{{um, guess I should put a SPOILER WARNING, just in case anyone hasn't seen a 5 year old film which was on TV last night, but is still interested enough to want to read about it}}
Resurrecting this thread to say: so I guess I'm not the only one who saw Ring on TV last night?
Didn't think it was as scary as all that (I actually felt kind of sorry for Sadako - y'know, deformed devil child gets bashed on the head and flung down a well at an early age - you'd probably want to do some cursing too).
But, beneath the standard horror movie "yer gonna die" storyline, it did combine loads of GRRR-EEEAAT horror themes together in a fascinating way:
ancient evil moving through technology
dirty psychic resonances
grainy, mysterious, under-explained imagery ala Blair Witch Project
gutteral, inhuman dialects
"maybe her father .. wasn't human.."
Absolutely brilliant. As ever, I see heavy Lovecraft parallels. I look forward to watching the sequel, which I have on video but haven't watched yet..
And I think David Lynch should have words with whoever composed the music .. all that clattering and scraping .. absolutely perfect horror movie music.. |