Well... much as I enjoyed Chasing Amy, I think it's a bit hard to deny that the Alyssa character is gratuitously objectified.
The bit at the end where she gets sick of taking this crap and slaps Affleck ("I'm not your fucking whore") could be seen as a strangely meta (bear with me) admission that the film has been objectifying her throughout, were it not for the coda tacked on to reassure you that it's okay, she forgives him, maybe they'll even get back together...
See, this is why Smith pisses people off: when GLAAD accused his latest film of being offensive, part of his response was "me? homophobic? but I made Chasing Amy!" Now, one can argue that there is the occasional good point made about male homosocial relationships shading into homoeroticismn, and insecure homophobia on the part of Banky, etc etc. But these are outweighed by the seriously dodgy shit - like the scenewhere Alyssa is hangin' with her dykey friends (who just *happen* to look that bit more like what dykes are generally believed to look like than Alyssa does), and she tells them she's seeing a guy. Their response is shown to be highly intolerant, to make the point that those darn lesbians, they're just so bigotted in their own way, they don't understand that sometimes a woman just needs a bit of Affleck-cock.
And this is the other problem: there is a very real level on which this is a film that says "Hey guys! Aren't lesbians, like, cool! Shame we can't sleep with them. Except, if you tel one you love one enough, you can!"
(Before anyone starts, I'm sure you could make an intelligent, sensitive, challenging film you could make about two people falling in love despite what at least one of them thought their sexuality was - but this really isn't it).
I dunno. It's insidious. I think that's the word for it. |