I’m going to go out on a semi-limb and suggest that whilst the original Star Wars trilogy looks as if it may have been plotted out in one go (though there are some problems with this, such as the pervasive story that Lucas only decided to kill off Obi-wan on the day of shooting), I think that George has realised he can milk his little cashcow, and the new three films are a symptom of that.
Episode 1, for many people including myself, tarnished the whole mythos, and from the trailer of Episode 2, it looks as if the reliance on the romance as a plot-lever is going to be a huge problem because of George’s severe limitations when it comes to writing dialogue. And Mr McGregor’s reported comments about doing reshoots to ‘put in more story’ hardly inspire confidence.
There are plotholes galore in Episode 1, yes, but I think this is because, for all the talk of George having the ideas in mind for years, the film looks like a rush job. The midi-chlorians (?spelling ? Like I even really care about spelling that nonsense right) plot element and the like smack of a man who simply does not know what he’s doing. In fact the whole film looks like the work of a man who hasn’t left the ranch in years, and has no idea how the film medium has changed in that time. Except when it comes to special effects, of course. Oh yes, we love those. To the exclusion of character development or story, if need be.
So don’t be surprised if there are gaps and holes in the whole mythos stemming from the ‘prequels’. I simply do not believe that Lucas had the ‘second trilogy’ planned out at the same time as the other films were being made. There are simply too many discrepancies and messy elements to make me feel that way. I wish it was so, as I still have very fond memories of the original films, and generally find them watchable and enjoyable, but it just ain’t the case.
Edited to add PS : Fra, funny you should mention Lynch. I understand he was offered the directing job on one of the sequels (Empire/ROTJ), but opted to do Dune instead.
[ 08-01-2002: Message edited by: DaveBCooper ]
[ 08-01-2002: Message edited by: DaveBCooper ] |