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The Wicker Man


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08:25 / 23.04.02
It's not actually Cage himself I have a problem with (though the memory of him cutting "Wings Of Desire"'s balls off and turning it into "City of Angels" still hurts). It's just that not only would he be so WRONG as John Constantine, but that the very IDEA of anyone fucking with the Wicker Man, even someone I really, really liked, makes me ANGRY!!!
He WAS fucking excellent in Wild at Heart, too.
Rev. Wright
09:55 / 23.04.02
' Yer all, obviously, completely raving mad '
Peach Pie
14:30 / 06.07.08
I've often heard it said that the inclusion of "Gently Johnny" lengthens Howie's stay to two nights from one... Does he not stay two nights on the island anyway? In the theatrical cut, Willow's song comes on the first night and he digs Rowan's grave on the second. In one sense I'd like "Gently Johnny" to have been included because, aside from being a great song, it does deepen the viewer's understanding of Howie's determination not to succumb to temptaion. It would have been less of a stretch than having him go straight from disgust at hearing the "Landlord's Daughter" to shuddering with his own suppressed lust when she calls him.

But in another sense I agree with Ingrid Pitt. I didn't pick up on the full significance of Howie's sexuality until the big reveal, and it made it more satisfying for being a big surprise.

I thought the other cuts made complete sense though. I liked the wordless, claustrophobic opening. And I think it adds to Summerisle's mystique to see him arising, hidden, from his own lounge chair for the first time, than showing his hand in a speech to the camera.

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