Oy. Ok, this is really simple. Relate it back to music. I wouldn't expect anyone to have a complex ideological or lyrical debate around Van Halen. However, if someone WERE to disect the song 'Amsterdam' in terms of the limited lyrical analogue to 'a woman' going on within the song, I'd be asking them to talk about it in more exacting terms than 'this song sucks, huh huh'.
Chasing Amy is a romantic comedy, in my opinion. Nothing more, and nothing less. Smith has been forced to defend as more than this because of some of the setting of the story. He is not really equipped to do so, within the context of the film and without. If you want to discuss 'notions of virtual identity' in Sleepless In Seattle, we can do that too. Just don't hold Nora Ephron to account for an argument that YOU are placing around a relatively simplistic movie.
What I'm saying is that the sexual politics of Chasing Amy are not remotely the mostimportant thing about the movie. and, incidentally, decrying my point of view for asuming things about the director's intentions when all we're getting is snide comments about how he failed to live up to something that you're assuming he intended is just a ridiculous, and idiotic, argument. Join us in the real world for a moment? Thank you. We're talking about a little movie called Chasing Amy. Welcome.
My point about the Spectacle isn't just based in this thread. It's based in my observation that few seem prepared to actively and intelligently critique anything in this forum without resorting to the the tired and yet classic 'hey, it's my opinion, so , you know, back off' saw.
Fuck off. If you can't adequately explain why (for example) Dire Straits cannot be discussed in the same breath, let alone the same thread, as Tom Waits, then you really need not fucking bother throwing your rancid two cents into this conversation. There are B&B 'huh huh'/'sucks and rocks' message boards aching for your two dimensional input.
That's harsh and unfair, and intentionally so. Go to the Head Shop. Look around. Nothing but intelligent and articulate people discussing subjects that are worth caring about. Much like music, or mivies, forms of art and entertainment which I care very much about. I'm fed up of trying ot engage on this kind of topic and getting patronising bullshit and world weary instead of engagement on these subjects.
The Revolution threads don't often inspire me to comment, primarily because, as I can't quote theory, I feel I have little to contribute. That's my problem, no one else's. But I still read and understand what everyone else is observing and discussing. I'm not stupid, after all. Why can't we do that here? Because no one apart from a very few seem to feel it's worth bothering. We get lazy posts and unsubstantiated views here in the Spectacle. It seems movies nd music, especially, aren't worth a rational and coherent discussion. The nearest we've come recently is some Radiohead threads a good few weeks ago...
I'm not asking for much, I'm really not... |