RUINED FOR HETEROSEXUALITY, like some Edwardian/Victorian anti-masturbation stricture)... Anyway, most of those films end with the happy hero progressing into heterosexuality and the unhappy gayer* being CRUSHED INTO TINY PIECES, but W&I ends from the point-of-view of the gayer one - and ends up saying that he's a better actor than McGann, and more worthy of sympathy. So I like it. But maybe I am doing a slash thing of thinking something is a text when most people read it as "subtext" and disavow or ignore it? Is W&I not generally understood to be a gay romantic comedy?

*by which I literally mean "more gay"
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:06 / 16.06.05
Thoughts on Withnail and him, by I, if that's of any use.
12:12 / 16.06.05
Absolutely true on the gay 'subtext' elements:- it's quite clear that Withnail's faux-back story to uncle Monty (of 'I' being utterly in love with him, but Withnail rejecting him etc) is perhaps a tiny distortion of reality..

I swear I read somewhere that Grant wanted the "Sterile Promontory" speech to feel over-acted, to show both how cut-up Withnail is, and how bad an actor he is. The reason it's affecting, I think, is that it convey's the character's emotion beneath it.

Oh bum, just shown you all how much I like this film...I promise though, I NEVER quote it. There is nothing less funny than comedy mis-quoted ad infinitum (especially if it was never funny in teh first place, i.e. Red freakin' Dwarf).

May I also nominate Sin City?
It's new, it's black and white, and it feels like the masturbatory fantasy of a sociopath forced to watch Double indemnity, and the Mickey Rourke Point Blank remake back to back.

12:16 / 16.06.05
Another big vote for, or should that be against, Lost in Translation. Mediocre, racist, pointless. Best screenplay? You must be kidding.
12:31 / 16.06.05
Deva: I'm afraid the presence of Richard E Fucking Grant effectively destroys any positives for me - my hatred of his mugging and his needs-a-slap voice - and most of the Uncle Monty stuff just added to my irritation.
Cat Chant
13:03 / 16.06.05
Fair enough - but although my luuurve for Richard E was probably nothing but a tiny pointer, a phase on the way to my fully mature lurve for Alan Rickman, some of it still remains. So I still like the movie. (Of course, I'm a Blake's 7 fan, so clearly not put off by mugging...)
13:20 / 16.06.05
Gladiator - I will admit that it is a good sword & sandals epic, and the opening battle scene is good but that's it, nothing deeper and even then it is overly long. Russell Crowe is a twat, not some icon of masculinity for the new millenium. Why it inspired Hollywood to release a whole bunch of these type of films (all of which have been even more rubbish) I will never know.
P. Horus Rhacoid
15:10 / 16.06.05

The kicker for me was the whole 216-letter super secret real name of god corresponding to the super special 216 digit number, which apparently means that the 216 letter super secret real name of god only involves the first 10 letters of the alphabet. Which seems dumb. Also, there's the scene where he takes a computer printout of stock prices, circles a bunch, and connects them to form a spiral. Dramatically. Because spirals are present everywhere in nature!

Boondock Saints. I can't tell you how much that movie pisses me off, and everyone I know seems to love it. Willem Defoe doesn't play a character, he plays a collection of weird traits. (Let's have our detective listen to opera music while investigating crime scenes. And he's gay! And a crossdresser! But he hates gays!) His character doesn't develop and his big moral dilemma of whether to help the boys or not is never even hinted at until he just says it outright. The movie also contains the worst gunfight in the history of cinema (three expert marksmen apparently can't hit anything while shooting at each other from 20 feet apart, with no cover. One of them is jogging sideways, sort of. Slowly.) The ending plot twist is also incredibly lame. I laughed out loud.

I will admit though, I do have a good time ranting about it.

RE: Gladiator, I concur. I remember being somewhat comically angry when it beat Traffic out for Best Picture.
15:37 / 16.06.05
Pulp Fiction

I just don't like Tarrantino. At all. This was a horrible movie. "Oohhh, it's so clever!" they said. "It's kinda hard to follow what's going on!" they said. Why? Because it's shot out of chronological sequence? Whoop-de-fucking-do. Nasty, mean-spirited piece of over-rated shite.

Four Weddings & a Funeral
A perfectly good movie ruined by the talentless void that is Andie MacDowell. It could have been a great movie- if it weren't for her and her utter lack of charisma and chemistry with Hugh Grant.
Tryphena Absent
17:43 / 16.06.05
I totally and utterly agree with you about Four Weddings and a Funeral. I've seen it a few times and every single time I have hated Andie MacDowell more. Everything else about the film is sweet.
John Brown
18:07 / 16.06.05
I've contacted my travel agent and instructed her NEVER to book passage for me to this alternate universe in which Wong Kar-wai can make a bad movie.

The negative comments on 2046 are somewhat disheartening, since I've been waiting a LONG time for it get to the US.

My overrated movies: everything that Spielberg has made since Jaws. He's a technically skilled director, but his discourse in his films is simplistic, schmaltzy, and overly concerned (to the point of obsession) with "the children." I find it simply dull. He should have stuck to shark movies.

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