Paleface has it right. A friend runs the local art theatre and happened across a print of the first film. He wanted to show it, but knowing the Dreamworks deal, he talked to a rep there who said in no uncertain terms there was no was my frind could legally run a print of the original. I don't have proper epithets to throw.
I've recently found that the remake was to be shot in Boston, until Sept 11 made Hollywood types not want to fly cross country. Had it been shot here, chances are I'd have worked on it, which has made me wonder about the ethical choice I would have been forced to make.
Zoom, if you have a PC or Mac that can play DVDs, you can order the UK disc, which is PAL but region-free, so any computer DVD playback will do the trick. Luminous, Poker and Diabolik are all good sources for this disc in the states. |