Go on state the obvious, Will
I fucking loved this movie!
Well done Will
I've read the articles explaining what they thought was going on and they are most probably correct, but I can't help thinking of my own reading, based on my Lynch experience. For my crimes I will submit some of the ideas upon the altar:
Much like tha tbackdrop of Twin Peaks, Lynch has a very interesting way of expressing the occult. In Twin peaks as in Lost Highway and somewhat earlier films there are two forces at play Good/Bad. The spirits of these, especially bad, are known to feed on the emotions of humans, a la Bob's use of Laura's fear to power his activities, such as opeing a portal to the Black lodge. The Demon in Lost Highway also plays with Human souls, and traps sould to do his bidding.
In Mulholland Drive the motifs of the Red Curtains, snokes, flickering neon/light are signals of the Supernatural as before.
So in my reading, Diane/Betty is a fresh soul trapped, escorted to Hollywood by The Dark(tramps) ones minions. She is caught into a cycle of lost personality, similar to Laura Palmer and seduced by Camilla/Rita who is another trapped soul, but aspiring minion.
The Cowboy is either an Angel or Guide, attempting to warn Adam of his involvement with powers beyond his control. The power struggle involving other Dark lords, ,linked to the movie industry. Do we see the cowboy in the film three times and notice that Adam is now caught up with Camilla, did he do wrong?
Wake up little girl.
Is it not time for her soul to leave this body and ascend?
The first body they find is that of the singer in Silencia, Diane/Betty now takes her place, this is represented by the shot f the mike at teh end. The club is run by another spirit/demon, the blue haired woman.
The Log lady and the Psychic are similar characters?
The dreamer, who goes to the Winkies, is he also psychic and can see the events taking place within Hollywood and the demons activities?
The Blue box, with which the demons stores his minions. Rita enters the box upon her successful moission, Betty at this point is drawn into the demons new reality, via her sexuality. Is sex the food, rather than fear?
All roads lead to the employment of Demons, with each of them attempting to out wit the other. Thus Camilla/Rita is assisted from the attempt on her life, by the car accident, and sent on a new mission.
I know its probably futile to create a reading like this, but I can't help it.
Now do I brace myself for the worst.
[ 21-01-2002: Message edited by: Will 'it work' Wright ] |