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Derren Brown - Mind control 3.


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08:54 / 01.06.04
I tried it and was contacted by that bloke who Noel Edmonds and Mike Smith killed by putting them in a metal box and dropping them from a crane. He doesn't like reality TV, not surprisingly.
10:18 / 01.06.04
Mr Splatty?
11:38 / 01.06.04
Michael Lush, in fact, whose death topped off a series of mishaps and accidents caused by the ill-conceived Whirly Wheel (of Death) Challenge.

Strange to think that these days health and safety would almost certainly not allow such risky stunts to be undertaken in such a slipshod fashion. Unless the competitor was falling into a tank full of scorpions or wichity grubs, out of which the competitor would then have to eat. While receiving incomprehensible encouragement from a gang of shrieking bonobos gathered around the edge.

Gosh. Anyone got Endemol's phone number? Bonobo bush tucker death plunge challenge is go...
The Natural Way
10:35 / 02.06.04
Right, it's strange and nasty saying it, the fuck does Brown reveal people's goddamn childhood memories? Yeah, yeah, cold reading, suggestion and all that jazz. But, no, really, how does Brown reveal people's childhood memories?

I know so many people who think he must use researchers. Now this isn't something I want to believe, I don't want to feel cheated, but, err, someone get Brown over here right now and make him tell me something about my first wank. I need proof, dammit! Otherwise I'm never going to shake the nagging suspicion that all that "Mind Control" stuff is just zeroese for "Magic Tricks", and pretty rubbish ones at that.
11:03 / 02.06.04
Dude, that's the point, isn't it? That this is all stuff done with suggestion, manipulation, etc? I don't think Derren Brown has ever claimed to have magic powers, has he?
The Natural Way
22:41 / 02.06.04
Yeah, I know that. I don't know how to make my point ny clearer than it is....

AAArgrh, ummm, "manipulation", "cold reading", "suggestion" - what if it's all bullshit? I always think he must be fucking cheating. With researchers.

Oh, I don't know. I wish one of you buggers'd turn up doon 'ere and convince Fraely et al that he can aksherly do this stuff. Then my plastic head could get on with the business of believing.
Spatula Clarke
02:04 / 03.06.04
Well, when you look at the standard Paul Daniels-style magic tricks he does - the memory feats, the pick-pocketing, the bits that a hundred researchers wouldn't be able to help out with - and the absolute confidence he shows when doing them, I don't think it's too big a leap to presume that he's also got a good handle on making other people think what he wants them to think. Which is what most of the rest of it boils down to.
14:15 / 03.06.04
Most complaints ever

A live TV "seance" by illusionist Derren Brown has become one of the most complained about shows of all time.
More than 700 complaints were received about Monday's programme, the majority of which were received before it aired.

From here -

Didn't actually see the show...but 700!?
14:21 / 03.06.04
I'm not that surprised, really. Religion aside, lots of secular people have a basically irrational 'thing' about ouija boards...
23:10 / 15.07.04

I just saw the Russian Roulette trick for the first time this evening. As close to Derren's exact wording for the final loading of the gun as I can recall, with six numbered barrels, from which the winner had to choose:

"I want you to think of a number from one to six. I want you to think of one, and keep repeating that number over and over in your head."

After all that whittling down from twelve thousand contestants, the trick consists of him telling the winner which barrel to put the bullet in. Live on TV.

11:55 / 16.07.04
These arnt the droids your looking for, he can go about his buisness, move along..
Spatula Clarke
12:32 / 30.05.05
Did anyone watch The Gathering last night? Did anyone record it? There were at least three (I caught a couple, but apparently looked away just as another appeared) flashes of words spliced into the show, subliminal message-stylee, and I'm kind of wondering what they were and what the point was, as there was no explantion provided within the show itself. First one, iirc, pops up when one of the women he gets onto the stage says that the name she was thinking of was 'Barnes'.

Also, wasn't this shit made off-limits on British telly after the whole Spitting Image thing? Or is there some way around it, like having whatever the message is appear for a certain number of frames?
Lama glama
12:43 / 30.05.05
I'm pretty sure that they were all the word: "Forget." It was alright, The Gathering, but I've seen Brown doing his thing much better.
13:14 / 30.05.05
The two I saw were "Forget". I think they were about 3 frames long (you could see the word fading out) so it's probably just about legal.
Tryphena Absent
16:17 / 30.05.05
If you can read it then I'm pretty sure that it's legal. Isn't a suliminal a message that you don't see?
16:22 / 30.05.05
"Grade is a cunt" anyone?
Spatula Clarke
17:19 / 30.05.05
Wondered if it was something to go along with the 'making the live audience forget the show' thing, especially seeing as how I can't remember what his trick with the first woman was. Although that may just be down to the length of the thing combined with slight boredom, I'm unsure.

Also fairly sure that the one explosive effect going off by 'accident' was something to do with it, too.

Variety> Yeah, I thought it fell down in quite a few places compared to his other stuff. Felt rushed, like he was straining to fit some of it in - certain things weren't explained, others were rushed through (he gave Ross Wotsisface all of a second to look at the picture he'd drawn, and the audience no time to take in the subsequent reaction).
15:03 / 31.05.05
Saw DB live about a year ago, and most of the stuff he did in ‘The Gathering’ was in the live show, with minor variations. Less interesting to watch on TV, really, but still no idea at all how he does/did it.

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