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17:08 / 11.07.01
Anybody watching the reruns of 'Buffy' this summer? Seeing them the second time around, knowing what's going to happen, etc, it's apparent how well they set everything up. And watching all the stuff w/ Ben, knowing who/what he is and what happens to him, he becomes this sad and kind of pathetic character, whereas during the initial run I just thought he was going to be Buffy's love interest or something. Man this is a great show.

Do they show reruns of US shows in the UK? Or is it a one shot deal w/ all the episodes?
Tom Coates
18:17 / 11.07.01
It depends what channel you're watching. Basically, BBC2 has the rights to show them terrestrially (ie. everyone has access) and I don't believe they're even at the beginning of season five yet. SKY on the other hand ran the whole series about the same time as it was in America, and at the moment they're doing 'request' evenings where people can ring up and vote for which episodes they'd like to see on a given evening.

Don't forget though, that we have the additional benefit of being able to buy all of the series on video. The first half of Season Five came out several weeks ago and the second half comes out in another few weeks time. So then we can watch them whenever we want.
22:49 / 11.07.01
Which excites me, and encourages much face mounting.

That's right.

The Return Of Rothkoid
22:49 / 11.07.01
...say the name...
mount the face
14:47 / 12.07.01


someone mounting the face
14:49 / 12.07.01
mountain face
14:51 / 12.07.01

By Paul McCartney.
14:53 / 12.07.01
It felt good.

Now let's talk Buffy.
07:59 / 13.07.01
I'm pissing meself laughing. You guys are great.
uncle retrospective
16:08 / 13.07.01
Er.. back on topic.

I'm looking forward to see S5 again.

I missed a few ep's and I missed the body.

I thought season 4 was crap till I watched it in one go and I'm hopeing S5 will shine on repeat viewing.
19:01 / 13.07.01
S4 gets a bad rap. I think it has the best Buffy episode in. The Gentlemen. Also S1 battle the big bad vampire, S2 boyfriend loses soul, S3 battle the big demon thing, all pretty much standard horror fare. S4 whilst comparison can be drawn with Frankenstein a half demon cyborg wants force demons and humans to fight so he can harvest the parts to make an army of half demon cyborgs like him! And Buffy handles it with the sid of some scary ritual magick. For the genre I think that's a damn good plot.
uncle retrospective
19:25 / 13.07.01
quote:Originally posted by reidcourchie:
For the genre I think that's a damn good plot.

Well it's the way you look at things I supose, I though Adam was just the boogy man for S4, he was just the arc bad guy cause Buffy has to have a bad guy. He wasn't important. The story was about the scoby gang falling apart, that's what made it so good for a horror series.

It's the way I didn't see the end of S5 coming, watching in on sky is a pain in the arse. I even missed "the body"

Oh how will they stop S6 sucking more that something that sucks a lot?
Tom Coates
19:44 / 13.07.01


possibly by having a powerful witch bring her back from the dead and turning to evil in the process?

[ 13-07-2001: Message edited by: Tom Coates ]
uncle retrospective
09:17 / 14.07.01
quote:Originally posted by Tom Coates:


possibly by having a powerful witch bring her back from the dead and turning to evil in the process?

I hope not. From what I've heard Buffy is the slayer and on the side of good. Not that I want to be spoiled now that I think about it. I recon it's going to be a Trektastic cop out. She fell into the other dimention, so she probably got copied and they have to go into that other dimention to get her back.

Christ maybe thats what the shite last two ep's of Angel S2 were for, to show that D hopping is possable...

God I hope not.
pantone 292
09:17 / 14.07.01
Originally posted by Tom Coates:

possibly by having a powerful witch bring her back from the dead and turning to evil in the process?

Dear Uncle, you are clearly overly centred upon the blonde one - I think Tom means







Willow the erstwhile Cute Gay Witch [as Deva has it] turning into Willow the Evil Unstoppable Perverted Witch from Hell...but what will she do with Tara?

[ 14-07-2001: Message edited by: Facteuze Blue-Stocking ]
Jack The Bodiless
10:05 / 14.07.01
Hang on, hang on... Tom, are you saying that it's possible that Willow will be the season six villain?

God I hope so. That's beautiful...
Tom Coates
10:26 / 14.07.01
I *might* be...
uncle retrospective
13:19 / 14.07.01
quote:Originally posted by Tom Coates:
I *might* be... I though Willow couldn't get any better.

Now as evil cute witch...

It's love I tells ya
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:35 / 14.07.01
That sounds fine and dandy to me as I already dread the suckjob episode that's going to have Buffy coming back from the dead anyway.

"Dear Joss Whedon....."
00:54 / 15.07.01
um... spoilers? (from Season Five)

quote:Originally posted by Jack The Bodiless:
Hang on, hang on... Tom, are you saying that it's possible that Willow will be the season six villain?

God I hope so. That's beautiful...

That would be so very NEAT!! I think someone else- I forget who, sorry, but I can look it up- suggested that the next logical upgrade in enemy would be the Powers that Be themselves. I'd prefer Willow. She did whip out that big scary book of magick that made her eyes get all inky, I've been figuring we've got to see some repercussions from that.

[ 16-07-2001: Message edited by: Mazarine ]
01:11 / 15.07.01
'I come here looking for money... and end up leaving with love...'


This has absolutely nothing to do with Buffy. I'm just mellow, pissed and frequenting the threads - and felt like bestowing a spot of Pet Shop Boys upon you, you lucky people. So there.

'You went away - and you made me feel better...'
Cat Chant
21:47 / 15.07.01
quote:Originally posted by Ganesh:
'I come here looking for money...

... got to have it...

and end up leaving with love...'


(I always wanted to be a backing singer...)

Ahem. Yes. I too fear Season 6 for the same reasons as Kali - but anything which delivers more plots centring around my beloved Willow the Cute Gay Witch can't be bad.
10:45 / 16.07.01
And I have yet to see the end of Series 5.

What have I
What have I
What Have I Done to Deserve This?
Jack The Bodiless
08:27 / 17.07.01
Oh. It's very good, you know.
01:50 / 18.07.01
SPOILERS (Season 5)









Didn't they kind of prefigure Buffy coming back "bad" with the episode after Joyce kicks the bucket? Having seen that, and feeling that kind of spooky nastiness (always so much better when you don't actually see it), the effect could really be played up in Series 6.
Woo-hoo! Buffy's back... and this time... she's baaaaad.
11:25 / 18.07.01
The UPN (the network the show's moving to in the US) is saying that 'Buffy' will be 'reborn' on Oct 9 in its promos for the show. They're saying 'reborn', and not 'resurrected'. Sure that's just a marketing thing, but reincarnation of some sort would be interesting. Obviously reading too much into the little 15 second ad or whatever, but still.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:50 / 18.07.01
Until any grains of interest concerning the Slayer's "rebirth/resurrection/what-the-fuck-ever" come my way and I don't retch at the sheer stupidity of it, then I won't think about the show.
17:29 / 22.08.01
Watched all of season 5 yesterday.

"The Body" is fucking excellent. I've rarely seen death dealt with so well by popular entertainment. It didn't diminish or glamourize the subject at all.

Fuck "adult" televion and fuck "high art". Buffy's more sophisticated, it's characters more emotionally complex and, contrary to Cameron Stewart's emissions, its script is tighter than a million BBC Dramas.
06:05 / 25.08.01
just a small side note

because of duties for rehersal of a play last spring/early summer... i missed last 4 eps.] grrr

however i found that one of my actors in the show i am doign now, his friend's uncle is Hannigan 's dad..and she's really gay in real life. somehow that makes it all the more swell.
pantone 292
17:52 / 25.08.01
so why o why, and, yea, why again, is the cute gay witch doing these bonnie langford does diesel photo shoots?
18:40 / 25.08.01
quote:Originally posted by Grendix:
just a small side note
she's really gay in real life. somehow that makes it all the more swell.

Is she? I thought she was dating the guy who plays Wesley on Angel, which is just a weird image.
Mordant Carnival
20:31 / 25.08.01
quote:Originally posted by Grendix:

she's really gay in real life. somehow that makes it all the more swell.

Yes, Virginia- there IS a Santa Claus.
13:32 / 26.08.01
Right, all you "God, the episode where Buffy comes back is gonna suck" moaning minnies, I've just got off the phone to my brother and he's made a few predictions for the new series:

Possible Spoilers (I don't know for sure 'cause I don't want to check Tom's info for fear of ruining season 6 for myself)......

So...Buffy's dead and Willow's hardass magic dude....and she's been using loads of black magic...and summoning people back from the dead is as black as it comes. You're messing with the primal forces of life and death themselves and there's gonna be a price....

Can you see where this is leading, especially if Tom's assertion is correct and Willow is the baddie? Without checking up (which, as I've previously stated, I'm kinda loath to do), I would say that "Willow as baddie" is a pretty solid idea. It's time for an "inner" armageddon, as opposed to the "outer" armageddons that have defined and threatened the stability of the Buffyverse for the last 5 series.... So that's cool. But why does Willow turn evil? See above. She's messing with some powerful, dark shit at the moment, but what if she's involved with bringing Buffy back? Wouldn't that be the last straw? What kind of karmic debt would that incur? Maybe the episode where we all have a party 'cause "Buffy's alive!" will also be the episode where the rot takes hold and Willow loses it.

Whadya think?
21:28 / 26.08.01

Couldn't contain myself: just checked all the spoilers at AICN and other places. So, I'm sort've right. Willow will turn, but not straight away. I'm not sure if the resurrection ritual will be the straw that broke the camels back, however. Good to hear the stuff about Buffy and Spike. Huzzah.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:52 / 28.08.01
quote:Originally posted by runt:
Good to hear the stuff about Buffy and Spike. Huzzah.

What stuff? I'm sure I remember reading one of the writers suggesting that Spike might become the "bad boyfriend" character, who Buffy ends up with because he can empathise with being dead and the sex is great, but is any of this confirmed?

Must... have... spoilers...

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