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Twin Peaks. UK TV.


Page: (1)23

16:57 / 23.11.01

Channel 5 seem to be trailing the series, small clips with "...coming soon" afterward.

A search of their site reveals little of use, only Dec 2nd and a list of times through the night. A one nighter peaks marathon?
The Sinister Haiku Bureau
19:11 / 23.11.01
I really cocking well hope so... I saw the movie on BBC2 a few years back, but never saw the series. Is it possible it was the film (fire walk with me) they were plugging?

Knowing next to nothing abouth Twin Peaks, how many episodes were there? Could they show them all in one night?

[ 23-11-2001: Message edited by: Johnny Haiku ]
19:34 / 23.11.01
The film has been on TV a few times so I doubt it would merit that much publicity, that's what made me think it was the series. And I'm sure they couldn't show them all in one night. There are only 5 listed.
Captain Zoom
19:42 / 23.11.01
My friends, there were 30 episodes, including the 2-hour pilot. If you're getting it I envy you. I'd love to be able to sit down again and watch from the beginning without knowing what's going to happen. I'm half-way through my 3rd viewing.

Spatula Clarke
19:42 / 23.11.01
At a guess, I'd say that those are the pilot and next four episodes from Season 1.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:12 / 23.11.01
Channel actually showed the first dozen or so episodes of Twin Peaks just after it launched, about five years ago. It's the only time I've seen it. They did promise it would return but it never did...
22:18 / 23.11.01
Oh yes...yes...YES!!! please....

I've toyed with the idea of hunting down all the videos but have held out for a terresrial showing...
Spatula Clarke
22:29 / 23.11.01
Seen one of the ads that Duncan's talking about. Definitely a clip from the first series.
mondo a-go-go
22:29 / 23.11.01
"mmm...good coffee"

saw a couple of clips last ight. looks like the series. he music was the julee cruise theme.

which is good coz i never got into it when it was on tv the first time, having missed a bunch of episodes and never having a clue what the fuck was going on....
Rev. Wright
16:58 / 24.11.01
the entire series of Twin Peaks was screened on the Barvo channel, in the last twelve months. Both series were released onto video, including a £100 complete set. The availability of teh videos seems uncertain, I am still left to search boot sales and secondhand shops. (I would love to know if the videos are still able to be ordered? any kind HMV staff out there that would care to confirm or deny?)
If Channel 5 are screening the pilot and first four episodes they may be considering the ratings to see if it is worth sreening the rest. Spread the word and it may become a reality.
Captain Zoom
17:43 / 24.11.01
I'm not sure what the situation in the UK is, but I've a friend who works in the video industry (read: retail clerk) who says they've discontinued the videos, but that the first season is available soon on DVD. I managed to track down all the tapes, and ordered one from I'm not sure if they still have them.


[ 01-12-2001: Message edited by: Captain Zoom ]
20:46 / 24.11.01
*makes wanker signs and swears a lot*

I live where there is no Channel 5... I think I saw about four of the videos, but my firend stopped buying them and so I've not seen any further... I loved what I saw, I must say.
11:33 / 25.11.01
I could have swore i posted on this thread last night when I was blazing... yeah I saw the trailer too, quite looking forward to watching it...remember watching the movie late night on BBC2 freaked me out

Does anyone remember a series on BBC 2 think it was the early 90's about VR Televisions that projected the actors into your room, it had the same kinda feel to it, very weird.. its been bothering me for years i just cant remember the name....
Rollo Kim, on location
13:50 / 25.11.01
Wild Palms did have a bit of Peaksy vibe. I managed to see the whole series when it was first aired in the UK - fucking loved it. Totally, totally loved it. Meant more to me than music at the time.

Coffee + quasi jazz soundtrack + clanky tremelo guitar + dream sequences + the owls are not what they seem = perfection...

Damn good cwoffeeeee... [clicks fingers, stares off into space...]

"I need to brush my teeth..."
14:52 / 25.11.01
quote:Originally posted by Rollo:
Wild Palms did have a bit of Peaksy vibe. I managed to see the whole series when it was first aired in the UK - fucking loved it. Totally, totally loved it. Meant more to me than music at the time.

Am I right in thinking wild palms was an oliver stone project. Remember a section which was an interview with stone responding to the release of the "kennedy files" and proofing that JFK was right.

Or am I talking bollocks (again).
16:03 / 25.11.01
Nice one Rollo ! your a feckin star ! I've wondered about that show for years !!
Spatula Clarke
16:14 / 25.11.01
Mr Swish - you're quite correct.

Strangely, I remember enjoying Wild Palms immensely, but can't remember anything that happened in it.
The Strobe
09:31 / 26.11.01
Twin Peaks: Saturday 1st December.

Pilot and four episodes.

Midnight til about 5:15am.

No Channel 5 rececption here.


Rollo Kim, on location
09:42 / 26.11.01
Channel five. Can't rain all the time ca it?

Wild Palms did have its good bits - I liked the illuminated 'VR' shades. The guys wife spent the entire series making a jigsaw of a lack hole.
The Return Of Rothkoid
09:42 / 26.11.01
Paleface: am trying to jigger some taping arrangement. Alls I need is the pilot, really - the video store down the road (ahem) has all the other episodes on video for rental..

Amazon does show availability for some of the tapes - the complete set in one shot is gone, though, I think.

In terms of TP on DVD, I've found this quote:Twin Peaks

1. Artisan has announced the release of the Twin Peaks DVD Season 1 (episodes 1-7).
2. They will more than likely be releasing season 1 only to test the waters for season 2--which is a bad idea!
3. The current DVD will contain all of the first season (except for the pilot), Log Lady Introductions, commentary from various directors of each show (not Lynch), interviews, and possibly Richard Beymer's Behind the Scenes pictures taken on the last episode of the series.
10:00 / 27.11.01
Ah, a thread to indulge my Twin Peaks obsession…

The TP tapes do seem to be unavailable, but eBay has them with some regularity – just type the show’s title into the search box and you should find stuff. Often they have various merchandise bits as well, which are surprisingly worthwhile if you’re a fan (Cooper’s ‘biography’, for example, tells you how he got his ring, which in itself becomes a plot element in the show).

If you want to see a hint of what might have happened ‘next’ in TP, it’s worth hunting down the script for ‘Fire Walk With Me’ online or elsewhere, as it contains a few scenes which were set AFTER the final TV episode, which gives you an idea of where Lynch and Engels (the FWWM co-writer) saw the story going…

I thought Wild Palms was okay, but the Oliver Stone involvement was woefully overplayed for my tastes; he didn’t even direct any of it, he was just an ‘executive producer’. WP was originally a comic strip in Details magazine in the states, and it’s interesting that the creator, Bruce Wagner (I think I’ve got that right) wrote the TV show when it was made, and IIRC maintained quite a lot of control over it. Probably more involved than Oliver Stone was, I suspect… there was a volume of the comic strips published. It was okay, not that groundbreaking.

And Adamswish, I think you’re right about Stone’s cameo. I think William Gibson also popped up saying something like ‘I came up with the term ‘virtual reality’, and now they won’t let me forget it’. Both in episode one, directed by Peter Hewitt, I think.

Only real similarities between the two shows as far as I can see is that they both have a name which is formed Adjective-PluralNoun, and that David Warner was in both shows married to someone called Josie.

TP, for my money (which isn’t much, but whatever), is one of the best TV shows of all time (tied with The Singing Detective in my affections).


PS – Apologies for long post. My fondness shows itself through logorrhoea…

[ 27-11-2001: Message edited by: DaveBCooper ]
rizla mission
14:10 / 27.11.01
I haven't been able to find any relatives or friends who have access to Channel 5, a functional video recorder and a wish to stay up till 3am to change the tape, so, just on the off-chance;

I'd be really, really grateful to anyone who fancies recording the Dec. 1st marathon for me... I'd pay in money and everything.
14:26 / 27.11.01
Rizla, would a longplay tape be all right for you?

I'm probably okay for taping it, but I can't realistically see myself getting up in the middle of the night... I'm just trying to be honest about my limitations here.

rizla mission
15:21 / 27.11.01
um, I think a longplaying tape is alright...

thanks a huge amount if you do get round to doing it..
19:38 / 27.11.01
No problem at all - do you want to e-mail your address sometime in the next few days, and I'll get it off to you at the start of next week ?

It'll probably be on some ropey old tape I've recycled from previous use, but it should be audible/visible. Which is more than you really want with most of C5's output, I guess.

15:23 / 29.11.01

It seems that the "Twin Peaks all nighter" is being run as part of a channel 5 "fright night" theme evening, which leads me to believe it is not a precursor to the full series being shown.

BUT - they are still trailing it separately from the rest of the evenings programmes, so there is hope.
15:37 / 29.11.01
Not that my life is such a sad cold lonely desolate place that all I do with my evenings is sit about and watch the adverts on channel 5.

Oh no...
08:38 / 30.11.01
Oh, don't give up hope yet - the Radio Times listing seems to suggest that there's more of the same lined up for 9/12/2001, which makes me think 'Well, if they get up to the tenth episode, they're into series 2...'

13:46 / 01.12.01
Monty Python and then Twin Peaks!

I've never seen any Twin Peaks. Ever.
I will stay up, and watch.
I may record it as well.
If I can find enough videos.....

Quite looking foward to this...
The Return Of Rothkoid
15:57 / 01.12.01
Rollo: that gum you like is going to come back in style...

Have a pristine 4-hr tape, ready for LongPlayer action. Now let's hope that the fecking video recorder works.
Rev. Wright
17:18 / 01.12.01
The Return Of Rothkoid
18:14 / 01.12.01
The vid's set up, and now, strangely, our set gets C5. I am officially excited. And two martinis in, a little tipsy.

[ 03-12-2001: Message edited by: The Return Of Rothkoid ]
Spatula Clarke
20:20 / 01.12.01
Check out the link posted on the previous page of this thread - there is indeed another episode being shown on the 9th.

Shame they feel the need to put it on at 1:45 AM, though.
11:24 / 02.12.01
[twinkpeaksvirgin] Shit. That was fucking great. Never have five hours gone so fast. [/twinpeaksvirgin]
12:20 / 02.12.01
well what i remember was great, fell asleep due to too much booze, got it all on tape though... looking forward to watching it....

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