Right, all you "God, the episode where Buffy comes back is gonna suck" moaning minnies, I've just got off the phone to my brother and he's made a few predictions for the new series:
Possible Spoilers (I don't know for sure 'cause I don't want to check Tom's info for fear of ruining season 6 for myself)......
So...Buffy's dead and Willow's hardass magic dude....and she's been using loads of black magic...and summoning people back from the dead is as black as it comes. You're messing with the primal forces of life and death themselves and there's gonna be a price....
Can you see where this is leading, especially if Tom's assertion is correct and Willow is the baddie? Without checking up (which, as I've previously stated, I'm kinda loath to do), I would say that "Willow as baddie" is a pretty solid idea. It's time for an "inner" armageddon, as opposed to the "outer" armageddons that have defined and threatened the stability of the Buffyverse for the last 5 series.... So that's cool. But why does Willow turn evil? See above. She's messing with some powerful, dark shit at the moment, but what if she's involved with bringing Buffy back? Wouldn't that be the last straw? What kind of karmic debt would that incur? Maybe the episode where we all have a party 'cause "Buffy's alive!" will also be the episode where the rot takes hold and Willow loses it.
Whadya think? |