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Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore, Bottle Rocket, Darjeeling Limited


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Foxxy Feminist Fury
17:03 / 18.12.01
Just moving this over from the "alone" thread. Who's totally excited to see the Royal Tenenbaums? Which is better, Rushmore or Bottle Rocket? Do you like the sight of Ben Stiller in a track suit and Gwynneth Paltrow with eyeliner? Would you take the locket of a little girl from Paraguay?

Matthew Fluxington
17:06 / 18.12.01
I can't say that I'm much of a fan of Bottle Rocket... it's so much more ordinary and typically 'indie' when compared to Rushmore and what I've seen from Royal Tenenbaums... those films have a more distinct personality to them, and I love that so much...
Foxxy Feminist Fury
17:13 / 18.12.01
I do think that "Rushmore" is better in terms of polish and sophistication, both of the story and of the look and feel of the film, but I thought "Bottle Rocket" was just as funny if not funnier.

Is funnier a word?
Matthew Fluxington
17:16 / 18.12.01
Yes, it is. But 'funniosity' is pushing it.
Eloi Tsabaoth
10:31 / 19.12.01
I've not seen Bottle Rocket, but I have warm toasty feelings for Rushmore.
BTW, Owen Wilson is really good in Zoolander. Extremely silly film.
mondo a-go-go
10:51 / 19.12.01
"on the run from johnny law, this ain't no trip to cleveland"

bottlerocket is great (saw it when i was in the states, not even sure if you can get it on video over here). rushmore is probably even greater. (well, it does have bill murray). the newest doesn't open here for a while. usually i don't like stiller or paltrow, but i think anderson might make them do good things...
12:15 / 19.12.01
The voice of dissent:

I'm seemingly the only person alive who really, really can't stand either Bottle Rocket or Rushmore. There's something about Wes Anderson's directorial style that just irks me.

I thought Bottle Rocket was insufferably smarmy, and reeked of post-Tarantino "hip irony" that drove me up the wall. Listening to those characters speak was, for me, like chewing on glass.

I thought Rushmore was better, but I detested the kid (maybe that was the point, I don't know) and simply could not believe that the teacher wouldn't just tell him to piss off and leave her alone. After the third or fourth crazy stunt he pulls I couldn't believe she would still even talk to him, let alone invite him into her house.

On the other hand it does have Bill Murray in, so it automatially wins some points.

Despite this I am actually looking forward to the Royal Tenenbaums - the trailer is funny and interesting and makes me keen to see the film.

[ 19-12-2001: Message edited by: CameronStewart ]
23:26 / 19.12.01
one of the reasons i liked these movies was because of the reason Cam hates them, cuz to me they take that "post-Tarantino "hip irony"" and added a dose of sweetness to it all... i love both films and am damming my small town theatre for not having it... grrr, oh and Gwen looks so cutey cute w/ that eyeliner
Matthew Fluxington
06:29 / 20.12.01
I'm going to second that Owen Wilson was really funny in Zoolander. That movie really has its moments of inspired absurdity...all of the bits with Will Ferrell are especially good.

I'm surprised to read someone proclaim a strong dislike of Ben Stiller...It seems EVERYBODY loves that guy lately. In America anyway...he reaches across age, class, gender, and race boundaries really well in this inexplicable sort of way.

The guy is aces in my book if just for having been in the classic "The H Is O" SNL skit having rough S+M sex with Glenn Fry and starring in Meet The Parents, which is just a top notch comedy...
The Return Of Rothkoid
07:46 / 20.12.01
Without spoiling it for me, what's the basic story behind Bottle Rocket? I absolutely love Rushmore - got it on DVD - because, as has been pointed out, it's got Bill Murray in it. Which renders it free from all criticism, frankly.
08:59 / 20.12.01
I have been noticing this pattern of blind adoration on american alternative media... I have to ask (so I can check by myself) what is so great about Bill Murray, for God's sake???
Let me in!
mondo a-go-go
10:39 / 20.12.01
he's goofy. and i like goofy men. that's it for me, really.
Matthew Fluxington
20:44 / 20.12.01
I just saw The Royal Tenenbaums. It was a really, really good movie, and it satisfied me on every level. I won't talk about the plot so much because I know a lot of you won't see it for a while, but it all really worked for me. It's just as good as Rushmore for sure, though I'll likely always have a stronger sentimental attachment to Rushmore because of my strong indentification with Max Fischer.

Gene Hackman, Ben Stiller, and Gwyneth Paltrow all turn in amazing performances by the way.... and i've got quite the crush on Gwyneth's "Margot Tenenbaum", as I'm sure lots and lots of people will...

A lot of people note the obvious similarities between Wes Anderson and JD Salinger, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone mention the similarities he shares with Daniel Clowes... maybe that's just because not that many people are familiar with Clowes. I see it. After having read through the new Eightball before seeing the Royal Tenenbaums, I started seeing it...maybe it's just me.
gentleman loser
00:00 / 21.12.01
OK, Rushmore vs. Bottle Rocket:

I enjoyed Rushmore, but it was far too familiar. Kid too smart for his own good triumphs at boarding school; it's been done in a lot of movies. There were enough clever tweaks to keep me interested though. I did see Wonder Boys the other night, large elements of that flick seemed to be lifted wholesale from Rushmore.

I loved Bottle Rocket, I think mostly because I identified so much with the characters. Dignan, Bob, Anthony, Future Man, I grew with guys just like that (but without the armed robbery).

Personally, I thought it was very "anti-hip" and everything I loved about it was exactly the opposite of Tarantino.

I hate most of Tarantino's stuff; he's gimmicky, overrated and is totally obsessed with being cool. That always annoyed me.
12:37 / 21.12.01
quote:Originally posted by The Return Of Rothkoid:
Without spoiling it for me, what's the basic story behind Bottle Rocket?

A bunch of goofy and all-too-familiar small town guys decide to pull off a heist, mostly for the money, but also for something to do.

Along the way, one of them falls in love with a maid at the hotel they're hiding out at.

Owen Wilson persuades Luke to wear a jumpsuit and they ride a dirtbike.

It's fun.
13:00 / 21.12.01
It's rubbish.
Ethan Hawke
13:14 / 21.12.01
quote:Originally posted by Flux = Depresso:
I'm going to second that Owen Wilson was really funny in Zoolander. That movie really has its moments of inspired absurdity...all of the bits with Will Ferrell are especially good.

Zoolander - gasoline fight set to "wake me up before you go" by Wham - classic. The funniest set-peice in movies this year. Zoolander was mercifully short and got the job done. I used to hate Will Ferrell on SNL but now I find him hilarious. The man has really improved his comedy.
The guy is aces in my book if just for having been in the classic "The H Is O" SNL skit having rough S+M sex with Glenn Fry

Again, Will Ferrell made that sketch work. hilarious.
Matthew Fluxington
14:07 / 21.12.01
I think that Will Ferrell is the best performer to EVER be on SNL. EVER. The man is a fucking genius.

Tina Fey is rapidly climbing the list of all-time greats too...

I'm really sad that you spoiled the gasoline fight sequence for the others, Todd. That scene is priceless, and totally unexpected and absurd, and probably not as funny if you are expecting it...

I remember seeing it with my brother, and we were fucking cracking up like madmen at that part...
Matthew Fluxington
14:09 / 21.12.01
By the way the 'Coltrane' part of my screenname part right now is a reference to the best one-liner in The Royal Tenenbaums, in my opinion...
Ethan Hawke
14:13 / 21.12.01
How did I spoil it? I didn't say what happened...
Matthew Fluxington
14:17 / 21.12.01
just saying that there IS a 'gasoline fight' ruins it! Who the hell is going to think going into that scene "they are all going to get into a fun-filled 'gasoline fight'"?

It's still funny, but the element of surprise is gone...

but now I think some people may be more eager to see the film to see what we're talking about, so hey...
22:40 / 24.12.01
Oh good, Todd's on this thread... re: Royal Tennenbaums, I loved the subtle piss-take on Oliver Sachs in the Bill Murray character.
00:42 / 25.12.01
>>>Tina Fey is rapidly climbing the list of all-time greats too...<<<

Question: am I strange for thinking that that scar she has on her face is incredibly sexy? For some unknown reason it just...does it for me.
Matthew Fluxington
12:36 / 25.12.01
I find the scar strangely sexy too...I like that it's there and that she's not so vain as to try to hide it or anything. She seems very comfortable with it, and it doesn't do anything to take away from how pretty she is. She's just all-around sexy.

And fucking evil with the cruel sick comedy...
15:55 / 01.01.02
I hate bottle rocket and I always take it on "lets-watch-a-video" dates so the girl can get so completely bored that she cuts it short and we get to the naked rolling.

Rushmore is great! And the Royal T. is just gold... I couldn't stop laughing and in the few parts that were a bit dull little visual things (like costumes) still held my otherwise fleeting attention. Really want to see it agan.

[ 01-01-2002: Message edited by: impulsivelad ]
Cherry Bomb
22:29 / 01.01.02
FINALLY saw "Royal Tenenbaums" yesterday and it was absolutely fantastic. Everything I wanted it to be and more. Gene Hackman was STELLAR!!! Danny Glover was just a great fucking dork-o.

I would definitely be friends with Margot Tenenbaum. And I'd do all the talking. And I'd always laugh at her for looking so sad. Waittaminute, I HAVE been friends with Margot Tenenbaum! I loved Eli. I loved Ben Stiller being oh just a hare neurotic.

Definitely Royal Tenenbaum was my favorite favorite character.

I still love bottle rocket. Loved Dignan trying to run the whole heist like a sales meeting.

Wes and Owen did not let me down.
Matthew Fluxington
22:54 / 01.01.02
I've got such a crush on Margot Tenenbaum... oh man. You know what I really thought was hysterical? The paintings at Eli's house. And his inexplicable facepaint during the climax scene... and "this book presupposes...maybe he didn't"

I've never seen Gene Hackman in a comedic role before, but he was fucking brilliant as Royal, I agree...
Ethan Hawke
10:49 / 02.01.02
Saw the movie this weekend....loved it..

Flux, the paintings in Eli's house are by someone named Miguel Calderon...I tried googling it but didn't get too many hits. If you ever find any web shots of them, let me know. They're so awesome. I know I read an article specifically about those paintings recently, but that was before I saw the movie and I can't remember where it was.

My favorite character in the movie was "The Baumer," the straight man of the bunch. Luke Wilson made it very easy to empathize with and care about his character. That's hard to do in a movie where most of the characters are somewhat broad parodies.

RE: Persephone's comment about Oliver Sachs and Bill Murray: That whole subplot with Dudley just cracked me up. "Dudley's World" indeed. I just got a used copy of "The Man who mistook his wife for a hat" or whatever that's called, so I'll be lookin' for more parallels.
Matthew Fluxington
11:28 / 02.01.02
quote:Originally posted by ReTodd:
Flux, the paintings in Eli's house are by someone named Miguel Calderon...I tried googling it but didn't get too many hits. If you ever find any web shots of them, let me know. They're so awesome. I know I read an article specifically about those paintings recently, but that was before I saw the movie and I can't remember where it was.

Ah, I'm actually a bit disappointed because I thought those paintings were made especially for the film, they were so ridiculous in the context of Eli and his apartment...I've seen the film twice now, and the audience cracks every time they come on the screen, they are a marvelous sight gag. I guess this is a bit of an insult to the artist then, eh?

but I have actually heard of Miguel Calderon, I've seen his work in person, even... here is some info:

here, there, and everywhere.
Molly Shortcake
02:47 / 05.01.02
Saw the movie last weekend, what a waste. I sat there the entire time wondering what the hell was so god damn funny.

The characters all fell flat, with the exception of tennis guy and Gweneth Paltro (who I thought was great, which is really strange cause I usually hate her).
Murray Hamhandler
18:02 / 07.01.02
Correction: Best movie of the year, The Royal Tenenbaums. I'm pretty sure of this. But then I loved Vanilla Sky, so draw your own conclusions.
Arthur Sudnam
Cherry Bomb
18:56 / 07.01.02
I saw this again with my Mom yesterday, who rated the movie " a little weird." This I take as a thumbs-up.
Robot Man Reformed
19:52 / 07.01.02
Odd, I would have taken it as "a little weird".
17:06 / 21.03.02
Royal Tenenbaums was actually written by Edward Gorey, only channeled by Owen Wilson.
The Strobe
22:35 / 21.03.02
Will write properly soon, am too pissed to do so now... but agree with Flyboy: Needle in the Hay is now very, very messed up for me. I thought the soundtrack was SUPERB. Just perfect songs. And Elliott Smith.

"You wanna talk some Jive?"

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