quote:Originally posted by Wize Dragon:
Obviously not, instead retreating to the 'liberal' safe view of 'it's good to get the kids reading'. Yeah read I say, but read something that is in fact written well, but that is beside the point.
Have you ever tried getting kids to read? Hell, even adults? Some people won't even read comic books, for fucks sake. (Though I find Watchmen usually works. Not that I'd feed Moore to children).
Face it, the time when a nation eagerly awaiting the latest chapter in a Charles Dickens work are over. These days, to be very big indeed, it has to be simple enough to catch everyone attention.
Rowling was the right writing style at the right time.
Know that I am tired of money making crap hitting the cinema, and selling Coca Cola to kids. 'Yeah read the book and rot ya body'
Well, it's going to happen. If its popular, expect lots of commercial bandwagon jumping, doubly so if its aimed at kids. Rowling's intention wasn't to become a billionaire, she didn't wake up and think "hmm, franchise."
Potter is this years fad. Stick you 'Burger King' Hermione next to your Batman and TMNT toys and forget about it.
For the person who dare say that Harry Potter readers are the new Invisbles, I am shocked.
Magic comes from belief. We have a pile of 10 year old who know about magic, and some even know about summoning (Pokemon).
It's all cultural programming. Some of these kids will go on to read Phillip Pullman (Yes, its another Kids book. It is very, very gnostic. Read the Dark Materials books when you need to kill time a long journey).
Some of these kids will pick up the invisibles or Promethea in 7 years time, and start walking down a rather entertaining path.
quote:(Didn't Grant lose his letters page due to commercial failings, share holder censorship)
Isn't this board a consequence? Whining about the "corporate circus" achieves nothing, it may be fun, but ultimately futile. Me? I'm interested in this Coca-Cola book scheme. No reason.
[ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: Formerly known as Mr E ]
[ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: Formerly known as Mr E ] |