quote:Originally posted by count adam:
Yahoo Serious, misguided though he may have been, made movies to be watched, not critiqued.Or enjoyed, really. I'd argue that even people who make selfconsciously chin-scratchy movies still have a vested interest in having them watched, too. You can't really critique it unless you watch it first, can you? quote:AND, as far as i know, he didn't attend Australia's film school, NIDA,NIDA's not just the film school, at least not in the same way that the US or elsewhere might have film-schools. As far as I can tell, there's a reasonable amount of non-NIDA talent treading the boards, some great, some shithouse. But maybe you just watched shitty movies in and of themselves.
Though nothing rescues anything with Paul Hogan in it. Who is decidedly non-NIDA. |